$100 to $600 for Short Stories: 10 Publishers Seeking Submissions

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These markets pay $100 to more than $600 for fiction. Some of them also accept other genres, like poetry and non-fiction. – -S. Kalekar
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores
They publish work in science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and graphic novel story form. They care about character, plot, ideas, and storytelling ability. They accept both serious and humorous work. They accept fiction and fact-based articles, as well as reviews. They also accept reprints.
Reading period: 21-28 June 2019
Length: Anywhere from 1,000 words up, but shorter pieces will be favored
Pay: $0.06/word for fiction, $0.02-$0.06/word for fact-based work
Details here.
Heroic Fantasy Quarterly
This magazine is unapologetic about publishing sword and sorcery, both in poetry and prose. They have a detailed list of tropes/topics that work for them, and those that do not.
Deadline: 30 June 2019
Length: Up to 10,000 words; can serialize up to 50,000 words; up to three poems
Pay: $25-100 for fiction, $25 for poetry; Tolkinesque (really long) poetry will be paid like fiction
Details here.
The Threepenny Review
This well-regarded quarterly journal is currently accepting fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and submissions for their Table Talk column.
Deadline: 30 June 2019
Length: Up to 4,000 words for fiction or memoir, 1,200-2,500 for critical articles, up to 1,000 words for Table Talk, up to 100 lines for poems
Pay: $400 per story or article, $200 per poem or Table Talk piece
Details here.
Fiddler’s Green Peculiar Parish Magazine
This will be their first all-fiction issue. It will feature short stories of the magical and fantastic. There is no required theme, but anything to do with the themes usually explored in Fiddler’s Green, like magic, individualism, or iconoclastic approaches to spirituality, will be most welcome. They also publish poetry.
Deadline: 1 July 2019
Length: 1,500-3,000 words for fiction; any length for poetry
Pay: $100
Details here.
Dragon’s Root Press: Monsters in Spaaaace!
This anthology is in celebration of 2019 being the 40th anniversary of the movie Alien. They want dark speculative fiction featuring one (or more) classic monsters (vampires, mummies, mad scientists, zombies), but in space. Their guidelines say, “We want to see these creatures floating around in zero g, attacking astronauts and colonists, and generally menacing those brave enough to go beyond the confines of our pale blue dot.” Also, “Each story must take place somewhere other than the Earth. It can happen on a spaceship, on a colony, on a new terraformed planet. There should be humans involved, but they do not have to be the protagonists.” Stories must feature at least one classic monster. They’re looking for new takes on the old classics, but they should still be recognizable to the average reader. What they don’t want is actual characters from other books or films.
Deadline: 31 July 2019, or until filled
Length: Up to 6,000 words
Pay: $0.03/word, more if the crowdfunding campaign for raising author compensation succeeds
Details here.
The Bronzeville Bee
They want fiction submissions and their preferred genres include crime, sci fi, fantasy, horror, and young adult. They are accepting pitches for non-fiction articles about arts, culture, and entertainment, as well.
Deadline: Open now
Length: 2,500-3,000 words for fiction
Pay: $0.05/word for fiction, up to $150 for non-fiction
Details here.
The Missouri Review
This literary magazine publishes fiction, essays, and poetry. Excerpts from book-length general interest non-fiction will be considered, but must stand alone; they also accept queries for non-fiction. There is no fee for mailed submissions.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: No length restrictions, but flash fiction (under 2,000 words) or longer works (9,000-12,000 words) must be exceptional to be accepted; 8-20 pages of poetry
Pay: $40/page
Details here.
Daily Science Fiction
This flash fiction market accepts speculative stories, including science fiction, fantasy, and slipstream. They also accept a flash series – three or more stories built around a theme – and each story needs to stand on its own. They try not to publish horror.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: 100-1,500 words
Pay: $0.08/word
Details here.
Liguorian Magazine
This Christian magazine publishes fiction, as well as personal essays and articles. 
Deadline: Rolling
Length: Up to 2,000 words for fiction, 2,200 words for articles, and 1,000 words for personal essays
Pay: $0.12-0.15/word
Details here.
Short Edition
They want short stories which they can put in short story dispensers, and post on their website. Stories can be in any style or genre, except erotic. Sometimes the issues are themed. They also accept children’s stories and poems. Please note that the length guidelines for these stories specify the number of characters, not words.
Deadline: Rolling
Length: Up to 8,000 characters for short stories and poems; up to 7,000 characters for children’s stories
Pay: $125 for short stories; $75 for poems
Details here.

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