10 Fiction Markets Paying $50+ for August 2019

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These magazines pay $50 for short fiction; a few pay considerably more. Some also accept other genres, like poetry and non-fiction. They are open now, or opening shortly. – S. Kalekar
Apparition Lit: Euphoria
­­­­­This speculative fiction and poetry magazine will open a brief submission period for work on the ‘Euphoria’ theme. They are looking for fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and literary fiction.
Reading period: 15-31 August
Length: 1,000-5,000 words for fiction; up to 5 poems
Pay: $0.03/word for fiction, $15/poem
Details here.
Uncanny Magazine
This award-winning magazine publishes speculative fiction, poetry, and essays. They want “intricate, experimental stories and poems with gorgeous prose, verve, and imagination that elicit strong emotions and challenge beliefs.” They do not accept unsolicited reprints or essays. They also pay for artwork.
Deadline: 29 August 2019
Length: 750-6,000 words for fiction, up to five poems
Pay: $0.08/word for fiction, $30/poem, $60 for essays, $100 for reprint art
Details here.
They want science fiction and fantasy (more SF than fantasy for this reading period). They want positive stories demonstrating the triumph of the human spirit and the power of hope and humane values in overcoming the most daunting challenges. Look at guidelines for the tropes they welcome, and the elements they do not want. They also publish reprints, and poetry.
Deadline: 31 August 2019
Length: 100-10,000 words (under 5,000 preferred)
Pay: $0.04-0.08/word
Details here.
Miscreations – Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors
For this fiction anthology the guidelines say, “What happens when we make monsters? …when we confront the monsters inside ourselves? These are the grotesque things that should never have been. These are the beasts that stalk our twisted pasts. These are the ghosts of our own making that haunt our regrets. They’re the blood on our hands. They’re the obsessions in our heads. They’re the vengeance in our hearts. These are Miscreations: Gods, Monstrosities & Other Horrors.”
Deadline: 31 August 2019
Length: 2,000-5,000 words
Pay: $0.05/word
Details here.
Mud Season Review
This literary journal reads fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. For fiction their guidelines say, “We are looking for fully realized stories that remind us of what it means to be human, that take risks, that show us something new, and that stand up over multiple reads, deepening with each encounter.” They are currently open to fee-free fiction, non-fiction, and poetry submissions (paid submissions are also open, including for non-fiction). However, they may close a reading period early by genre if volume demands. They also pay for artwork.
Deadline: 1 September 2019
Length: Up to 6,000 words for fiction and non-fiction, 3-5 poems (up to 10 pages)
Pay: $50
Details here.
Hashtag Queer, Vol. 4
They want work by and/or about LGBTQ+; fiction, creative non-fiction and memoir, poetry, and scripts. They do not want erotica or work written for children.
Deadline: 31 January 2020
Length: Up to 7,500 words for prose, up to 5 pages of poetry, up to 10 pages of scripts
Pay: $5/page
Details here.

This is a magazine of furry fiction. They want stories prominently featuring an anthropomorphic animal figure – it could be anthropomorphic in body or only intelligence. Query for multiple submissions. They also accept reprints.
Deadline: Open now
Length: Up to 10,000 words
Pay: $0.06/word up to 1,000 words, flat rate of $60 for longer
Details here.
Dark Moon Digest
They publish dark fiction – short stories and flash fiction reminiscent of The Twilight Zone, Black Mirror, and Tales from the Crypt, as well as reviews and columns. They also list the kind of stories they’ve seen far too many times (including: a family moves into a haunted house; someone gets revenge on a bully, usually in school or a work environment; a person is bitten by a mysterious something and is terrorized by the grotesque infection). They close submissions when they hit their monthly limit of 300 in that category, and submitters can try again the following month.
Deadline: Open now
Length: Up to 1,500 words for flash fiction, 1,500-7,000 words for short stories, 500-3,000 words for non-fiction
Pay: $25 for flash fiction, $0.03/word for short stories, $30 for non-fiction
Details here.

They publish short fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, articles, and book reviews on disability. They publish work from writers with and without disabilities. They also accept artwork.
Deadline: Unspecified
Length: Up to 5,000 words for fiction and non-fiction, up to five poems
Pay: $10-100
Details here.
The Massachusetts Review: Working Title
Working Title publishes fiction and non-fiction that is longer than what is published in their print magazine. Work in this digital platform will also incorporate visual and interactive elements. They will accept mailed submissions only for Working Titles between May 1 and September 30, when regular submissions are closed for The Massachusetts Review. There is no fee for mailed submissions.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: 7,000-25,000 words
Pay: $250
Details here.

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