102 Publishers that Pay $500+ Per Article

Here are over one hundred magazines and websites that pay writers up to $500 or more per article.

The list has been organized by category, for your convenience.

(Thanks to Writing Launch for sharing their research. Much of this comes from their database of 1700+ similar listings.)

How to Get Published by These Magazines and Websites.

Step 1: Choose a publisher you are interested in writing for.

Step 2: Carefully study their publication, to get a clear sense of what they publish.

Step 3: Write a clear and concise pitch and send it to the appropriate person. Once they respond, work directly with them to finish the process.

That’s the basic process for getting published as a freelance writer. If you want to learn more read this.

How to Turn Freelance Writing Into a Career

If you are thinking about consistently earning an income as a freelance writer, then the next step is simple: Watch this free one-hour webinar. You’ll learn a lot about the process for getting started – and establishing a solid foundation.

Watch the Free Webinar: Launch Your Writing Career

Lifestyle / Entertainment

Yes Plz Weekly is “an insanely delicious, ever-evolving mix of the best coffees and a gratuitously eclectic print magazine.” It is important to note that the magazine is not just about coffee. According to their contributing editor, they are looking for pitches for pieces that are: “weird; about your obsessions; unplaceable.” They are also looking for profiles of artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs, personal essays, and mini-musings. They pay $200 to $500. For details, refer to this Twitter post. To contact them, refer to this page.

High Times publishes articles about marijuana cultivation and counterculture lifestyle. They have a special interest in marijuana legalization. They publish both in print and on their website. They pay $500-$1,000 for features. To learn more, read their$nbsp; submission guidelines.

Vox is seeking personal narratives for their “First Person” section. They are seeking “provocative personal narratives that explain the most important topics in modern life. ” Reports indicate they pay around $500 per essay. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Boys’ Life is a monthly magazine published by the Boy Scouts of America. Articles should interest and entertain boys of 6-17. They cover a broad range of non-fiction, from professional sports to American history. Department pieces include nature, aviation, health, pets, history and music. Fiction is assignment-only; do not query. Query by mail for non-fiction. Word count: 500-1,500 for major non-fiction articles; up to 600 for departments. Pay: $500-$1,500 for major non-fiction articles; $100-600 for departments. Details here.

Huck Magazine explores “the many facets of radical culture, be it surf, skate, snow, music, art, activism, pop culture” etc. According to our research, they pay up to $500 for articles — though expect low-end rates, in general. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

General Interest / News

Prism is a nonprofit that is working in tandem with Daily Kos. They elevate “stories, ideas, and solutions from leaders, thinkers, and activists whose voices are critical to a reflective democracy.” They are seeking pitches for articles, essays, and op-eds. They pay 40 cents per word. They are also seeking comics, graphic stories, or other illustrated work, for which they pay $150 to $500. To learn more, refer to this Twitter post and their call for pitches.

Religion & Politics is an online news journal covering the convergence of religion and politics. Their premise: “for better and for worse, religion and politics converge, clash, and shape public life.” According to one report, they paid around $500 for a feature length article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

The American Scholar covers public affairs, literature, history, and culture. They have been around since 1932. They are published quarterly by the Phi Beta Kappa Society. They pay up to $500 for print articles. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Ruralite Magazine publishes articles on rural goings-on in the West. They’re looking for submissions for features on people, places, news, and other happenings. Submissions must be mailed in and accompanied by a query letter to the editor. They pay $50 to $800, depending on the length of the feature. To learn more, read Ruralite Magazine’s submission guidelines.

Youth Today is a trade newspaper for people who work with children and youth. Think social works, youth workers, administrators, policy directors, etc. They do not list their pay rates directly, but WritingCareer.com reports that they pay between $150 and $2,000 per article, as negotiated between the writer and the editor. To contact their senior editor, refer to this page.

Longreads is a blog from the company behind WordPress, the software which powers over 25% of the internet. Base pay is $500 per essay. Payment is determined by the amount of work. They also pay for features, at a higher rate, competitive with large publications. To learn more, visit their submission guidelines page.

The Nation is a liberal political magazine. They accept submissions of political commentary as well as articles. They have a very dedicated readership. In fact, they’re supported by 30,000 donors. This is in addition to their 145,000 weekly circulation. They pay $150 for commentary, and between $350 and $500 for articles. They also accept submissions of art as well as poetry. To learn more, and to submit, be sure to read their full submission guidelines.

