20 Magazines and Blogs that Pay Writers (Up to $500)

Lifestyle / Entertainment

Family Circle is a home magazine for women. They publish articles on a wide range of topics including family, home, health, food, trends, and style. According to one payment report, they pay $1.33 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.

The Everygirl is “the ultimate online resource helping shape the creative, career-driven woman to experience her life better lived.” They cover a wide range of topics including career and finance, fashion and beauty, decor, wellness, and travel. They are always seeking contributors and submissions. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.10 per word. To contact them, visit this page.

General Interest / News

Fusion is a news and satire channel. They champion “a young, diverse, and inclusive America with a unique mix of smart and irreverent original reporting, lifestyle, and comedic content.” Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.38 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.

Finance / Business

MyVaartha.com enables and encourages young entrepreneurs reach their potential with content about entrepreneurship, fundraising, marketing, advertising, and more. They publish stories and informative articles on businesses. They pay guest writers $25 to $50 for articles of at least 1,000 words. To submit a guest post, visit this page.

Art & Design

Frieze covers contemporary art and culture. They have three publications named Frieze Masters Magazine, Frieze Magazine, and Frieze Week. According to payment reports, they pay up to $0.40 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.


Texas Adult Education & Literacy Quarterly is a publication of the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy & Learning (TCALL) at Texas A&M University. They address “topics of concern to adult education and literacy practitioners, policymakers, and scholars.” They are looking for articles that are no longer than 900 words. They pay a stipend of $50 to $250 per article. Further details can be found here.


Seton Magazine is the official magazine of Seton Home Study School (a Catholic private PreK-12 distance school). They give parents tools to make homeschooling successful. Their online articles are usually 800 to 1,000 words long. They pay stipends of $50 for published articles. To learn more, visit this page.

CatholicSingles is a dating site for Catholics. They love articles that are 1,500 to 2,000 words long. They pay $65 for blog posts on life as a single, $50 for blog posts on dating advice, and $35 for “general catholic-y and other articles.” For details, read their writer guidelines.


Asbury Insider is an online source of everything Asbury: music and entertainment, art, design, real estate, food and drink, lifestyle, stories regarding Asbury Park, and more. They pay $20 to $50 per submission. To learn more, refer to this page.

Sound RIDER! is an online magazine on motorcycling in the Pacific Northwest. They “cover the geographic area between B.C. to Northern California and as far east as Montana.” They want writers to pitch regional stories. They pay about $75 to $100 for an average department length story (500 to 1,000 words) with photos/images. For details, read their writer query guidelines.

City Pages is a weekly newspaper that covers news, arts, theater, music, movies, food, drinks, and more in Minneapolis. According to one payment report, they pay $0.05 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.

The Bitter Southerner is an online magazine that publishes the real stories about the American South. They pay a base rate of $500 for their “Tuesday Features” of 2,500 to 5,000 words, and $150 for their “From the Southern Perspective” stories of 1,000 to 3,000 words. To learn more, visit this page.


Adbusters is a Canada-based magazine that is “fighting back against the hostile takeover of our psychological, physical and cultural environments by commercial forces.” They publish 6 times a year. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.50 per word. To contact them, visit this page.

Hobbies & Crafts

Yazirwan Sewing provides solutions to the sewing endeavors of people. They are looking for articles of at least 2,000 words. They pay $50 to $250 per article. Fresh authors are normally paid $50 to $125 per article. To learn more, refer to this page.


Public Discourse is the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute (a research center in Princeton, New Jersey). They pay an honorarium of $200 for original essays (1,500 to 2,000 words), first-person stories (800 to 2,000 words), and review/response essays (1,500 to 2,000 words). They pay $50 for book notes (300 to 500 words). For details, visit this page.

Crossroads is the official publication of the Utah Genealogical Association. They publish “case studies, family histories, Utah history, articles on genealogical methodology and technology, how-to articles, news items, and book reviews.” They pay $75 for articles of more than 1,500 words. To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.

Filter is a nonprofit publication committed to “rational and compassionate approaches to drug use, drug policy, and human rights.” They seek pitches for feature-length articles, including op-eds, essays, interviews, and investigative reports. According to one payment report, they paid $250 for a 2,000-word feature. To learn more, refer to this page.

Survival Dispatch offers “no nonsense survival solutions and tips for a dangerous world.” They pay $25 for most posts, plus $5 for each image provided with the content. As they aim for 10 or more images per post, the total amount comes out to about $75 per post. To learn more, visit this page.

Paradise is the in-flight magazine of Air Niugini (the national airline of Papua New Guinea). They welcome submissions from writers and photographers, especially from those who are based in Papua New Guinea. According to one payment report, they paid $0.43 per word. To contact their editor, refer to this page.


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