10 Feminist Magazines & Websites that Pay Writers

Here are 10 feminist publications that pay for articles from freelance writers. These publications cover a wide variety of topics, all from a feminist lens.

We’ve researched information and editorial contact information, to make it easy for you to connect with the right opportunity for you.

As always, be sure to carefully study the publication before sending them a pitch, to make sure that you’re meeting their needs.

  1. Unearth Women is a women-founded travel publication with a mission to lift women’s voices and show travelers how to support women worldwide. Word length for their digital stories is 800 to 2000 words. They pay $125 to $250 per article depending on the story length and experience of the writer. To learn more, read their writer’s guidelines. Watch an hour-long discussion with the editor here.
  2. The Femedic seeks pitches from writers with specialty knowledge in women’s health. They are particularly interested in articles about at-risk individuals, such as AME women, trans women, sex workers, and others. Word count is 700-900 words. For features they pay £150 and for essays they pay £100. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  3. Lux is a socialist feminist magazine for the masses. They welcome pitches from both new and established writers. They usually pay $1.00/word for reported features and $0.50/word for most other things. Pitches should be sent to pitches@lux-magazine.com. To learn more, refer to this page.
  4. Dilettante Army is an online journal dedicated to art writing, visual culture, and feminism. It is published quarterly, and each issue has a theme. Word length for others vary but for essays the average length is 4000 words. They pay a flat fee of $500 per article. To learn more, visit this page.
  5. The Fuller Project is a global nonprofit newsroom that reports on issues affecting women in the US and abroad. They raise awareness, expose injustices, and spur accountability. They are always seeking stories on issues that affect women in the US and globally. According to payment reports, they pay $1 per word. If interested, send your pitches to pitch@fullerproject.org. To learn more, refer to their pitch guide.
  6. Liber is a feminist magazine focused on feminist writing, culture, theory, and history. They accept reviews and essays on upcoming books of all genres, along with poetry, comics, personal or hybrid essays, photo essays, and long-form features related to feminist history and publishing. Reviews range from 1,000 to 2,000 words, and features average 2,000 to 4,000 words. They pay $100 per book review, $50 per poem, and $100-$300 for features based on length and complexity. To learn more, read their pitching guidelines.
  7. Unbias the News is “a feminist cross-border newsroom that actively fights against the perpetuation of racist, sexist, and ableist stereotypes.” According to their editor-in-chief, they pay a flat rate of €500 for reported pieces and €250 for personal narratives/opinions. They accept pitches at pitch@unbiasthenews.org. To learn more about them, refer to this page.
  8. The Flock is a digital space for “smart, enquiring women who want to lead a good life.” They publish news, views, and interviews from a feminist and conscious perspective. They pay £100 per feature. If interested, email your submissions to hello@flockmag.com. To contact them, refer to this page.
  9. Polyester is an intersectional feminist fashion and culture zine. The Dollhouse, their digital membership platform, releases weekly creative content including personal essays, creative writing, researched features, art, and photography. According to their editor, they pay £50 for 1,000 words. To learn how to contribute, refer to this page.
  10. Anime Feminist publishes articles based on ‘feminist critique’ and ‘diverse opinions’ combined with Anime, Manga and other forms of Japanese Pop Culture. Your proposals should fit into one of the following categories: Analysis (Features), Creator Spotlight, Interview, History, My Fave is Problematic, Perspectives, Versus. They encourage pitches from contributors aged 21 or older. Word count is between 1,200 and 2,000 words.  They pay $75 per article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  11. Looking for more? Check this out: 25 Feminist Magazines & Websites that Pay Writers

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