Art & Design

Clip Studio Paint is a software for drawing and painting. They are looking for artists who can create text tutorials with explanatory images (or video tutorials) using their software, Clip Studio. They want tutorials on the following art styles: “concept art, watercolor, oil painting, matte painting, landscape, scenery, graphic design, editorial illustration.” They pay around $700 per written tutorial (at least 800 words), and $1,000 per video tutorial. Details here.

Western Art & Architecture is the magazine for art collectors and art aficionados in the United States. They pay around $400-$600 an article. They accept submissions in a variety of categories, including artist profiles, home features, “illuminations”, “In the Studio”, and “Collector’s Eye.” To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Pastel Journal is the only national publication that covers the pastel medium. Addressing both professionals and hobbyists, the magazine publishes everything from how-to guides to detailed interviews. They accept queries and prefer them to be snail-mailed. They pay up to $600 for features.  To learn more, request their writer’s guidelines via email here.

Watercolor Artist is a bi-monthly magazine for water color artists of all skill levels. They seek queries for features or columns. Writers are paid depending on length and completeness of the article submitted. For features about artists, they like to match the artist with the writer, but also accept queries for articles about any specific artist whom the writer is in contact with. Writers should be able to write specifically about the artist’s techniques, from the artist’s viewpoint using the language of art. Payment usually does not exceed $600. To learn more, request their writer’s guidelines via email here.

An old copy of their guidelines is available here.

Boating / Sailing

Refit Guide offers best techniques and gear to improve a boat. They publish new in-depth articles every week on a wide range of topics related to “outfitting, refitting, and maintaining a boat.” They pay $300 to $1,000 per article, plus 50% of the profit generated from the article. To become a contributor, visit this page.

Cruising World publishes articles about live-aboard sailing, sailboat chartering, cruising destinations, and gear. They pay $25 to $1,000 per article. Their guidelines are not freelancer friendly. For example, they ask that you submit an article exclusively to them, but do not state a time frame to expect a response. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Sail Magazineis the magazine for sailing. They “write, edit, and design for everyone who sails – aboard a one-design boat or an offshore racer, aboard a daysailer on a tiny lake or a cruiser crossing great oceans and great distances.” According to our research, they pay $200 to $800 per article. They particularly want “small stories with punch.” To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Good Old Boat magazine publishes articles on cruising sailboats. They’re looking for full article submissions that cover “the pride of ownership…upgrades, maintenance, refits, and restoration of good old boats.” They pay from $50 to $700, depending on the type and length of the article. To learn more, read Good Old Boat’s submission guidelines. (View their pay scale here.)

Sailing Magazine covers all aspects of sailing, from learning how to sail in a dinghy to crossing an ocean on a large cruiser. They focus on sailing places that are realistic destinations for their readers, but can occasionally feature an outstanding and unique sailing destination. Readers are experienced sailors, so articles should use proper sailing terminology. They do not accept first-time sail experiences. Word count: 100-500 for short news stories, 1,000-3,000 for features. They pay: $50-$500. Details here.


Boundary Waters Journal is a Canadian print magazine that features articles that “help readers enjoy their trips to canoe country.” What ‘country’ is that? The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), Quetico Provincial Park and Superior National Forest. They pay up to $500 for features. They also pay $50 to $150 for photos. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

subTerrain (Strong Words for a Polite Nation) is a literary magazine published 3 times per year. Its content includes fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, essays, and commentary. Editors look only for original material and are “happy to consider work from all corners of the identity spectrum.” Payment is $0.10 per word (to a maximum of $500) for fiction (up to 3,000 words), non-fiction (up to 4,000 words), and commentary ((up to 4,000 words). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://subterrain.ca/about/35/sub-terrain-writer-s-guidelines/.


DTS Magazine is Dallas Theological Seminary’s official publication. They “publish articles applying biblical truth to life as a ministry to friends of Dallas Theological Seminary.” They prefer articles written by their “alumni, faculty, students, staff, board members, donors and their families.” They prefer articles of 1,500 words. They pay $150 for reprints and up to $500 for original articles. For online content, they pay $50 to $100 per article. Details here.

The Catholic Digest is a lifestyle magazine that “encourages and supports Catholics in a variety of of stages and circumstances.” They pay $500 for many of their articles, including personal stories. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.


