10 Magazines that Pay Writers $200+ Per Article

The following diverse writing markets accept submissions in different genres (e.g. greeting cards, short fiction, creative non-fiction, religious pieces). Before pitching editors of your targeted publications, study their guidelines to learn what rights they buy and whether you will be able later to sell reprints. When in doubt, contact editors to clarify this issue. To maximize your income, try to sell your manuscripts first to print publications (that do not post material on their websites) before selling them online. If editors negotiate on what rights they buy, try to sell as few rights as possible.

When you submit your photos to accompany your article, study carefully photo submissions guidelines. If none are provided, contact the editor to find out what method of photo submissions he or she prefers (e.g., as attachments to your e-mail, via Dropbox or Google Photos). — Tatiana Claudy

1. The New Quarterly (TNQ) is a Canadian literary journal known for “wit, warmth, and literary innovation.” In the writers’ guidelines, editors stated, “Our style is celebratory, and we’re well known for finding, as well as nurturing, distinctive voices, and for continuing to support writers throughout their career.” Editors look for manuscripts exploring “the craft and the writing life” in the variety of genres: short fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry. No electronic submissions – all submissions must be mailed.

Editors work only with Canadian writers and buy first Canadian publishing rights.

Payment is $250 for a short story or nonfiction piece. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://tnq.ca/submissions/.

2. Folks is a daily online magazine focused on publishing the stories of “remarkable people who refuse to be defined by their health issues.” Editors look for strong personal essays offering “a unique hook and a strong takeaway” that would challenge readers’ perspective about the issues of health conditions. Editors prefer to receive queries first.

Editors buy exclusive publishing rights to published essays for a one-year period and consider only original submissions.

Payment is $400. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://medium.com/@folksstories/come-write-for-us-we-pay-2c9915324287.

3. Sunset Magazine is a monthly publication and the “Western America’s largest-circulation regional magazine.” Its content covers 13 American Western states, plus British Columbia and Mexico. Editors accept freelance submissions for the travel department and look for informative material appealing to a large general interest audience – articles giving “the sense” of the place, especially about destinations offering multiple experiences. Photographs may be submitted (but are not necessary).

Payment is $1 per word for 550-750 words articles. (Payment information is found in Writer’s Market 2018). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://www.sunset.com/general/travel-writers.

4. Blue Mountain Arts is a greeting cards’ market. Editors look for “contemporary prose or poetry written from personal experience that reflects the thoughts and feelings people today want to communicate to one another, but don’t always know how to put into words.”

Payment is $300 per poem (for the worldwide, exclusive rights to publish submitted prose and poetry on a greeting card and other products) and $50 per poem for one-time use in a book. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://www.sps.com/help/writers_guidelines.html.

5. Christian Science Monitor is a daily newspaper covering domestic and international news. Editors look for articles challenging the conventional way of thinking. In the guidelines, editors stated, “We want to be so focused on progress that together we can provide a credible and constructive counter-narrative to the hopelessness-, anger-, and fear-inducing brand of discourse that is so pervasive in the news.”

Editors buy exclusive worldwide rights for 90 days (from the date of publication) in all media.

Basic payment is $250 for a feature. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines:


6. Nevada Magazine is a bimonthly “the official state tourism” publication. Its content includes “informative and entertaining features on the Silver State” – material appealing to its readers, active travelers and Nevada enthusiasts. Editors encourage queries first.

For printed stories, editors buy first North American rights, as well as the right to publish, distribute, archive, and otherwise use the material.

Payment is $250 for most stories (500-1,500 words). For Web stories published on nevadamagazine.com, payment is $100 or $200 (depending on the assignment). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://nevadamagazine.com/home/writers-guidelines/.

7. St. Anthony Messenger is a Catholic monthly magazine published by Franciscan Media. Editors look for inspiring uplifting material reflecting Catholic views and values.

Editors do not accept simultaneous submissions and reprints from publications outside of Franciscan Media.

Payment is $0.20 per word for features (about 2,000 words) and short stories (2,000-2,500 words). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/writers-guide/.

8. Miami Herald (Travel Section) is a Florida newspaper covering the South Florida (Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties). Although editors do not have “hard-and-fast rules” about what stories they buy, they especially look for articles on “Latin America, the Caribbean, Florida and any destination in which children are an integral part of the experience.”

Editors buy non-exclusive publication rights, including the right to publish and republish, and to creative derivative works.

Payment is $300 for a lead, $200 for a normal-length article, and $500 for a story/photo package with multiple images. Payment is $250 for a Quick Trip package, including story, “go” box, and photo. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://www.miamiherald.com/latest-news/article1927967.html.

9. OUTBACK is a bimonthly magazine that “captures the essence of remote Australia and, by showcasing it in a positive way, brings into reality a world that is unknown to many people.” Editors look for articles about life outside the city, especially “real stories about real people and real places that strike a chord with readers.”

OUTBACK retains copyright of all text published in the magazine, digital platforms, and associated titles.

Payment is at the rate of approximately $350/page for words and photos. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: https://www.outbackmag.com.au/contact/.

10. Pennsylvania magazine is a bimonthly publication. Its content includes material appealing to readers in Erie and Scranton, as well as in Bloomsburg and Bellefonte. Editors look for articles with the “clearly seen” link to Pennsylvania – “tight copy that pulls the reader from the head and subhead through to the article’s last word.” Editors encourage query first.

Editors buy first, one-time use rights of original materials and also consider reprints.

Payment is $200 for short features (1,000 words or less, three photos), $310 for medium features (1,100-1,750 words, four photos), and $410 for long features (1,750-2,500 words, five photos). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://www.pa-mag.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/condensed-guidelines.pdf.


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