$1,000 for Unappreciated Writers

Are you a writer who works very hard, but gets no credit? Are you in need of a boost to your writing ego? Want cold hard cash, marketing help, and funding to attend a conference? Then the Submerging Writer Fellowship is for you.

According to the fellowship page:

What is a Submerging Writer? For writers who have the chops but lack the luck; who drown, who try, who try again; who try again so many times there might not be any tries left; who see writing as both a buoy and shark-bite—a boogie-board and an iceberg; who would love to meet & learn from the writers they admire but just can’t fucking afford it; who are sinking in the giant sea of the writing industry.

To be eligible, you truly need to be an under-appreciated writer. And that means no major publications, no awards, and no book published, despite writing “your ass off.”

One winning writer will get $500 cash, $500 to support going to a conference/retreat/etc, publication of a 40 page chapbook, and extensive help with a book launch.

The deadline to apply is July 30th, 2019.

Learn more and apply here.


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