23 Calls for Pitches Directly from Editors

Here’s our latest roundup of calls for pitches directly from editors. We’ve researched payment rates and found contact information for all of these publications, so you can easily connect with the right opportunity for you.

Please don’t contact these publications without first carefully studying them, and making sure your pitch closely fits their needs.

Looking for more opportunities? Check out this list of 27 Magazines & Websites that Pay for Writing on The Environment and Sustainability

Pipeline Artists is Always Accepting Pitches

Pipeline Artists is a digital magazine that focuses on “education, empowerment, and elevating authentic voices in film, publishing, and beyond.” They’re always accepting pitches for articles/essays, interviews, short stories, and more. As per this post, they pay $75 to 350+ per piece. For more details, refer to their post on X and their submission guidelines.

Business Insider’s Lifestyle/Entertainment Editor is Looking for Writers

Business Insider’s lifestyle/entertainment editor is seeking “writers who either live in or have moved out of any of the cities named the best places to live in the South.” Rates begin at $220 for short, 500 to 600-word essays. If interested, DM their editor on X. To read their editor’s post, click here. To visit their contact page, click here.

The Contrapuntal is Accepting Stories

The Contrapuntal is a news magazine that focuses on silenced, erased, and misrepresented voices. They’re accepting stories particularly from “Bangladesh, Sudan, Yemen, Congo, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Palestine.” They’re looking for critical reflection (1,500 words); reportage (1,000 to 1,200 words); and photo essays. Pay is €100 per piece. Email your pitches to thecontrapuntal@protonmail.com. To learn more, refer to their post. To contact them, refer to this page.

Rewire News Group is Commissioning an Op-Ed from a College Student

Rewire News Group is a media organization that covers sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice. Their editor is commissioning an op-ed from a college student about “what they’re hoping to see from the next democratic candidate on abortion.” Rate is $350. Send your pitches to roy.natasha@rewirenewsgroup.com. To learn more, refer to their editor’s post. To contact them, refer to this page.

Deadline: July 25th, 2024

Business Insider’s Deputy Editor is Commissioning Essays

Business Insider covers business, personal finance, tech, lifestyle, politics, and more. Their deputy editor of lifestyle and entertainment freelancers is commissioning essays from “people who regretted moving to Florida and left OR whose job relocation/partner’s job relocation had negative consequences or didn’t go as well as they hoped.” Rates are $230+ for 600 words. If you’re interested, DM their editor on X. To read their editor’s post, click here. To visit their contact page, click here

Deadline: July 31st, 2024

People vs Big Tech is Commissioning Journalists

People vs Big Tech is “a movement fighting to overturn the predatory business model of giant tech corporations and change the internet for good.” Their newsletter editor is commissioning journalists to write upcoming issues (and record a TikTok explainer video if you’re that way inclined). Rate is £500 for the newsletter and £200 for the video. If interested, email alice@the-citizens.com. To read their newsletter editor’s post, click here. To visit their contact page, click here.

Atlantic Business Magazine is Seeking an Indigenous Journalist

Atlantic Business Magazine is Atlantic Canada’s longest publishing regional business magazine. They’re seeking an Indigenous journalist in Atlantic Canada to contribute an Indigenous business story each issue. They typically pay $0.50 per word. If interested, DM their editor on X or email dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.ca. To read their editor’s post, click here. To visit their contact page, click here.

Opportunity to Write about Sites of Cultural Production

Opportunity to Write about Sites of Cultural Production: “Are you in the west? Are you a writer? I’d love to read your personal/critical accounts of sites of cultural production—art, food, books, poems, rodeos, hugging parties, readings, trivia.” Rate is $0.50 per word for 1,200 to 1,800 words. If interested, send your pitches to melissa.chadburn@hcn.org. To learn more, refer to this post

BookPage is Seeking a Mystery and Suspense Reviewer

BookPage is a book review and recommendation guide that reaches a nationwide audience of over 400,000 readers. They’re seeking a new mystery and suspense reviewer. Their rates start at $50 for a review (350 words) of a single book. To read their post, click here. To apply, click here.