Education Forum is the official magazine of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation. They are “a progressive voice on public education and on all issues affecting those that work in public education. ” They reach 60,000 public education workers in Ontario. They pay $500 for features. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

PTO Today is the magazines for leaders of parent-teacher organizations. They’re published 6 times a year. They publish articles about parental involvement, leadership, fundraising, working with school staff, etc. They pay $200 to $700 for features. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Environmental & Sustainability

The Revelator is “an online news and ideas initiative of the Center for Biological Diversity.” They cover climate change, endangered species, wildlife, conservation, pollution, and more. For about 1,000 words, they pay $300 to first-time contributors and $350 to returning contributors; they publish one freelance article per week at this rate. They also publish one slightly more involved story per month, for which they pay up to $500. Details here.

The Open Notebook is a “non-profit organization that provides tools and resources to help science, environmental, and health journalists at all experience levels sharpen their skills.” They welcome pitches for brief guides, story-behind-the-story interviews, and reported features. They pay $500 for brief guides (750 words), $750 for interviews (1,500 words), and $1,000 for reported features (1,500 words). For details, read their submission guidelines.

Farm & Gardening

The American Gardener is the American Horticultural Society’s official publication. They publish pieces that appeal to experienced amateur gardeners, and topics range from garden design to environmentally appropriate gardening. The magazine is mostly written by freelancers, and they accept article pitches for feature articles and department sections. They pay $300 to $600 for features and $150 to $200 for departments. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.


Bitch Magazine is a nonprofit, independent, feminist media organization dedicated to providing and encouraging an engaged, thoughtful feminist response to mainstream media and popular culture. Their rates have increased recently. They pay $700 to $1000 for feature articles, $350 for dispatches, and between $150 to $700 for culture stories. They pay all writers. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Finance / Business

Fast Company is a progressive business media brand that focuses on innovation in technology, design, leadership, and ethonomics (ethical economics). They are seeking reported stories and essays that critically examine the impact of technology, while tracing an ethical way forward. They are mostly seeking stories from journalists. They pay $250 to $500 per piece. To learn more, refer to their deputy tech editor’s Twitter post and this link.

Food & Nutrition

Tastings is the quarterly electronic member newsletter of Food and Culinary Professionals, a dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. They are accepting queries for CPEU (continuing professional education units) articles. They pay $500 for an article of 2,000 words. To learn more, visit this page.

Eat Your World is an online guide to regional foods and drinks around the world. For original articles for their blog, they pay $25 to $40. For destination guides (with high-quality photos), they pay $300 to $500. To learn more, refer to this page.

Organic Lifestyle Magazine publishes in-depth educational articles about natural health, healing, the environment, food, and more. They pay $150 per article, plus up to $500 in bonuses if your article goes viral. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

The Counter, formerly known as The New Food Economy, is a nonprofit website. They are interested “in new business and funding models, food safety, nutrition, economics, policy and the great, wide-open middle of the food supply chain: everything that happens between farm and fork.” Multiple payment reports reflect a payment rate of $300 to $500 per article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Health and Wellness

Wellbeing is an Australian publication about holistic health, sustainability, and spirituality. They look for articles that are empowering, informative, and entertaining. They pay AU$600 to AU$750 for feature articles 2,000 to 2,500 words long and AU$150 for shorter pieces.  https://www.wellbeing.com.au/contribute

Better Humans offers a collection of self-help and self improvement articles. They accept pitches for commissioned articles, which usually pay $500. To learn more, read their submission guidelines. (See section 4.)

Healing Lifestyles “focuses on integrating healing remedies, alternative medicine, natural living, spa wisdom, and nature into our lives, providing tools and inspiration to lead a more healthy and healing lifestyle. ” According to Writer’s Weekly, they pay up to $500 for features. They don’t have guidelines available, but you can contact the editor here.


Contingent is a nonprofit online magazine for “everyone who asks questions about the past.” They pay a base rate of $500 for features (2,000 to 3,000 words), $250 for shorts (800 to 1,500 words), $250 for field trips, and $350 for reviews. To learn more, refer to this page.

Early American Life is a history magazine, centered on American history through the mid 1800s. They publish articles about history, architecture, antiques, crafts, and travel. They pay around $500 for feature articles from new writers. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Hobbies & Crafts

Antique DOLL Collector Magazine is a monthly magazine dedicated to antique, vintage and collectible dolls. They publish doll collectors’ stories and cover auctions. They prefer articles of 500 to 1,000 words. They pay $200 to $500 per article. For details, read their writers guidelines.

