22 Magazines and Blogs that Pay for Writing on Social Justice

Want to write about creating justice, peace, civil rights, or paths towards improving the world for all people?

Then check out this list of 22 magazines, websites, and blogs that publish writing about social justice.

Plus, all of these publishers pay for the writing they publish.

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(Thanks to Fatima Saif for her research on this article.)

  1. Unapologetic is a social justice magazine focused on societal issues that affect people of color. They are seeking poems, articles, and short stories about womxnhood from womxn, femmes, and non-binary folx. They pay $25 to $50 per article. To learn more, read this Twitter post.
  2. Truthout is a nonprofit news organization that provides independent reporting and commentary on social justice issues. For authors not previously published by Truthout, they “suggest opinion submissions be limited to 750 words, news analysis to 1,200 words and straight news stories to 2,000 words.” According to payment reports, they pay $300 per article. If you expect payment, be sure to clearly state this in your pitch. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  3. Reimagine RP&E is a national journal of environmental and social justice in the United States. They offer reporting, analysis, and research. They focus on “on metropolitan areas (broadly defined) inside the United States, with perhaps a case study or two reflecting best practices internationally.” Payment is $50 to $250. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  4. Lacuna is “an online magazine that exposes injustice and promotes human rights.” They specialize in environment, equality, politics, migration, food poverty, and conflict. They “welcome unsolicited submissions and proposals from both new and established writers.” They publish features of at least 3,000 words and shorter essays of 1,500 to 3,000 words. One payment report indicates payment of £400 for a 3,000-word piece. For details, visit this page.
  5. The Vietnamese is an independent, non-profit online magazine that aims to raise awareness about Vietnam’s human rights situation and politics among international community. They are seeking pitches on “what concerns Vietnamese people the most in terms of human rights, democracy, and political concerns.” They pay $200 for text (about 1,500 words for written pieces). They pay $200 for 7 to 10 minute video clips with English subtitles and $150 for a recorded op-ed or interview. Details here.
  6. Yopp! is a social justice blog that is devoted to civil rights education, raising the voices of marginalized groups, and reducing oppression. They are looking for submissions of 1,200 to 3,000 words. They prefer longer pieces. They pay $75 per article. To learn more, visit this page.
  7. The Center for Prophetic Imagination offers “education, arts, and activist initiatives to help people turn from the false promises of empire and embrace God’s vision for the world.” They are looking for pieces of 500 to 1,000 words that make a connection between spirituality and social justice. They pay $50 per piece. Details here.
  8. Ideas on Fire is “an academic editing and consulting agency offering book editing, indexing, and mentoring services for interdisciplinary academics.” They are seeking pitches for blog posts that give “practical advice for building interdisciplinary, social justice-oriented careers within and beyond the academy.” They pay $70 per post (1,000 to 2,000 words). Details here.
  9. Filter is a nonprofit publication committed to “rational and compassionate approaches to drug use, drug policy, and human rights.” They seek pitches for feature-length articles, including op-eds, essays, interviews, and investigative reports. According to one payment report, they paid $250 for a 2,000-word feature. To learn more, refer to this page.
  10. Areo is an opinion and analysis magazine that is focused on current affairs, particularly humanism, politics, culture, science, human rights, and free expression. They publish “thoughtful essays from a variety of perspectives compatible with broadly liberal and humanist values.” They want pieces of 1,200 to 3,000 words. They pay $50 for a regular piece and $100 for a feature. For details, visit this page.
  11. The United Church Observer is a Canadian magazine published 11 times per year. The editors “seek to offer the United Church and Canadians generally a church magazine that exceeds people’s expectations of church magazines.” They look for stories on faith, social justice, ethics, and living. Issues are planned 6 months in advance. Editors buy First North American rights in English and French to articles, plus the right to archive these articles and post them on ucobserver.org. Fees are negotiated, and writers are paid for words assigned. To learn more, read the writer’s guidelines.
  12. Pacific Standard is a magazine that covers social and environmental justice. They publish stories that have a strong connection to one of their four core subject areas: social justice, environment, education, and economics. According to payment reports, they pay an average of $0.53 per word. To learn more, refer to this page.
  13. Our Times is an independent Canadian labour magazine that is committed to promoting workers’ rights and social justice. Their three main subject areas are features, poetry, and “Working for a Living” (an ongoing series of short stories). They pay up to $300 for features, $50 for poems, and $100 for “Working for a Living” stories. To read the submission guidelines of their three main subject areas, visit this page.
  14. Arseh Sevom (Third Sphere) is a non-governmental organization established in 2010 in Amsterdam, to promote democracy, human rights and civil society in Iran. They pay $60 for articles published on their website, in Persian or English. They promote the advancement of people with diverse beliefs and backgrounds. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  15. Hold the Line is a quarterly digital magazine focused on parenthood and social justice. They cover “practical tactics, hard-learned lessons, and personal experiences with the goal of inspiring parents of all races to strive toward a more unified future.” They pay $80 for longer pieces (of 1,000 to 1,400 words), $40 for shorter pieces, listicles, or book reviews (of up to 980 words), and $25 for poetry. They pay $15 per photo. To learn more, visit this page.
  16. The Progressive is a monthly magazine and a website that is a “bold voice for peace, social justice, and the common good.” They publish investigative reporting, reports on social movements and activism, pieces on current events from a progressive point of view, and pieces on foreign policy from a U.S. angle. According to payment reports, they pay an average of $0.39 per word. For details, read their writers guidelines.
  17. Informed Comment is a website covering news, politics, and foreign policy, especially about the Middle East, South Asia, and the United States. Topics include religion, human rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, and religious discrimination, and energy and climate change. Payment is $100 per article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  18. Sojourners is a magazine and an online publication that covers faith, politics, social justice, war, peace, community and art from a biblical perspective. According to their website, they pay $50 per poem. One payment report suggests that they paid $0.38 per word for a feature. To learn more, refer to this page.
  19. New Mobility is a magazine for active wheelchair users. They note that they “tell stories directly and honestly, without sentimentality.” They’re not looking for stories of “overcoming disability” but rather practical, compelling articles. Writers can submit “articles on recreation, travel, people, health, relationships, media, culture, civil rights and resources.” Payment: 15 cents per word. Submission Guidelines
  20. Prism Magazine “encourages a vision of relevant, compassionate Christian witnesses in our culture.” Topics of interest include social justice features, Christianity and how it relates to contemporary culture, holistic ministry profiles and spiritual challenges. No poetry or fiction. Length:  800-1,000 words. Pay: $50 for up to 800 words. Details here.
  21. Herizons is a Canadian publication with a feminist readership. Articles about applying feminist principles in work, in relationships and organizations, and in social justice are welcome. They are interested in health, social and political, environmental, equality, justice and spiritual issues, as well as parenting issues and all issues informed by diverse racial and cultural experiences. They want personal experiences, journalism style articles, interviews, articles which bring in current research and a clear feminist perspective. They pay $250 to $550 for features, $175 to $210 for news, $75 for reviews. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  22. Teaching Tolerance publishes articles for a national audience of pre-K through 12 educators with a focus on diversity and social justice. They accept freelance submissions for articles, blog posts, and lessons that reflect their perspective. They pay up to $1 a word for features and their Story Corner section. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

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