Wanted: Case Studies of Successfully Getting Gigs as a Freelance Writer
I’m looking for a clear case-studies, well-grounded in actual events, so other writers can look at what happened and think about how to adapt it for their own purposes. Note, I don’t just want your experience of getting your first client; I am looking for case studies from a wide range of stages in writing careers.
The case study must include the actual pitch that landed the gig, or direct quotes from the actual conversation (etc). (Anonymized versions are fine.), and exact amount of money earned.
The case studies can be either for getting private clients, or publications in magazines or blogs. They should be in first person, told as a narrative.
Payment starts at $50 per case study. We will also provide a bio and a link to your website.
These case studies will be published on our website, and also compiled into an ebook, similar to The Case Study Guide to Freelance Writing.
Query first. Include a brief description of your case study, including dollar amounts earned, and whether you can include the actual pitch sent (anonymized is fine), and/or clear descriptions of actual interactions that landed the gig.
Send all queries to: submissions@freedomwithwriting.com