Sew Newspublishes with “step-by-step information for personalizing ready-to-wear and creating original fashions, accessories, gifts and home décor.” They pay $50 to $500 per article; new writers should expect a cap of $150. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Horses / Dressage / Riding

Hoof Beats Magazine is one of the top harness racing publications. They exclusively cover harness racing and the Standardbred industry, and freelancers are welcome to submit queries for such articles. The magazine is 70 percent freelance written. They pay $100 for departments and $500 for features. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.


Wethos deploys “responsive teams of creative and marketing specialists to help meaningful brands stay competitive in a rapidly-evolving digital landscape.” They are interested in pieces on the following topics: “business development tips for freelancers, building teams with diverse perspectives, Gen Z and digital entrepreneurship, imagining a more ethical gig economy, distributed teams and leadership, the future of agencies and workplaces.” They pay $50 to $500 per piece. Details here.

Study Hall is “a media newsletter & online support network for media workers.” They are looking for “media criticism, reported media-adjacent stories, etc.” They especially encourage pitches from trans, queer, and people color. They pay $100 to $500+ per piece. To learn more, refer to this Twitter thread.

Color Bloq is a platform for queer and trans people of color. They are “building a safe media space online, and safe community spaces offline.” They pay up to $500 for nonfiction articles/ essays of 1,200 to 2,000 words. They pay $200 for personal essays of 600 to 800 words. They pay $300 to the writer and $100 stipend to the artist for visual artist features. To learn more, refer to this page.

Affiliaise is a new marketing publication which is poised to hold a number of international events. They publish news, articles, and stories about technology, business, and affiliate marketing. They pay up to $1,000 per contributed story (5,000 to 10,000 words). To learn more, refer to this page.

The Nautical Research Journal is the quarterly journal of the Nautical Research Guild. The journal contains “feature articles on ship model building, merchant and naval shipbuilding, naval architecture, maritime trade, nautical history, and maritime arts.” They publish about 24 in-depth features each year. They pay $250 per modeling article ($500 for a multi-part article), and $50 per ship note article. To learn more, read their editorial guidelines.

Amazonas Magazine is a freshwater aquarium magazine. It is read by people who are passionate about keeping freshwater aquariums in their houses, offices, businesses, and schools. They pay $100 to $600 for an article, depending on the author’s experience, the length and the complexity of the article and whether it has images or not. First-time contributors are generally paid $300 to $350 per article, including images. For details, refer to this page.

Zoning Practice (ZP) is a monthly publication that is dedicated to helping its readers “write and administer smarter development codes.” Each edition of ZP has one long-form feature article of 4,000 to 4,500 words. Standard pay for a lead article is $500. To learn more, visit this page.

Priceonomics bills itself as a “data studio.” They use data analysis and data visualization to deep dive into a diverse array of topics. They pay anywhere form $250 to $1,000 per article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Flight Journal is an aviation magazine that covers “the world of flight from its simple beginnings to its high-tech, no-holds –barred future.” The average length of their articles is 2,500 to 3,000 words. For a full-size article, their base pay is $600. Further details can be found on their contributors’ guidelines page.

Outdoors / Hunting / Fishing

Tail Fly Fishing Magazine is a bimonthly print publication that is devoted exclusively to fly fishing in saltwater. They are always seeking great content on saltwater fly fishing (with focus on conservation and the environment). They want feature articles of 2,000 to 2,500 words, and short features of 1,000 to 1,500 words. They pay more for well-polished articles with great photos. They pay up to $500 for features, $300 for short features, $200 for “fly tying/ step-by-step”, $150 for “inside the box”, $200 for “an angler opines”, and $600 for photo essays. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Rokslide is a website about backcountry hunting. They offer gear reviews, fitness routines, shooting tips, hunting tactics, and how-to and how not-to articles. They want articles of 500 to 1,500 words. They pay $50 to $500 per article. For details, refer to their submission guidelines.

