4 Greeting Card Companies Accepting Submissions

If you’re interested in writing greeting cards, here are companies that accept online submissions. It is not a comprehensive list, but it is enough to get you started.

1. JQ Greetings

From their guidelines: We accept art and writing (verse) submissions through mail and e-mail. Please clearly label all submissions with your contact information, including name, address and phone number. Please do not send any art submissions that are not available for card use. We do NOT accept original artwork of any kind and do NOT return any submissions.

All images will be reviewed by Jon Q Wright and creative staff. If the submission meets our needs we will contact you and check on the availability of the image(s). We will then discuss contractual art licensing terms and writer fee options. JQ Greetings is not responsible for the loss or damage of any submission.

2. Submit Funny Stuff

From their guidelines: We are on the verge of an abundant increase in our Greeting Card line.  We are looking primarily for birthday greeting cards with the themes of Over the Hill, Attitude and Humor. We are only accepting new and original submissions, so please do not submit previously submitted material. Below you will see the last 12 styles of cards we have accepted for production. (See the site) Please use this as a guideline for the quality of content we desire. Thank you for all your time and contributions.

3. Ephemera

From their guidelines: MAKE US LAUGH OUT LOUD! We’re looking for satirical slogans about pop culture, politics & the president, job attitudes, women’s & men’s issues, coffee, booze, pot, drugs, religion, food, aging, teens, gays & lesbians, sexual come-ons & put-downs. But please don’t limit yourself to these topics. Surprise us!

4. Blue Mountain Arts

Blue Mountain Arts is interested in reviewing writings that would be appropriate for publication on our greeting cards. We are looking for highly original and creative submissions on love, friendship, family, philosophies, and any other topic that one person might want to share with another. Please note that we do not accept rhyming poetry. To request a copy of our writer’s guidelines, please send a blank email to writings@sps.com with “Send Me Guidelines” in the subject line.


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