10 Short Story Publishers Paying $150 Per Story

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Several literary magazines that accept fiction have opened for submissions in September. Many of them also publish other genres, like non-fiction, including reviews, poetry, scripts, and graphic novel form. They pay up to $150, and some pay considerably more. – S. Kalekar
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores
They publish work in science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and graphic novel story form. They care about character, plot, ideas, and storytelling ability. They accept both serious and humorous work. They accept fiction and fact-based articles, as well as reviews, and poetry. They also accept reprints. See guidelines for hard sells, and the tropes they do not accept.
Deadline: 28 September 2019
Length: Anywhere from 1,000 words up, but shorter pieces will be favored
Pay: $0.06/word for fiction, $0.02-$0.06/word for fact-based work
Details here.
The Southern Review
This literary magazine accepts fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and translations in all genres. Submissions are charged, but they waive the service charge for online submissions of translations during September, in celebration of National Translation Month.
Deadline: 30 September for fee-free translation submissions; 1 December 2019 for fiction and non-fiction, 1 January 2020 for poetry and translations (all charged)
Length: Up to 8,000 words for prose, up to 5 poems
Pay: $50 for the first page, $25 for each subsequent page, up to $200
Details here.
Translunar Travelers Lounge
The editors of this speculative fiction magazine want stories that are “fun”. Their guidelines say, “A fun story, at its core, is one that works on the premise that things aren’t all bad; that ultimately, good wins out. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your story has to be silly or lighthearted (though it certainly can be).” Also, “Swashbuckling adventure, deadly intrigue, and gleeful romance are some of the most obvious examples of what we’re looking for, but we won’t say no to more subtle or complicated topics, as long as they fit under the wider “fun” umbrella.” They are enthusiastic about characters of all genders and sexualities or lack thereof, settings in non-Western cultures, friendship, happy marriages, stories that pass the Bechdel test and/or the Mako Mori test, Afrofuturism, neurodivergent characters, and characters with disabilities.
Deadline: 15 October 2019
Length: Up to 5,000 words
Pay: $0.03/word ($20 minimum)
Details here.
Ninth Letter
This literary magazine is now open for fiction, non-fiction and poetry for its print and online edition submissions. They also accept translated works. The print edition is unthemed, and for the online edition, they want stories on the theme of Borderlessness. They want work that experiments with form, narrative, and non-traditional subject matter, as well as more traditional literary work.
Deadline: 3 November 2019 for Web, 30 November 2019 for print
Length: Up to 3,500 words, 3 poems for online edition; up to 8,000 words for prose, 3-6 poems for print
Pay: $25/page for print, up to $150; $75 for online prose, $25 for poetry
Details here.
The Fiddlehead
This Canadian magazine opened for submissions on 15 September. They are open to good writing in English or translations into English from all over the world and in a variety of styles, including experimental genres. They read short fiction, excerpts from novels, creative non-fiction, and poetry. The Fiddlehead also publishes reviews, and occasionally other selected creative work such as excerpts from plays. The deadline is for Submittable submissions; mailed submissions are accepted year-round.
Deadline: 30 November 2019 (for Submittable)
Length: Up to 6,000 words for fiction or creative non-fiction, up to six poems
Pay: CAD60/page; CAD40/page for reviews
Details here.
The Iowa Review
This prestigious literary magazine accepts poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and translations. There is no fee for mailed submissions.
Deadline: 30 November 2019
Length: 25 pages for prose, 8 pages for poetry (query for longer poems)
Pay: $0.08/word for prose ($100 minimum), $1.50/line for poetry ($40 minimum)
Details here.
Copper Nickel
­­­­­This prestigious literary journal publishes poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and translation folios. They publish work by both US-based and overseas writers, though for the latter, payments are subject to a 30% tax which is withheld at the front end. Their submission system can only accept 1,800 submissions per month during a reading period.
Deadline: 15 December 2019
Length: No length guidelines for fiction and non-fiction; 4-6 poems
Pay: $30/page; $500 each in Editors’ Prizes for a poetry and a prose submission in each issue
Details here.
The Cincinnati Review
This literary magazine welcomes work from writers at any point in their careers. They publish fiction, literary non-fiction, poetry, poetry translations, and art. Query for drama submissions. There is also a weekly online Flash feature called miCRo, though authors of this feature are not paid cash. They accept online submissions only, except from writers with disabilities or those who are incarcerated. They also accept artwork. Scroll to the end of the page for editor preferences in fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
Deadline: 1 March 2020
Length: Fiction can be up to 40 pages, non-fiction up to 20 pages, and five poems
Pay: $25/page for prose in the journal, $30/page for poetry
Details here.
Grain Magazine
This literary magazine accepts work from Canadian and other writers around the world. They publish fiction, literary non-fiction, and poetry that is “engaging, surprising, eclectic, and challenging”, according to their guidelines. Queries for submissions of work in other forms (i.e. short plays, comics, etc.) are welcome. They also pay for visual art.
Deadline: 15 May 2020
Length: Up to 3,500 words for prose; up to 6 pages for poetry
Pay: CAD50/page, up to CAD250
Details here.
This well-regarded literary journal accepts fiction, poetry, non-fiction, essays, and translations. They do not publish genre romance, horror, mystery, or science fiction, but are open to writing that borrows elements from any of these. They also read excerpts if these read as if meant to stand alone. All submissions will be considered for print and online publishing.
Deadline: 31 May 2020
Length: No word limit for prose; up to five poems
Pay: $10/page of prose, $20/page of poetry (up to $150)
Details here.


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