Virginia Wildlife Magazine is published bi-monthly by the Department of Game and Fisheries. It’s been published for over 70 years. fish recipes, hiking, camping, outdoors safety and ethics,natural history, and environmental stewardship/education. They pay up to $500 per article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

The Contemporary Sportsman is a digital magazine for people who love fly fishing and wing shooting. They publish articles that feature good photographs as well as topics relevant to fly fishing or wing shooting. They pay $450 to $700 for feature articles. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

American Angler is a magazine all about fly fishing. They cover every aspect of the sport, with a focus on coldwater fishing for trout, steelhead, and salmon. They pay $450 to $600 for feature articles, and $200 to $400 for short features. They also pay $600 for “Waterlines” or “Expeditions” essays. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Canoe & Kayak, the world’s largest paddling magazine, accepts article queries from freelance writers. They largely depend on their existing writers, but are open to new writers from time to time. According to WritingCareer.com, they pay up to $800 an article. To learn more, be sure to read their contributor guidelines.

Gray’s Sporting Journal is a journal for hunters and anglers. They are always looking for features on hunting and fishing, and publish four themed issues a year. They publish Expeditions – travel pieces of hunting and fishing locations, Yarns – campfire tales that can be fact or fiction, and poetry. Word count: 2,500-3,000 for Expeditions; above 1,500 for features; 750-1,500 for Yarns; up to 1,000 for poetry. Pay: $850-1,000 for Expeditions; $600-1,250 based on quality, not length, for features; $600 for yarns; $100 for poems. Details here.

Deer & Deer Huntingis a specialized magazine (published 8 times per year) offering practical information about white-tailed deer and deer hunting techniques. Its readership includes people hunting with bow, gun, or camera. Editors look for articles on “white-tailed deer biology and behavior, management principles and practices, habitat requirements, natural history of deer, hunting techniques and hunting ethics.” Payment is $150-$600 for 1,000-2,000 word articles and $25-$250 for “Deer Browse” department (200-500 words). To learn more, read the submissions guidelines: http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/editorial.

 Northwest Fly-Fishing is a bimonthly magazine covering the Northwest regions of the US and Canada. A compelling publication with stunning photography, Northwest includes feature articles about angling destinations, as well as several other departments. They pay up to $500 for feature articles. For more info, check out the Writer’s Guidelines.


Traverse, Northern Michigan, and Northern Home & Cottage magazines traditionally covered the Northwest Michigan, but now include pieces based in the northeastern Lower Peninsula and the Upper Peninsula. Editors look for strongly rooted in the region articles on regional culture, food and dining, home and cottages, history, nature and the environment, arts and crafts, and personalities. Editors buy one-time right to publish in magazines and right to publish on the web site. Payment is $200-$700 for features (1,500-3,000 words) and departments (under 700 words). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: https://mynorth.com/contact-us/Writing-Submission-Guidelines/.


AKC Gazette and AKC Family Dog feature hands-on techniques for solving common behavior problems with inspiring and entertaining features about dogs. Their regular columns share information about natural therapies, health-care, nutrition, and more.  They request a word count of 1,000-3,000 and will pay $300-$500.  Their editors can be contacted here: https://www.akc.org/products-services/magazines/

Coral and Amazonas are magazines published by Reef to Rainforest Media. They cover freshwater aquariums, “tropical discovery”, coral reefs, and more. They pay $100 to $500 per article. To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.

Philosophy and Culture

The Point is a Chicago-based print and digital magazine of “philosophical writing on everyday life and culture.” Each issue of the magazine contains three sections which are essays, symposium and reviews. Print essays are 4,000 to 7,000 words long, symposium articles and reviews are 1,500 to 3,000 words long. They pay authors whose articles are published in the print journal. One writer reports that they pay a flat $700 for “Symposium” essays. To learn more, refer to this page.

The American Scholar covers public affairs, literature, history, and culture. They have been around since 1932. They are published quarterly by the Phi Beta Kappa Society. They pay up to $500 for print articles, and up to $250 for articles only published on their website. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.


On Second Thought is a magazine by Humanities North Dakota, a nonprofit organization devoted to lifelong learning opportunities for the citizens of North Dakota. They are looking for submissions for their annual “Sense of Place” issue, a collection of stories, essays, and poems by North Dakota’s best writers. The submissions do not need to be about North Dakota. They pay $250 for poems (up to 60 lines), fiction (1,000 to 3,000 words), and non-fiction (1,000 to 4,000 words).  They pay $500 for scholarly essays on the topic of humanities. Details here.

The Bitter Southerner is an online magazine that publishes the real stories about the American South. They pay a base rate of $500 for their “Tuesday Features” of 2,500 to 5,000 words, and $150 for their “From the Southern Perspective” stories of 1,000 to 3,000 words. To learn more, visit this page.

