10 Publishers that Pay Writers $200 Per Article

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Here are ten publishers that accept pitches directly from freelance writers, based on our latest research. (Thank you to Fatima Saif!)

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Ensia is a solutions-focused media outlet that publishes stories that encourage and inspire people to create a more sustainable future. They consider proposals for articles and feature stories that “provide solution-focused perspectives on emerging environmental challenges as well as novel ways of looking at long-standing issues.” Their articles are of about 700 to 750 words, and feature stories are of about 1,000 to 1,200 words. According to one payment report, they paid $0.80 per word. For details, read their contributor guidelines.
Richmond Magazine is a publication that covers news, entertainment, arts, food, and more in Richmond, Virginia. They accept story-idea pitches from writers. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.30 per word. To learn more, refer to this page.
The National Post is a Canadian newspaper that covers politics, culture, travel, style, parenting, health, sports, and more. According to one payment report, they paid $0.33 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
Cascadia Magazine is an online magazine committed to quality journalism, essays, poetry, fiction, and photos from the Pacific Northwest. They are always seeking great journalism, stories, and photos that “express what it’s like to be a human being in the Pacific Northwest.” They pay $100-$350 for feature articles, $50-$100 for fiction and essays, $50 for poetry, and $25-$50 per photo. For details, visit this page.
Art in America is a monthly magazine that covers the global art scene. They publish articles on respected and rising artists, and reviews of exhibitions around the globe. Payment reports indicate that they pay an average of $0.28 per word. To contact them, visit this page.
Brain & Life, formerly known as Neurology Now, is a consumer friendly magazine “for people with neurologic conditions, their families, and caregivers.” They publish research based articles that are well sourced. They pay 75 cents per word, up to 1,500 words. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Psychology for Living (PFL) is a Christian psychology magazine published by the Narramore Christian Foundation. They publish articles ranging from those that deal with psychological problems to those that discuss communication and family relationships. They pay $200 for articles of 1,200 to 1,700 words and $125 for articles of less than 1,200 words. For previously published articles, they pay $75. For more details, read their writers’ guidelines.
Tofugu is a multi-niche blog that publishes stories on Japanese culture, travel, and language speaking tips. They encourage regular submissions by worthy writers. They pay $250 for every accepted post, and pay more for established writers. Their submission guidelines can be found here.
The American Scholar covers public affairs, literature, history, and culture. They have been around since 1932. They are published quarterly by the Phi Beta Kappa Society. They pay up to $500 for print articles, and up to $250 for articles only published on their website. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
The Point is a Chicago-based print and digital magazine of “philosophical writing on everyday life and culture.” Each issue of the magazine contains three sections which are essays, symposium and reviews. Print essays are 4,000 to 7,000 words long, symposium articles and reviews are 1,500 to 3,000 words long. They pay authors whose articles are published in the print journal. One writer reports that they pay a flat $700 for “Symposium” essays. To learn more, refer to this page.


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