13 Magazines that Pay $200 Per Article for Outdoor & Wildlife Writing

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The following is a list of magazines with a focus on the outdoors, nature, and the environment. All of these magazines accept pitches and/or submissions from freelance writes. All of them pay up to $200 or more for the articles they publish. –– Tatiana Claudy

South Caroline Wildlife is a bi-monthly magazine published by South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Editors look for articles on conservation of natural resources and wild life, outdoor activities, and other “subjects on a national level of interest to outdoor-oriented readers anywhere.”

Editors buy the First North America serial rights.

Payment is $0.20 per word for 500-2,000-word articles. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: http://www.scwildlife.com/writersphotographers.html

REPTILESis a bi-monthly magazine aimed at all levels of reptile and amphibian enthusiasts. Editors look only for original articles on care and husbandry of the animals in captivity, animals’ health, and conservation efforts made of behalf of reptiles around the world.

Payment is $300 for a 2,000-2,500-word article with photos. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: http://www.reptilesmagazine.com/Submit-A-Picture-or-Story-to-Reptile-Magazine/Writers-Guidelines/


Creation Illustrated is a quarterly Christian magazine looking for high-quality articles that “bring glory to God through the wonders of His creation.” Writers are encouraged to submit their high-quality photos to accompany their articles (payment for photos starts at $10).

The editors buy the First North America serial rights, Archival Rights, and Internet Duplication of the Magazine in Digital and/or PDF Formats.

Payment is $100 for a 1,500-word article, and $75 for a 1,000-word article. To learn more, read their submissions guidelines: http://www.creationillustrated.com/writer–photographer-guidelines


Sierra magazine is the storytelling arm of the Sierra Club, the United States’ oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental group.” Editors look for articles on outdoor adventure and green living with reporting about threats to the environment. Adventure-travel articles that include personal experiences, scientific discoveries, and ecological insights are welcomed. Successful queries will demonstrate an understanding of the Sierra Club’s motto, “Explore, enjoy, and protect the planet.”

Payment starts at $1/word for 2,000-4,000-word features; payment is $250-$1,000 for 250-1,000-word departments’ articles. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/editorial-guidelines.


Coastal Review Online is a daily online publication published by the N.C. Coastal Federation. It covers environmental and conservation events and issues along the N.C. coast, the history and culture of the coast, “green” travel stories, and profiles of noteworthy people.

Editors buy first-time serial rights (including the right to publish the material on the CRO website and archive the material indefinitely on the site).

Payment is $75-$200 for 800-2,000-word articles. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: https://www.coastalreview.org/about/submissions/write-cro/



RANGE magazine is a quarterly publication covering issues threatening the West – its

people, lands, and wildlife. The publication “portrays ‘The Cowboy Spirit on America’s Outback’.” Editors look for stories about successful working family ranches, profiles of working sheepherders and cowboys, and interviews with environmentalists and government employees who have made a positive impact on people in the West.

Editors buy the First North America serial rights.


Payment is $50-$400 per article. Regular features are 1,200-2,000 words; mini-features are 600-1,200 words, and columns are 500-600 words. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: http://www.rangemagazine.com/guidelines/index.htm

Northern Woodlands is a quarterly magazine publishing articles that aim at conservation-minded people. Topics include all aspects of the Northeast’s forests: wildlife species, woodworking, natural landscapes, and woodlot management. It is not a trade magazine for the forest products or an environmental advocacy publication. “We like to surprise our readers with stories they won’t find anywhere else,” declare editors in their guidelines.

Payment is $0.10 per word for writers new to the magazine (payment may increase for established/experienced writers). Feature articles are 1,000-3,000 words. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: https://northernwoodlands.org/issues/writers-photographers


Dear & Dear Hunting is a specialized magazine (published 8 times per year) offering practical information about white-tailed deer and deer hunting techniques. Its readership includes people hunting with bow, gun, or camera. Editors look for articles on “white-tailed deer biology and behavior, management principles and practices, habitat requirements, natural history of deer, hunting techniques and hunting ethics.”

Payment is $150-$600 for 1,000-2,000 word articles and $25-$250 for “Deer Browse” department (200-500 words). To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/editorial.


WCT Magazine is a bimonthly magazine aimed at Wildlife Control Operators (WCOs) working in the wildlife damage control field. Editors are looking for articles on all aspects of wildlife damage control work, how-to methods on trapping of nuisance species, public relations and business. “Our primary need is for specific, practical information that our readers can apply to their own businesses,” share editors in their guidelines.

Editors buy all rights.

Payment starts at $200 for features (1,200-1,500 words) with good photo support. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: http://www.wctmagazine.com/files/WriterGuidelines.pdf.


High Country News magazine is a non-profit publication (22 issues per year) presenting “the ongoing story of the modern American West through coverage of its environment, natural resources …in the belief that the West holds lessons of national and global importance.” Editors are looking for “sophisticated storytelling” that studies people and landscapes across 11 states (Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming) and also in Alaska and the High Plains.

Payment is $0.50 -$1.50 per word for 800- 2,800-word articles. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: https://www.hcn.org/about/submissions

YAM is a bi-monthly Victoria’s lifestyle magazine that “celebrates the unique personalities, trends and tastes that make Greater Victoria such a desirable place in which to live.” Its content includes all aspects of lifestyle: home and garden, experiential travel, arts and culture, food and wine, and health and fitness.

Payment is $0.40 per word for 1,200-3,000 word features. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: https://www.pageonepublishing.ca/handsomehank/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/YAM-Submission-Guidelines-1.pdf?x37414

Outdoor California magazine is part of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Editors are looking for “the best in both writing and photography” – articles focusing on CDFW efforts to protect and preserve the state’s natural resources and the wild life.

Payment is $250-$1,000 for 500-2,000-word articles. To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Publications/Outdoor-California/Submission-Guidelines


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