10 Calls for Short Stories Paying $50 to $200

These markets pay $50 to about $200 for fiction. Some of them also publish other genres like creative non-fiction, articles, and poetry. Also see this list of fiction markets paying $100-300; deadlines are approaching quickly. – S. Kalekar

The Suburban Review: Detritus
This is an Australian quarterly digital journal and they accept work from around the world. They are currently reading fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and comics on the Detritus theme.
Deadline: 18 April 2019
Length: 500-2,500 words for prose, up to three poems
Pay: AUD75-150 for prose and poetry, AUD100-200 for comics
Details here.

The Overcast
This is a speculative fiction podcast. Their guidelines say, “We are interested in speculative fiction, whatever that means to you, be it Science Fiction, Fantasy, Steampunk, Magical Realism, Slipstream, or an as-yet-unnamed genre.  Anything that looks at the world and life from an unexpected angle.” Roughly half the stories they publish are from writers in the Pacific Northwest, and the rest are from around the world. They welcome reprints that have not been previously produced in an audio format. This is not a market for horror, fan fiction, or “Generic settings or characters we’ve seen a million times before (lithe elves, dour dwarves, charming vampires, etc.)”
Deadline: 30 April 2019
Length: 1,000-5,000 words (2,000-3,000 is the sweet spot)
Pay: $0.01/word, $20 for stories under 2,000 words
Details here.

Mud Season Review
This literary journal reads fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. For fiction their guidelines say, “We are looking for fully realized stories that remind us of what it means to be human, that take risks, that show us something new, and that stand up over multiple reads, deepening with each encounter.” They are currently open to fee-free fiction and poetry submissions (paid submissions are also open, including for non-fiction). They may close a reading period early by genre if volume demands.
Deadline: 1 May 2019
Length: 6,000 words for fiction, 3-5 poems (up to 10 pages)
Pay: $50
Details here.

The Antioch Review
This literary magazine publishes fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. They rarely publish translations of well-known or new foreign writers. They publish a chapter of a novel, but only if it can be read complete in itself as a short story. They accept mailed submissions only.
Deadline: 31 May 2019 for fiction and non-fiction (postmarked)
Length: Up to 5,000 words preferred, will read no more than 8,000 words; 3-6 poems
Pay: $20/page (about 425 words)
Details here.

Necro Publications: Blasphemous Rumours
This is a religious horror anthology. They want “dark short stories that focus on religion and spirituality, stories that may be considered blasphemous by the standards of your religion of choice. We are looking for quality dark fiction, not hate-filled rants against religion.”
Deadline: 31 July 2019
Length: Up to 5,000 words
Pay: $0.03/word
Details here.

Broken Pencil
This is a Canadian publication of zine culture and independent arts. They are currently open for fiction submissions via Submittable, and for pitches and nonfiction via email.
Deadline: 15 September 2019 for fiction
Length: Up to 3,000 words for fiction
Pay: CAD50-100 for fiction, CAD30-300 for articles
Details here.

The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Volume V
The editor wants any variation on the theme. They have stories on the other four volumes on their website so writers can get a feel of the kind of writing they prefer.
Deadline: 15 October 2019
Length: 5,000-10,000 words
Pay: AUD75
Details here.

This is an online science fiction and fantasy magazine and they publish one story a month. Some of their stories have been nominated for the Nebula awards, and they were also a Hugo award finalist.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: 5,000-25,000 words
Pay: $100
Details here.

This Welsh magazine accepts fiction, poetry, as well as pitches for articles.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: 1,500-2,500 words for fiction; 4-6 poems
Pay: £45 per 1000 words for prose (or part thereof), £30 per poem
Details here.

The Offing
This online magazine publishes creative writing in all genres and art in all media. They want work that “challenges, experiments, provokes – work that pushes literary and artistic forms and conventions.” They are currently open for fiction, Micro (10-560 character work, including spaces, in any genre), translations, and several other columns. There is no reading fee in 2019.
Deadline: Open now
Length: No length restrictions for fiction
Pay: $20-60
Details here and here.


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