10 Fiction Magazines Paying $50 to $480


These magazines pay $50 to $480 for fiction. A few also accept other genres, like non-fiction and poetry. They’re open now, or will open shortly. Deadlines are approaching quickly for some magazines. – S. Kalekar

Mud Season Review

They publish fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. For fiction, “We are looking for fully realized stories that remind us of what it means to be human, that take risks, that show us something new, and that stand up over multiple reads, deepening with each encounter.” Please note, they may close submissions early if volume demands.
Deadline: 30 June 2023, or until filled
Length: Up to 6,000 words for prose, 3-5 poems
Pay: $50; and $15 for poets and artists whose work appears in The Take: Mud Season Review
Details here and here.


The Capilano Review

This is a Canadian magazine. Their website says, “We welcome submissions of boundary-pushing, innovative writing across a variety of genres and forms, including but not limited to: poetry, experimental fiction, personal/poetic essay, creative nonfiction, and hybrid forms.
Writers are also welcome to pitch ideas for long-form critical essays (1500-2500 words) on contemporary art or artists, ideas for our online see to see section—reviews of recent or forthcoming literary/art books (500 words)—and ideas for feature interviews with Canadian authors and artists that may be of interest to our readership.”
Deadline: 30 June 2023
Length: Up to 6 pages
Pay: CAD50/page for poetry and prose; CAD200-500 for commissioned interviews and critical text
Details here.

Grimscribe Press: Vastarien

They want literary horror fiction on Ligottian and/or related themes, related non-fiction, and poetry.
Deadline: 30 June 2023
Length: 750-6,000 words for fiction, 2,000-7,500 words for non-fiction, up to 5 poems
Pay: $0.05/word for prose, up to 5 poems
Details here, here, and here.


Lightspeed publishes science fiction and fantasy, and translated works. They have very brief submission windows. They are open for fantasy flash fiction
from BIPOC writers only until 30th June, and submissions for all writers in this genre will be open during 1st to 7th July 2023.
Reading periods: See above
Length: Up to 1,500 words for flash fiction
Pay: $0.08/word
Details here.

Flame Tree Publishing: Two anthologies

Flame Tree Publishing is accepting submissions for two speculative fiction anthologies; Learning to be Human, and Shadows on the Water.

— Learning to be Human:

They want science fiction, folklore, and myth stories. “Machine learning, AI and large language models tell us that the future is with us now. This thrilling collection of science fiction stories gathers the fears and opportunities prompted by responsive chatbots to reveal the struggles of the Machine Age, affecting both humanity and artificial intelligence. With stories from open submissions and classic tales we examine the interplay between automation, humankind, and what it is to be human. The stories encourage us to think of human and machine development in the same terms: what is it like to emerge from childhood as an adult? What was it like to be at the mercy of elemental forces in ancient times? Are we truly in control of our climate now? Are machines the future, or a dangerous distraction? Are thinking machines inevitable?” They also accept reprints.
Deadline: 2 July 2023
Length: 2,000-4,000 words (see guidelines)
Pay: $0.08/word
Details here.

Shadows on the Water:

They want dark fantasy, folklore, and myth. “A wonderful new book with short stories from open submissions and a curated selection of ancient myths and folk tales from Polynesia, Scotland, the Ancient Greeks and tales from the high sea. The mysteries of the rivers, the secrets of the lochs, the whispers across the vast stretches of the ocean, there are so many stories from the beginnings of civilisation, through myth and folklore, to the dark fantasies, and supernatural tales of the modern storyteller. The treasures under the sea, the siren call of the mermaid, the liberating spirits of the fountains and waterfalls, all feature here alongside iconic stories of creation, ancestor worship and the seductive shadows across the waters of life.” They also accept reprints.
Deadline: 2 July 2023
Length: 2,000-4,000 words (see guidelines)
Pay: $0.08/word
Details here.

(Another themed fiction anthology open now is Make Your Presence Known: Stories of Seances, Conjuring, and Mediumship by Off Limits Press. They pay $0.04/word for stories of 1,500 and 5,000 words, and the deadline is 30 June 2023. Please note, though, the anthology will be published only if their Kickstarter is funded.)

Cosmic Horror Monthly

They publish horror and weird fiction, related non-fiction, and artwork. They want cosmic horror, Lovecraftian, and weird fiction. “At this time, we are strongly favoring stories with a contemporary narrative style. Lovecraftian themes and mythos works are welcomed but try to avoid Lovecraft pastiche and styles mimicking that of his writer circle from the early 20th century. In terms of style, we are fans of Laird Barron, John Langan, Mike Allen, Hailey Piper, Brian Evenson, Thomas Ligotti, Jon Padgett, Gemma Files, Nicole Cushing, and more.”
Reading period: 1st to 7th July 2023
Length: Up to 5,000 words
Pay: $0.03/word, up to $150.
Details here.

Diet Milk Magazine

They publish Gothic fiction, poetry, and art. They are reading submissions for their Spring/Summer issue. “Neatly genred or genre-bending, classically styled or modern, we want your prettiest, most pungent dread.
Give us withering romance, creatures that lurk and lure, families to be feared and houses that haunt; give us isolation and creeping, oppressive unwellness. Quietly thrill, terrify, and leave us wanting more.”
Deadline: 8 July 2023
Length: Up to 5,000 words for prose, up to 3 poems
Pay: $15 per poem, $0.01/word ($40 minimum) for short stories
Details here, here, and here.


sans.Press: Another Name for Darkness

This is a fiction anthology. They want submissions inspired by the title, ‘Another Name for Darkness’, and their cover art. “The face in the mirror, the eyes gleaming in the night – are they friend or foe? Real or imagined? Or just your own reflection? And if you got close enough to see it for what it is, and hear what it has to say, would you ever feel the same? For our sixth anthology, we’ve decided to go looking in the shadows to meet what lurks out there! Maybe it’s a monster, or maybe it’s a hidden side of yourself (or maybe both are the same thing); maybe it’s the unexpected, or what you’ve always known to be true. Another Name for Darkness is an anthology for stories that dare to face the dark, looking at it with honesty and seeing what it reveals. We want the real and the supernatural, joyful and melancholic, light and dark – as long as it’s sincere.” Please note, they have a submission cap, and may close earlier than the deadline; submission is via a form on the website.
Deadline: 12 July 2023, or until filled
Length: Up to 5,000 words
Pay: 150
Details here.

34 Orchard

They accept fiction and poetry; they will be reading for their Autumn issue during the first half of July. “At 34 Orchard, we like dark, intense pieces that speak to a deeper truth. We’re not genre-specific; we just like scary, disturbing, unsettling, and sad.”
Reading period: 1-15 July 2023
Length: 1,000-5,000 words for fiction; up to 3 poems (see guidelines)
Pay: $50
Details here.

Escape Artists: PodCastle

This magazine publishes all kinds of fantasy in online and audio format, and is slated to open during July; see their schedule. “We’re open to all the sub-genres of fantasy, from magical realism to urban fantasy to slipstream to high fantasy, and everything in between. Fantastical or non-real content should be meaningful to the story.” They also accept reprints.
Reading period: 1-31 July 2023
Length: Up to 6,000 words
Pay: $0.08/word
Details here.

Bio: S. Kalekar is the pseudonym of a regular contributor to this magazine. She can be reached here.


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