Publishing News: 16 Editors & Publishers Calling for Pitches

Here’s the latest news and reserach we’ve dug up from the world of publishing.

We’ve researched payment rates and found submission guidelines where available.

Much of these listings are from recent announcements and posts directly from editors seeking submissions.

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Thanks to Fatima Saif for her research.

If you don’t know how to get started as a freelance writer, your next step is to watch this free webinar.

This Magazine is seeking pitches for features. They want reported pieces or personal essays. They will give priority to stories that have a national angle or are about an underrepresented area. They only publish Canadian residents. According to payment reports, they pay an average of $0.07 per word. For details, refer to this Twitter post and this page.

Mic is seeking pitches on anything related to sustainability/technology/environment. They are “particularly looking for timely pieces on how coronavirus intersects with those things.” According to one payment report, they paid $0.13 per word. Writers can DM the editor or email him at Learn more about how to contact them here. Read their editor’s Twitter post here.

The senior editor of Vice is accepting coronavirus/economy pitches. According to payment reports, they pay an average of $0.25 per word. The pitches should be sent to To read their senior editor’s Twitter post, visit this link. To contact them and to learn how to pitch them, visit this link.

This April, Lady Science is launching a new series on food. They are seeking “pitches that dive into the various intersections of food, gender, and the history of science.” They pay $100 for 1,000 words. Writers should send pitches to and put “FOOD SERIES” in email subject line. For details, read this Twitter thread and this page.

Deadline: March 15th, 2020

The TV editor of Digital Spy is “always on the hunt for writers with interesting and authentic takes and opinions on new and upcoming shows.” At the moment, their TV editor is particularly interested in these shows: Noughts + Crosses, Queen Sono, and Elite. According to one payment report, they paid £60 for a TV review of 350-500 words. For details, refer to this Twitter post. To contact them, visit this page.  

Popular Mechanics is seeking “feature pitches that combine science and adventure.” Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.40 per word. For details, refer to their features director’s Twitter post. To learn more about them, refer to this page.

AreWeEurope is commissioning pitches for feature articles (1,500 to 2,000 words) for their next issue: Democracy. They “want critical and original takes on the state of democracy in Europe.” According to payment reports, they pay an average of $0.07 per word. To learn more, refer to this page.

Deadline: March 18th, 2020

The New York Times is looking for op-ed pitches. Their op-ed essays are typically 400 to 1,200 words long. To learn more, refer to their editor’s Twitter post and this page.

Rooted in Rights Blog is calling for blog pitches. They “want to cover what’s missing from mainstream media coverage related to COVID-19 / coronavirus. Where are the perspectives from disabled and chronically ill people?” They pay on a sliding scale, with the minimum payment being $100. For details, visit this page.  

Logic is a magazine about technology and society. They are looking for reported articles, features, essays, and profiles for their next theme, Care. The “issue will look at technologies that are changing how we give and receive care—and the care that our machines themselves need.” “Topics might include: healthcare, elder care, childcare, and other headaches; the apps that claim to provide and cure them; emotional labor; outrage and indifference; anxiety disorders; maintenance; repair work; corporate responsibility; robot shrinks and child safety settings; content moderation.” Payment: $150 for shorter essays (1,000 to 1,200 words) and $400 for longer features (2,000 to 3,000 words and above). Details here.

Deadline: April 1st, 2020

The Drive is seeking freelance story pitches. On the automotive side of things, they are grouping their coverage into three primary areas: motoring, technology, and culture. It may help writers to keep their ideas in those general lanes. Their rates for freelance stories start at around $500. To pitch, refer to this page.

Rewire.News is seeking pitches for this Women’s History Month. They want pitches that “explore history, gender, sex, reproductive health, rights, and justice, + any and all intersections of these subjects.” They typically pay $250 to $300. Writers can DM their assignment editor or email her at Read their assignment editor’s Twitter post here. Read their pitching guidelines here.

Business Insider’s personal finance editor is “looking for stories on life/disability insurance, using high-yield savings accounts, retirement savings & refinancing loans” They usually pay $200 for stories. Writers can send pitches to To learn more, refer to this Twitter post. To contact them, visit this page.

JSTOR Daily is “looking to expand its stable of regular bloggers to promote scholarship in an accessible, smart, quirky way.” Payment varies depending on the type of contract i.e. trial or regular. Payment for new writers (with no experience) is $50-$60 for a 500-word blog post. For details, read their associate editor’s Twitter post. Read their submission guidelines here.

The California Sunday Magazine is a general interest publication covering the areas of “California, the West, Asia, and Latin America, telling stories for a national audience.” Their co-founder and editor-in-chief is looking to assign a bunch of features in the weeks ahead. They generally pay $1 to $2 per word. For details, refer to this Twitter post and this page. Read their magazine here.

The managing editor of The Temper is accepting pitches before she goes on maternity leave in a month. They are “especially looking for stories surrounding being LGBTQIA+ in recovery and mental health & sobriety.” They typically pay $100 per story. For details, refer to this Twitter post and this page.


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