$50 to $225 for Short Stories

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Here’s a list of ten blogs and websites that pay writers at least $50 for the writing they publish.

Be sure to study each website carefully before submitting a pitch.

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These markets pay $50 to $225 for fiction in various genres. Some of them accept other genres also, like poetry and non-fiction. – S. Kalekar

Split Lip Magazine
This is a voice-driven literary journal with a pop culture twist. They publish online monthly and in print annually. They accept fiction (flash and short stories), memoir, and poetry. June is one of the months when they accept fee-free submissions – sometimes the fee-free options are closed earlier than scheduled due to overwhelming response. The next fee-free submission period is in August.
Deadline: 30 June 2019 (for fee-free submissions)
Length: Up to 2,500 words for fiction, up to 2,000 words for memoir, one poem
Pay: $50 for web contributions, $5/page for print
Details here.
Downstate Story
They publish fiction in a variety of genres, and narrative written to the standards of fiction. They prefer some connection to Illinois or the Midwest. Anyone can submit work.
Deadline: 30 June 2019
Length: Up to 2,000 words
Pay: $50
Details here.
Quommunicate Publishing: Funny Queer
They want humorous work by and about LGBTQ+ people and lives. Only pieces supporting this mission will be considered. They accept fiction, non-fiction, poetry, scripts, and comics. No homophobic, transphobic or hateful material will be considered.
Deadline: 30 June 2019
Length: Up to 3,500 for prose, up to three poems, up to ten pages per comic or script
Pay: $5/page
Details here.
Who Knocks?
This new magazine accepts primarily mystery, weird tales, suspense, and horror stories, as well as true crime stories. They do not want paranormal romance, graphic violence, or sex. They are also open to blog style editorials and articles about the craft of writing or pertaining to the accepted genres. They publish reprints too, and artwork.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: 1,500-5,000 words
Pay: $0.01/word
Details here.
The Forge
They publish one prose piece per week, fiction or nonfiction. They are open to all genres and voices.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: Up to 3,000 words; no more than 5,000 words
Pay: $50
Details here.
Nature Magazine: Futures
This journal publishes research in all fields of science and technology, and news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public. In their Futures section, they publish near-future, hard science fiction stories.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: 850-950 words
Pay: £85
Details here.
The NoSleep Podcast
They want horror stories for their podcast, written from a first-person perspective. Stories should provide good audio cues and make good use of dialogue. They also accept script formats written as an audio drama starring two or more characters, with more being preferred. Dramas should ideally last 20-40 minutes. Their flash fiction submissions are currently closed, but other categories are open.
Deadline: Open now
Length: Flash (up to 1,200 words), short fiction (1,200-2,500 words), regular submissions (at least 2,500 words)
Pay: $40 for flash, $100 for short fiction, $125 for regular submissions
Details here.
Issues in Earth Science
They want middle grade and young adult fiction that incorporates earth science concepts as key, not incidental, elements, and also represent a key idea that might be taught in an earth science classroom. Stories should also be emotionally compelling. Those with adult characters but for a young adult or middle grade audience will also be considered. The purpose of these stories will be to serve as supplemental reading material for middle or high school students studying particular topics in earth science. They also accept nonfiction, for “Topics for Debate” and these should address a topic of interest in earth science, science education, or science in fiction. Deadline: Open now
Length: 1,000-3,000 words for fiction, 500-1,000 words for nonfiction
Pay: $0.06/word; additional pay if selected for print edition later
Details here.
For this podcast, stories and poetry must be speculative and must have some queer content. They believe in queer as “a large umbrella term and specifically include trans, genderqueer, intersex, two-spirit, pan and ace/aro identities in addition to LGB. If your story includes an identity not listed here that you feel is queer, please don’t self-reject.” They also accept multiple and simultaneous submissions.
Deadline: Open now
Length: Up to 7,500 words of prose; up to 5 poems
Pay: $0.03/word for fiction, $10 per poem
Details here.
Ryga: a journal of provocations
This Canadian journal accept stories, essays, poetry and short plays of both established and emerging writers who explore social issues. They want writing in the tradition of the work of George Ryga, whose best known work is the play The Ecstasy of Rita Joe: like his work, to write counter-narratives, to treat the marginalized fairly, to challenge the formal boundaries of without losing the humanity of the characters that drive it.
Length:  Unspecified
Pay: CAD100
Details here.


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