Southerly is an independent media organization that covers ecology, culture, and justice in the American South. They are looking for news analysis, short features, profiles, and photo stories. They pay $500 for 700 to 1,000 words, and $750 for 1,200 to 1,600 words. To learn more, refer to this page.

Oregon Humanities Magazine is a triannual publication that “connects Oregonians to ideas that change lives and transform communities.” They exclusively publish work by Oregon-based creators. They prefer completed drafts but also accept queries and proposals. For shorter online pieces, they pay $200 to $300. For personal essays and features, they pay $500 to $1,000. Details here.

Arizona Wildlife Views Magazine publishes articles on Arizona wildlife and wildlife management, habitat issues, outdoor recreation, and historical articles. E-mail queries are preferred over manuscript submissions. Payment for features varies by length from $450 to $800 per accepted article. To learn more, read their contributorguidelines.

Honolulu Magazine is a regional magazine for the city of Honolulu. They’re not a travel magazine, they’re a magazine for the residents of the city. They pay up to $1,800 for feature stories. They pay $100 to $600 for departments. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Alaska Magazine is the region’s most respected publication. They’re accepting queries for pieces that demonstrate an excellent narrative slant and focus completely on Alaska and its culture. They pay $200 to $700, depending on word count. Writers who publish both articles and photographs may receive up to $1,500. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

AMC Outdoors covers the Northern Appalachian region from Maine to Virginia. They focus on recreation but also publish pieces on topics such as environmentalism and education. They pay $500 to $700 for features and $150 to $400 for columns. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Pennsylvania Heritagemagazine is published by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission with the Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation. They focus on Pennsylvania’s “rich culture and historic legacy.” They pay between $250 and $500 for articles. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Sports / Athletics / Fitness

Australian Yoga Life is a magazine published 4 times per year. It is a “uniquely all Australian magazine which is intended to be accessible to the broadest spectrum of readers.” Editors look for articles from yoga practitioners. Payment is 20 cents per word (up to $500 for a published article of maximum of 2,250 words). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://ayl.com.au/contribute/ and http://ayl.com.au/contribute/contribution-guidelines/.


Glimmer is a new magazine by Glitch (a community and platform for people who make the web). They are “commissioning reported features, interviews, analysis, and illustrated works about how technology impacts our culture, work, and world.” They will pay $500 to $800 for stories of 500 to 2,000 words. To learn more, refer to this page. To submit a pitch, refer to this page.

Honeybadger is an error monitoring company that helps developers find and fix bugs quicker. They are looking for developers to create several series of articles. A series will consist of 3 to 5 stand-alone articles of 500 to 1,000 words each. Payment for one article will start at $500. Payment will be higher for longer pieces. For details, visit this page.

Clubhouse is a “project management platform for software development that brings everyone on every team together to build better products.” They are seeking a broad spectrum of content for software developers and engineers. For a how-to/tutorial, the payment is $400 (with working code examples, it is $600). For a blog post, the payment is $350. To learn more, refer to this page.

Top Bug Net is a tech blog that discusses Open Source, Server Operations, Emacs, GNU/Linux, Python, and C/C++. They are accepting guest posts. They pay $50 to $500 for guest posts to US residents only. For further information, visit this page.

FusionAuth is a Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) solution. They are “looking for devs to write tutorial posts that show FusionAuth’s code and features in Angular, Python, Rails, Node, and more.” They pay $500 to $1,000 or more for a post. To learn more, refer to this page.

Plus2net offers “articles, tutorials, and free codes on PHP, SQL, Web design, HTML, ASP, JavaScript, PhotoShop for webmasters and programmers.” They divide their articles into three types, which are: basic, advance, and project based. They pay $100 to $600 depending on the quality and the type of content. For details, visit this page.

Software Testing Help (STH) is a software testing blog. They want tutorials on any topic that would be of help to quality assurance testers. They usually pay $200 to $600 for a tutorial. To learn more, refer to this page.

