$200 for Personal Essays in Catapult

Catapult is a magazine of narrative non-fiction and fiction. They have well established. Their writers have gained book contracts after being published in the magazine, as well as been published in Best American Essays, won Pushcart Prizes, and much more.

They also pay writers; payment is negotiated. However, reports indicate a range of around 10 to 15 cents per word. The articles they publish tend to be between 1,000 and 4,000 words.

According to the managing editor’s guide to pitching:

“I’m looking for first-person narrative essays — personal, flash, reported, illustrated, anything with a coherent storytelling arc. I’d also be into reading pitches for conversation-style pieces (here’s one on acne, on educational rights for disabled students) or short interesting profiles.

Catapult publishes a wide variety of topics, but here’s a quick (incomplete) list of what will always catch my eye: immigration and homes, mental health, bodies, sex and relationships, gender and sexuality, travel, postcolonial writing, food, fashion and art, pop culture as a lens into things other than pop culture. So, for example, if you pitch me a comic about using noodles as a way to connect with your family, you’ll def be hearing from me. ”


If you’re interested in writing for Catapult, it is also well worth following the editor on Twitter:


They also have a submittable page, where they may occasionally post calls for submission.



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