10 Publishers Seeking Pitches from Freelance Writers

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Here’s a list of ten publishers seeking pitches directly from freelance writers. We’ve researched payment rates for all of these publishers, and found their submission guidelines pages, to make it easier to connect with them. Pay varies from $50, up to $150+.

Topics include Marvel comics, working from home, education, parenting, saving money, and more.

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Special thanks to Fatima Saif for her research on this article.

AP Marvel is a progressive podcast and publication for Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) fans from “marginalized communities to talk politics, social issues, and story themes.” They are looking for unique perspectives from the MCU fanbase. They are seeking “pitches from women, queer people, people of color, disabled people, and people of various faiths.” They are paying for written pieces and essays. Payment: $50 per piece. For details about pitching, refer to this page.
Strikewave is a publication and newsletter that covers the latest of the shop floor struggle. They “encourage all submissions related to specific struggles, strategic questions in labor, or the state of work in the United States and abroad.” They “particularly encourage pieces that connect worker struggles to big picture questions about worker power and the state of the labor movement, and encourage contributions that speak to issues faced by younger workers, contingent workers, and the unorganized.” They usually publish one outside contribution per month. They want manuscripts of 800 to 1,200 words. They pay at least $150 per submission. Details here.
Write to Contribute (WTC) is a knowledge sharing platform of Pepipost (a transactional email delivery service for web applications). They pay community authors $25 for most of the new tutorials. They may pay up to $100 for complex integration topics. To learn more, visit this page.
Lisa Tanner Writing offers “tips and tricks for working from home with kids, growing a freelance business, running a blog as a busy mom, and balancing diapers and deadlines.” They are looking for guest posts from busy moms with a business. They want SEO optimized posts of 1,000 to 2,000 words. They will pay $50 per post. Details here.
Mommyhood101 is a website that offers baby product reviews, treatments for common ailments, news coverage of scientific advancements in pediatrics, and more. They participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. They are accepting blog submissions from writers. They want submissions of at least 2,000 words with at least 1 image. The submissions must be about pregnancy, childbirth, and/or parenting. Submissions about parenting must be relevant for children under the ages of about 5 to 7 years. They will pay 5 cents per word. For example, for an article of 3,000 words, they will pay $150. To contribute, refer to this page.
Public Seminar is “a journal of ideas, politics and culture published by the Public Seminar Publishing Initiative at The New School.” They accept full submissions but recommend authors to pitch first if they are writing specifically for Public Seminar. They want essays and reviews of 800 to 2,000 words. They only pay students and people who are contingently employed. Pay: $200 per article. To learn more, refer to this page.
ETFO Voice is the magazine of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. According to their website: “our goal is to facilitate a conversation among our members and beyond that considers relevant issues such as educators’ daily work, interests, innovation in teaching practice, policy, resources, perspectives on education and collaboration with community partners.” Writers can submit to the following sections of their magazine: ideas (1,200 to 2,000 words), interviews/profiles (800 to 1,000 words), documentary, and reviews (about 350 words). They pay an honorarium of 30 cents per word. Details here.
Assistall is a social enterprise that helps people make informed decisions and save cash, whilst also raising money for UK charities. They are seeking experts in a wide range of fields who can contribute in-depth articles on different topics. They want original articles (of at least 600 words) that offer practical money saving advice. They will pay £30 to £50 for every requested article or guide that they publish. To contribute, refer to this page.
H-Net is “an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web.” The editors of the H-Net Book Channel are looking for proposals for essays on topics related to new books. Book Channel essays are short-form (1,200 to 1,500 words) and have a list of titles for further reading. Authors are paid an honorarium of $150. Details here.
Reader’s Digest Asia is a magazine that covers true stories, travel, recipes, health, beauty, games, jokes, and more. They pay $250 for true stories (800 to 1,000 words), up to $150 for examples of generous deeds (100 to 500 words), $50 to $100 for anecdotes and jokes (less than 300 words), up to $200 for stories of “your heart’s deepest wish”, and up to $100 for anecdotes about remarkable animals (up to 300 words). Details here.


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