News: One Teen Story Pays $500 Per Story

One Teen Story is calling for submissions of short stories. They pay $500 per story, and you’ll also get 25 free copies of the issue you’re published in.

They want stories about the teen experience. They have a teen audience. So, think “young adult.”

They’re a very cool publication that any writer should be proud to be published in. They’re published by a non-profit organization, and they seem to treat their writers very respectfully.

According to their website:

One Teen Story is offering $500 and 25 contributor copies for first North American serial rights. All rights will revert to the author upon publication.”

They have published many well known writers, including Gail Forman, author of the breakaway bestseller, If I Stay. Expect the competition to be high with this publication, so be sure to send them your very best work. And remember, if they reject you, you’re not alone. But also remember, if they send you personal feedback, it is a very, very good sign. Personalized feedback from any publication is a sign that they strongly considered publishing your work. In these cases, you should probably send them more.

To learn more, and to submit your story, be sure to visit their website.



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