11 Fiction Magazines Paying up to $3,000 for August and September 2024

These magazines and anthologies pay $50 to about $3,000 for fiction (for longer work); a few also accept other genres, like non-fiction and poetry. They are open now, or will open soon for submissions.

Heartlines Spec
This Canadian magazine of speculative fiction and poetry wants work on long-term relationships; their goal us to publish at least 50% work from Canadian writers for each issue. “We’re looking for short fiction and poetry focused on long-term relationships: platonic, romantic, or familial. We don’t want the blaze of new love or the obsession of a new friend. We want pieces that show that comfort that develops when people know each other for years.
Give us deep space, dusty frontiers, or dreamy fantasy. We want stories and poetry with strong, confident relationships amid all the sci-fi/fantasy. While we are primarily looking for stories with happy endings (yeah, yeah), we also want endings that are earned. If things get a little teary or gory, that’s o
We are especially interested in stories featuring queer platonic relationships, ace/aro love stories, and polycules.” They have an early submission period for equity-deserving groups, and the deadline for that is 31 August 2024; will open submissions for all writers during 1-30 September 2024.
Deadline: See above
Length: 500-3,500 words for fiction; up to 5 poems (see the updated word count on X here.)
Pay: CAD0.08/word for fiction; CAD60/poem
Details here (guidelines) and here (submission portal)

Reverent: An Anthology of Divinity
This is a fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry anthology on the Divinity theme. “This theme is open to interpretation and isn’t limited to only angels (though angel themed submissions are welcome). Where do you see divinity in everyday life? Or what is the divinity that we, as mortals, will never reach? Does divinity exist in every one of us? How beautiful can divinity be, or how horrible?” There is a detailed wishlist of the kinds of work the editor wants, please read it carefully. Also, please note, “This anthology will have an open call for pitches. During the month of August, writers can submit a pitch (150 words max) alongside a recent writing sample or a writing sample from the pitched work (400 words max) – even if your piece is complete, you will still need to pitch.”
Deadline: 31 August 2024 (for pitches – see guidelines)
Length: 1,000 – 6,000 words for short stories, up to 40 lines for poems, up to 2,000 words non-fiction
Pay: $50
Details here.

Cosmic Roots & Eldritch Shores
They will open soon for their regular submission window. They accept fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. For fiction, they want science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, and eldritch, in written, podcast, video, and/or graphic story form. They accept both serious and humorous work. Also see guidelines for the kind of work they’re looking for, hard sells, and what they do not want. They also accept reprints. Their submission period is the 1st-2nd of every month (see guidelines).
Reading period: 1-2 September 2024
Length: Anywhere from 1,000 words and up for fiction (see guidelines); poetry up to 40 lines
Pay: $0.08/word for fiction, $0.02-0.08/word for non-fiction, $1/line for poetry
Details here.

Book XI: Reality and its other(s)
Their guidelines say, “We will consider only previously unpublished and philosophically informed creative work (though our understanding of “philosophically informed” is capacious).” They will read submissions until 15 September, or until their submission cap is reached, whichever is earlier. They are reading submissions on the ‘Reality and its other(s)’ theme.
Deadline: 15 September 2024, or until filled
Length: 1,000-5,000 words for prose (can read shorter or longer), up to 5 poems
Pay: $200 for prose, $50 for poetry
Details here and here.

Northern Gravy
They only accept submissions from UK & Ireland writers – “of any background, including first-time writers. We welcome work from members of groups or communities typically under-represented within literature, whether or not the work addresses this.” They publish fiction, poetry, and kid lit (writing for middle grade and young adult audiences).
Deadline: 15 September 2024
Length: Stories up to 2,000 words, up to 4 poems
Pay: £100
Details here.

Three-Lobed Burning Eye
This magazine of speculative fiction will soon open for a short submission period; they want horror, fantasy, and science fiction. “We’re looking for short stories from across the big classifications and those shadowy places between: magical realism, fantastique, slipstream, interstitial, Weird fiction.” They like voices that are “full of feeling, from literary to pulpy, with styles unique and flowing, but not too experimental.” They do not want extreme horror. They welcome translations. Their issues include audio readings. 
Reading period: 1st – 15th September 2024
Length: 500–1,499 words for flash fiction, 1,500–7,499 words for short stories
Pay: $30 for flash fiction, and $100 for short stories
Details here.  

The Cincinnati Review
They accept fiction, fiction translations, non-fiction, and poetry for the print magazine. They publish works (including hybrids) for their online feature, miCRo, for most of the year, and for their print magazine thrice a year – September, December, and May. There is a cap on print submissions; submissions open on the 1st of these months, and close when a cap is reached.
Reading period: 1-30 September 2024, or until filled, for print
Length: Up to 40 pages for fiction, up to 20 pages for nonfiction, up to 5 poems for print; up to 500 words for the online feature
Pay: $25/page for prose and $30/page for poetry in the print journal and $25 for miCRo posts or special features.
Details here (general guidelines), here (what the editors look for), and here (submission manager).

They publish creative work on environmental justice. They accept They accept fiction (mostly, but not exclusively, speculative – see here), creative nonfiction, poetry, translations, reviews, review pitches, and art. They’re reading submissions for Issue 9.
Deadline: 22 September 2024
Length: Up to 20,000 words for fiction and creative non-fiction, up to 10 pages for poetry
Pay: $0.15/word for prose, S75/page for poetry, $75 for fiction reviews, and about $37 for non-fiction reviews
Details here, here, here.

Flame Tree Publishing Anthologies
Flame Tree is open for two anthologies in their Myths, Gods, and Immortals series; Morgana le Fay, and Achilles. Please see the links for details on each theme. They also accept reprints for both anthologies, which will be published in hardcover.
Deadline for both anthologies: 22 September 2024
Length: 3,000-4,000 words
Pay: $0.08/word for originals
Details here (Morgana le Fay) and here (Achilles).
(Flame Tree is also open for another anthology, This Way Lies Madness, “dark stories featuring monstrous manifestations of trauma and guilt, paranoia and persecution, anxiety, addiction, and crippling terror.” Original stories only, no reprints. Pay is $0.08/word for stories of 2,000-4,000 words and the deadline is 13 October 2024.)

They want fiction in horror, fantasy, sci-fi, and crime/mystery stories with minimal or no dialogue, as well as non-fiction.
Deadline: Open now
Length: 1,000-1,500 words
Pay: $0.04/word
Details here.

The Razor
This is the magazine of Gotham Writers Workshop. They publish two pieces each month, one fiction and one non-fiction.
Deadline: Ongoing
Length: Up to 2,000 words
Pay: $100
Details here (guidelines) and here (submission portal – you have to register).

Bio: S. Kalekar is the pseudonym of a regular contributor to this magazine. She can be reached here.


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