12 Christian Publishers that Pay Writers (Up to $450)


“Too often, feeling intimidated becomes our excuse not to be awesome.” Scott Stratten

To submit successfully to Christian writing markets, you need to familiarize yourself with your target publication: read 2-3 issues of your chosen magazine or several articles of online publication. Although you do not have to belong to that particular denomination (for instance, I am not a Lutheran, but four of my articles were published in The Lutheran Digest), you need to know about the basics of the beliefs, the mission, and the audience. Start with the careful study of the writers’ guidelines. If you still have questions – do not hesitate to ask the editor.

If you want to break into a new publication and do not have yet relevant publishing credits, it may be easier for you to start with small pieces. For example, my first submission to FellowScript (Canadian magazine for Christian writers) was a market review: I did not receive any payment, but this publication opened for me doors to publish later 12 feature articles. “So, write your best – and submit your articles with confidence! — Tatiana Claudy


1) Purpose Magazine is a monthly magazine published by MennoMedia (an agency of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada). This inspirational and motivational publication (print and electronic) includes articles helping readers with the modern life’s challenges. “It has a special appeal to people seeking self-improvement, spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment in their lives.” Editors seek original, personal true stories and poems. Editors buy one-time rights; they are not interested in reprints. All submissions must follow monthly themes: http://www.faithandliferesources.org/periodicals/purpose/docs/PurposeThemes_Sept2019-Aug2020.pdf.

Payment is $25-$50 per article (500-700 words) and $10-$20 for poetry (up to 15 lines). Writers will also receive complimentary copies. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: http://www.faithandliferesources.org/periodicals/purpose/docs/Purpose_Guidelines_Oct2017.pdf

2) VISION Vocation Guide is a useful resource for people “considering religious life or priesthood in a religious community.” VISION is published annually (print and digital editions).

Its target audience is committed Catholics (young adults) “who feel a yearning for ‘something more’ in their lives and are wondering if God is calling them to religious life.” Editors prefer queries. They also welcome submissions of high-quality color photos to illustrate articles.

Payment is $450 upon acceptance for articles (1,000-1,500 words) and $100 for reprints. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://vocationnetwork.org/en/articles/show/265.

3) The Compass Magazine is an online publication. Its target audience is “educated Seventh-day Adventist laypeople.” Editors are interested in articles written in a conversational style and focused on relevant topics. Writers need to make their articles “web-friendly.”  Editor pay for original articles; there is no payment for published reprints.

Payment is up to $200 for articles (800-2,500 words). To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://thecompassmagazine.com/about/writers-guidelines.

4) YouthMinistry.com.  This online publication presents articles that help and equip youth ministries’ workers. Editors are interested in short pieces on “successful youth ministry strategies” and other relevant topics (e.g., leadership skills, time management, and problem solving).

Payment is $80 per article. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://grouppublishingps.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/211878258-Submissions.

5) Children’s Ministry Magazine is a bimonthly publication for people working with children in churches. Editors seek practical articles on variety of relevant topics (e.g., talking to children about faith and morals; discipline and volunteer work). Editors buy all rights.

Payment is $75-$400 for features (1,000-2,200 words), $40 for Teacher and Parent Tips (200 words), and $40 for games, crafts, and activities (200-500 words). To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://grouppublishingps.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/211878258-Submissions.

6) Cadet Quest is a magazine for boys ages 9-14 who are members of the Calvinist Cadet Corps, a Christian youth organization. It is published 7 times per year. The magazine assists the Cadet Corps in “helping boys to grow more Christlike in all areas of life.” Submissions should adhere to the editorial theme list. Editors buy all rights, first rights, and second rights.

Payment is $0.05 per word and up (first rights with no major editing). To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines:


Editorial theme lists:

March and April/May 2019 issues: https://counselors.calvinistcadets.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Themes-List-18%E2%80%9319.pdf

September/October 2019 – April/May 2020 issues: https://counselors.calvinistcadets.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/quest-themes-2019-2020.pdf

7) Faith Today is a bimonthly Canadian general interest magazine connecting Evangelical Christians. Its content includes feature articles, news, short essays, and profiles of Canadian individuals and ministries. Editors buy both First North American serial print rights and perpetual web rights.

Payment is $Cdn 0.25 per word for features (800-1,800 words), $Cdn 0.15 per word for essays and quest opinion column (650-1,500 words), and $Cdn 0.15 per word for reprints. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://www.faithtoday.ca/writers.

8) Nature Friend Magazine is a children’s Christian magazine focusing on the wild nature world-wide. This conservative Christian publication wants to “partner with like-minded writers who help us fulfill our goal of educating and entertaining children in the realm of nature, for the glory of God.” A sample issue is available online. Editors prefer complete manuscripts (500-800 words); they buy original articles and reprints.

Payment is $0.05 per edited word for first rights and $0.03 per edited word for reprint rights (plus a complimentary copy). To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://www.naturefriendmagazine.com/index.pl?linkid=12;class=gen.

9) Our Little Friend and Primary Treasure are children Christian publications focused on

Seventh-day Adventist kids. Editors like stories that “explain being a Seventh-day Adventist” and emphasize “developing a child’s relationship with Jesus through Bible.” Editors prefer complete manuscripts. They buy one-time magazine rights and electronic rights. They accept reprints that were published 4-5 years ago.

Payment is $25-$50 per story. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://primarytreasure.com/for-writers/.

10) Woman Alive is a UK monthly women’s magazine focused on Christian women. Its content includes material on faith, women’s ministry, relationships, and lifestyle. Editors seek practical articles written from a Christian perspective but without Christian or church-related terminology.

Payment for articles (700-1,800 words) is by arrangement. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: https://www.womanalive.co.uk/downloads/Contributor_Guidelines.pdf.

11) The United Church Observer is a Canadian magazine published 11 times per year. Editors

“seek to offer the United Church and Canadians generally a church magazine that exceeds people’s expectations of church magazines.” They look for stories on faith, social justice, ethics, and living. Issues are planned 6 months in advance. Editors buy First North American rights in English and French to articles, plus the right to archive these articles and post them on ucobserver.org. Fees are negotiated, and writers are paid for words assigned. To learn more, read the writer’s guidelines: https://www.ucobserver.org/2018/01/submission%20guidelines-2018.pdf.



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