The Binge Watching Cure: $500 for Short Stories

The Binge Watching Cure, a forthcoming anthology to be published in 2017, is currently seeking submissions of short stories. They pay $200 for short stories under 5,000 words, and $500 for stories that are longer.

They want stories of nearly every length, from 100 words, to 25,000 words.

According to their website:

“The Binge-Watching Cure will be an anthology of short stories of increasing size. The first story will be 100 words—anyone can read that. The next, 200 words. Then 500, then longer, all the way to novella length. By the time you’ve finished reading The Binge-Watching Cure, you’ll be able to tackle Joyce and Pynchon. Or at the very least, you’ll enjoy novels you hear about from friends and family. The Binge-Watching Cure will reignite your love for reading; it will better your life.”

The deadline for submission is December 31st, 2016. However, the anthology is slowing getting filled, so don’t delay.

To learn more, visit their submission guidelines.


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