Tutorialspoint is a hub for all kinds of tech-related tutorials. Writers with knowledge in IT, web development, project management, and related industries can contribute thorough guides on a variety of subjects. Writers are required to send a 2-3 page sample “to show your writing capabilities and command over the chosen subject.” Payment: $250 to $500, depending on factors like article length, complexity, subject popularity, etc. Submission Guidelines

Source pays $200 to $500 “for introductions and walkthroughs of tools developed in and for newsrooms, along with detailed case studies and examinations of specific issues in news development and data journalism.” To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Trade Magazines, Professions & Professional

Distiller Magazine is a publication of the American Distilling Institute. They cover the art and business of craft distillation. They welcome queries for articles. They pay $500 plus $75 per image for topical features of 1,500 to 2,000 words. They pay $100 plus $25 per image for single-topic, narrow-focus blog-style articles of 300 to 500 words. For details, read their submission guidelines.

Flight Safety Australia is the flagship aviation safety magazine of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). They are looking for “close calls” (450 to 1,400 words) from any sector of aviation. They will pay $500 per piece. To learn more, refer to this page.

The Range Report is published by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). Their audience is the owners and/or operators of shooting ranges, particularly for law enforcement officers. They generally pay $500 for a featured article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

learnaboutgmp offers “Online Compliance & Regulatory Training in a Modern Cloud Based LMS.” They want articles written for an audience that works in either the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology or Medical Device Industry or similar.” They pay $200 to $500 for articles. If you’re a life sciences professional, they may be worth looking into. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Curbed, a website focused on housing and urban planning, is now seeking pitches for longform journalism, essays, and narratives for their website.  They pay competitive rates, and reports indicate payment of up to $1000 for a 4,000 word article. This website seems to be part of a new breed of niche websites that are able to pay reasonably well, taking the role that niche magazines long held. Interestingly, they are owned by Vox, which is now a major website publisher. To learn more, read this page.

Scrap is the trade magazine for the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. They’re published bi-monthly. They represent around 1,300 companies throughout the U.S. They aim to provide practical information to help scrap professionals succeed in their business. They pay $600 to $1,000. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.


World Nomads provides travel insurance to independent travelers from over 150 countries. They are looking for personal stories regarding life-changing trips and experiences. They want stories that fall under the categories of love, fear, discovery, connection and transformation. They pay $0.50 per word for written stories and $350 to $600 for photo essays. For details, visit this page.

Let’s Travel is a bi-monthly travel magazine that focuses on “articles with a twist that offer first person accounts of travel in New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific Islands.” They also publish a few stories from far flung places like, South East Asia, Europe and Americas. Their “readership demographics is luxury”, so if the pitch is about getting by on a few dollars, they would probably not be interested in it. Their feature articles are of 800 to 1,200 words. They pay a flat fee of NZ$300 per story to unpublished writers. While, to previously published writers, they pay NZ$500. To find out more, refer to this page.

Smarter Travelpublishes slideshows and feature length stories on a”range of consumer travel topics, including booking strategies, saving money, avoiding scams, packing tips, best places to go, travel tech, travel trends, and travel tips that represent all kinds of travelers and travel experiences.” They pay $500 for long-form articles and $100 to $250 for shorter posts. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

Hawaii Magazineis a regional travel magazine with a readership of more than a 250,000 per issue. It’s for “people who love Hawaii and visit often.” They use freelance writers for “travel stories, personality profiles, stories on activities, history, culture, music, food and environmental sustainability.” To learn more, read their freelance guidelines.

MotorHome, the magazine for RV enthusiasts, covers all aspects of the RV lifestyle. They accept queries, and pay writers up to $900 an article, with photos. According to their guidelines:  “The easiest way to sell your work to MotorHome is to query us on an interesting and tightly focused motorhome story.” Learn more here.

Alaska Airlines Magazine is the monthly in-flight magazine for Alaska Airlines. They are 75 percent written by freelance writers. They pay between $150 and $700. They also occasionally reimburse for expenses. They have thorough guidelines, including an editorial calendar, on their website.

The Los Angeles Times Travel section includes original sophisticated and compelling destination articles that evoke “a strong sense of place (sounds, colors, smells, tastes), time (when did you go?), expertise and personal perspective.” Trips must be taken within the previous two years. Editors look for first person experiential pieces (about 2,000 words) and Guidebooks (about 500 to 700 words). Payment is $200-$750 for print stories and $500 for online only stories. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://www.latimes.com/la-trw-guidelines-story-story.html.

Trailer Life is a monthly magazine for RV enthusiasts. They cover travel destinations, outdoor activities, technical trailer info, and DIY projects for trailers. They pay $100 to $700 (with photos) depending on the topic. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.


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