11 Publishers that Pay $250+ Per Article

Dear Writers,

Here are eleven publishers that pay up to $250 or more per article. All of these publishers have posted recent calls for pitches.

We’ve found payment rates and submission guidelines pages when available.

Thanks to Fatima Saif for her research on this article

— Jacob Jans

Slate is an online general-interest magazine that offers analysis and commentary on news, politics, business, culture, and technology. Their news director is looking for a woman who has left the workforce because of the coronavirus pandemic and wants to write about it. According to payment reports, they pay an average of $0.24 per word. Send pitches to susan.matthews@slate.com. For more information, read their news director’s Tweet and their pitch guide.

Sharp Magazine is a Canadian men’s lifestyle magazine. They are seeking print feature pitches on culture, design, fashion, urbanism, and more. They will pay $1,000 CAD for 1,500 to 2,000 words. Send pitches to joshua.greenblatt@contempomedia.com. To learn more, refer to their editor-in-chief’s Tweet. To contact them, refer to this page.

Capital Daily is an independent news startup that is a source for news, analysis, longform, and investigative stories from Victoria, B.C., Canada. Their managing editor is seeking “in-depth Victoria/Vancouver Island stories on issues like housing, city planning, health (incl. COVID), the environment, and more — anything that helps make sense of the place.” They pay 30 to 80 cents per word. They encourage BIPOC writers to pitch. Pitches should be sent to write@capitaldaily.ca. To learn more, read their managing editor’s Twitter thread and their pitch guide.

TalkPoverty.org is a project of the Center for American Progress that is “dedicated to covering poverty in America by lifting up the voices of advocates, policymakers, and people struggling to make ends meet.” They are accepting pitches about poverty and inequality in the US. They want “your reported features, cultural commentaries, and select personal essays.” They are “especially interested in: pieces on hidden consequences of policies or cultural attitudes; coverage of marginalised groups in the pandemic; and labour organising.” Their rates start at $250. Send pitches to sesmith@americanprogress.org. For more information, refer to their deputy editor’s Twitter thread and this page.

BXD is a new journal (launching in March 2021) of postwestern criticism. They will run for 6 months and will publish one new piece of criticism every week. They will “also run regular interviews with critics, curators, editors, and others who are working in and out of—broadly—the Global South.” In their first iteration, they will accept pitches from BIPOC writers only. They will pay $250 for pieces of 800 to 1,000 words. Pitches should be sent to bxdmag@gmail.com. For details, refer to this Twitter thread and their call for pitches.

Deadline: February 5th, 2021

The Daily Beast is a news and opinion website dedicated to independent journalism. They are looking for writers for branded content. They have two assignments:

  • Fair Housing Act Timeline: They want a writer with housing policy experience to “provide copy for a timeline about the history of the Fair Housing Act.” They will pay $750 for this piece (about 500 words).
  • Appraisal Discrimination: They want a writer with real estate or housing policy experience to “dig into subjectivity in appraisals.” “There have been recent news stories about bias in real estate and how BIPOC Americans have faced lower valuations of their home based on their skin color.” They will pay $1,000 for this piece (about 1,250 words).

If interested, email emily.levin@thedailybeast.com. For details, refer to this Twitter thread and this page.

Increment is “a quarterly print and digital magazine published by Stripe that explores the culture, theory, and practice of building and operating software systems at scale.” They are accepting pitches for their next issues. They pay $1 per word. If interested, send your pitches to submissions@increment.com. For details, refer to their editor-in-chief’s Tweet and their pitch guide.

Southerly is an independent media organization that covers ecology, culture, and justice in the American South. They are looking for pitches about climate, energy, land, water, and justice in “West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and East Texas.” They pay $500 for up to 1,000 words and $750 for up to 1,500 words. Send pitches to pitch@southerlymag.org. For details, read their contributing editor’s Tweet and their pitch guide.

Healthline is a health information website. Their editor has tweeted, “Need writer of Asian descent for personal piece on Chinese New Year. How do you support health with traditional foods? How does CNY benefit mental health/family togetherness?” Pay will be $250 for 1,000 words. If interested, contact choshaw@healthline.com. Read their editor’s Tweet here and contact them here

Rewire is a nonprofit publication that delivers thought-provoking content that inspires young adults (under 40) to make their lives better. Their editor is looking for pitches for all of their content areas including work, money, health, love, and our future. They will pay $250 for 800 to 1,000 words. To learn more, read their Tweet and call for pitches.

Immerse is a publication (produced in partnership with the MIT Open DocLab) that sparks creative dialogue around emerging forms of non-fiction media (VR, AR, and beyond). They have tweeted, “We’re looking for pitches for our upcoming issue examining what the idea of the public means now. Pieces can be about specific publics/work made or archived for a public/digital commons/physical commons/whatever else your brain can dream up in relation.” They will pay $250 per piece. Your piece can be an interview, essay, production diary, original research, etc. Send your pitches to editor@immerse.news. For details, read their Twitter thread and editorial vision


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