10 Short Story Publishers that Pay $250-$1,000 Per Story

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These magazines pay well for fiction, from $250 to $1,000. A few also accept other genres, like non-fiction and poetry. Some of the deadlines are coming quickly. – S. Kalekar
Pulp Literature
They want any genre or between-genre work of literature, or visual art – short fiction, novellas, poetry, comics, and illustrations. They do not publish non-fiction, memoir, or children’s stories. While they appreciate a poetic turn of phrase, they want entertaining, accessible stories that readers can sink into late at night before going to bed. They publish both serious and light-hearted fiction.
Deadline: 15 July 2019
Length: Stories of up to 5,000 words have greater chances of acceptance – they also publish one longer story of 15-20,000 words in each issue; up to three poems
Pay: $0.05-0.07/word up to 7,000 words (lower for longer stories); $25-50 for poetry; $25-75/page for graphic novels, cartoons, and illustrations
Details here.
Sub-Q Magazine
­­­­­They publish interactive genre fiction (including science fiction/fantasy, horror, mystery, romance), sequential art, and interactive poetry. They do not accept prose without interactivity or a detailed plan for interactivity. Their guidelines say, “Twine, TADS, Inform, ChoiceScript, StoryLab, custom HTML5, or any other method of telling interactive stories are welcome, so long as they run in modern browsers.” They also accept reprints.
Deadline: 15 July 2019
Length: Up to 5,000 words for fiction
Pay: $0.09/word
Details here.

Virginia Quarterly Review
This respected literary magazine publishes literary fiction, non-fiction, including reviews, and poetry. They are generally not interested in genre fiction (such as romance, science fiction, or fantasy).
Deadline: 31 July 2019
Length: 2,000-8,000 words for fiction; 3,500-9,000 words for non-fiction; 2,000-2,400 words for book reviews
Pay: $1,000 and up for fiction; about $0.25/word for non-fiction (see guidelines); $200/poem, up to $1,000; $500 for book reviews; $100-200 for online content
Details here.
They want speculative fiction – science fiction, fantasy, and horror – with Christian themes, characters or cosmology. Their guidelines say, “The story must engage with Christianity. We want stories with Christian characters whose faith affects their actions, with Christian themes such as grace and redemption, or with a Christian view of the supernatural. Note that we’re not saying that you must be a Christian. We are not in a position to judge your faith and won’t try, and we welcome submissions from authors of all backgrounds and perspectives. Nor does your story need to be unambiguously pro-Christian.” They also accept translations and reprints. They have raised their fiction submission rates, starting with this submission period (see guidelines).
Deadline: 31 July 2019
Length: Up to 9,000 words
Pay: $0.08/word
Details here.
This horror audio magazine will open a brief submission period soon. They accept horror in all forms – from grim realism or crime drama, to magic-realism, to blatantly supernatural dark fantasy. However, writers are better off avoiding vampires, zombies, and other recognizable horror tropes unless these have a really unique spin. Stories should be dark and compelling. They also accept reprints. Also see the submission guidelines for an associated market – PodCastle (science fiction and fantasy) – which closes submissions on 15 July 2019.
Reading period: 19-28 July 2019
Length: Up to 6,000 words
Pay: $0.06/word
Details guidelines here and here.
Ruminate Magazine
They want fiction “that engages the contemplative spirit of our journal and embraces curiosity and discovery rather than resolution”, according to their guidelines. They are also currently open for poetry, blog, and art submissions, though these seem to be non-paying.
Deadline: 14 August 2019
Length: Up to 5,500 words
Pay: $20 per 400 words for fiction
Details here and here.
Ploughshares: Solos
Every year, this prestigious literary magazine receives longer works of fiction and non-fiction than it can publish in its regular journal. For Ploughshares Solos, they publish long works of fiction and non-fiction. Though they greatly prefer to receive works via Submittable (there is a fee), they also accept postal submissions for Solos, which are not charged. They receive submissions for this during their general reading period, which is currently open.
Deadline: 15 January 2020
Length: 7,500-20,000 words
Pay: $450
Details here.
Strange Horizons
This is a magazine of speculative fiction. They specially welcome work from groups that are under-represented or have been marginalized in the genre. They also accept poetry, reviews, essays, columns, interviews, and round-tables. They can only accept a limited number of submissions per week so if the category is closed, wait until the following week to submit.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: Up to 10,000 words for fiction; prefer up to 5,000
Pay: $0.08/word for fiction; varies for others
Details here.
St Anthony Messenger
This is a Catholic monthly magazine. They publish fiction, articles and poetry. Their guidelines say, “Stories that sound more like essays or monologues with no dialogue or interaction on the part of the characters will not succeed.” For features, they want pitches only.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: 2,000-2,500 words for fiction, up to 2,000 words for articles, up to 20 lines for poetry
Pay: $0.20/word for prose, $2/line for poems
Details here.
Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine
They publish mystery stories of every kind – classic detection, police procedurals, private eye, suspense, courtroom drama, espionage, and even the occasional ghost story, if it involves a crime. They ask only that the story be about a crime (or the threat or fear of one).
Deadline: Rolling
Length: Up to 12,000 words, though most are much shorter
Pay: $0.05-0.08/word
Details here.

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