Business Insider is Looking for Writers

Business Insider covers business, personal finance, tech, lifestyle, politics, and more. Their associate editor of lifestyle and entertainment freelance writers is looking for writers: “Any writers/journos who received money from their parents to buy a home or take a trip or gap year? Or any writers who have an allowance from their parents even though they’re an adult with a job?” Their rates begin at $220 for 600 words. If interested, DM their associate editor on X. To read their associate editor’s post, click here. To visit their contact page, click here.

Opportunity to Write about Mother 3

Opportunity to Write about Mother 3 for a GBA Book: “I’m taking pitches for a paid Mother 3 feature in my upcoming GBA book. I’m after something that frames the story and the whole experience and what makes it so revered.” Rate is £100 for about 800 to 1,000 words. Send your pitches to pmurphy1978@outlook.com. To learn more, refer to this post.

Deadline: July 20th, 2024

Rabble.ca is Looking for Writers

Rabble.ca is a Canadian progressive news website. They’re looking for freelance writers to join their digital newsroom to help enhance their progressive news reporting on issues like local and federal politics, environment, labor, and social justice news. Rates begin at $150 per submission. If interested, email editor@rabble.ca. To learn more, refer to their post and this page.

University of California Global Health Institute is Looking for Writers

University of California Global Health Institute (UCGHI) is looking for diverse voices to write engaging feature stories (700 to 750 words) and secondary stories (500 words) about the Institute’s initiatives and collaborators. They want writers who have a passion for public health, global health, and social justice. Pay is $400 to $1,000 per story. To learn more, refer to their post and call for writers.

Deadline: August 9th, 2024

Write about Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green

Opportunity to Write about Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green: “For the upcoming GAMEBOOK ADVANCE I’m looking for someone to write a paid retrospective on Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green!” Rate is £100 for around 800 to 1,000 words. If interested, send your pitches to pmurphy1978@outlook.com. For details, refer to this post.

Deadline: July 20th, 2024

Positive News is Accepting Pitches

Positive News is a website and quarterly print magazine that reports on what’s going right. Their editor-in-chief is accepting pitches for their website and the next print issue, which will come out in October. They usually pay 30p per word. For more information, read their editor-in-chief’s post and their pitching guide.

The Sask Dispatch is Seeking Pitches

The Sask Dispatch is a Saskatchewan-focused news publication by Briarpatch Magazine. They’re looking specifically for pitches related to the provincial election in October, but are also open to pitches about arts/culture, the environment, harm reduction, and more. They pay $100 for profiles, short essays, and reviews (less than 1,000 words); $200 for feature stories (1,000-1,500 words) and photo essays; and $300 for research-based articles and investigative reportage (1,500-2,000 words). Send your pitches to amielle@briarpatchmagazine.com. For details, refer to their post and this page.

100 Days in Appalachia is Looking for Pitches

100 Days in Appalachia is a news website that covers the Appalachian region. They’re seeking pitches from writers in the region, ages 13 to 24, for an ongoing youth vertical. No prior experience is required. Rates begin at $200 for opinion and $300+ for reporting. Interested writers can email rainesford@100daysinappalachia.com. To learn more, refer to this post and their ‘about’ page.

Business Insider is Seeking a Writer from Baltimore

Business Insider covers business, personal finance, tech, lifestyle, politics, and more. Their senior editor is looking for “a freelance writer from Baltimore who reports on infrastructure/transportation.” Pay is $700 per story. If interested, email lkatzman@businessinsider.com. To read their senior editor’s post, click here. To visit their contact page, click here.

Deadline: July 26th, 2024

Ambrook Research is Seeking Pitches

Ambrook Research offers data-driven storytelling regarding modern agriculture. Their editor is looking for pitches. Their main focus is agriculture, though they also consider “public lands, ecosystem restoration, rural issues, meat production, and fisheries” in their wheelhouse. They start at $0.50 per word. If interested, email your pitches to jesse@ambrook.com. To read their editor’s post, click here. To visit their website, click here.

Planetizen is Accepting Feature Article Pitches

Planetizen is “a fiercely independent platform that creates, curates, and amplifies stories and resources to inform planning and people passionate about planning.” They’re always accepting feature article pitches: “Are you a practicing planner, scholar, or work in a related field? We are always accepting pitches for feature articles that bring an expert lens to today’s key planning issues.” They pay professional writers $500 for a feature or career-related article. For details, refer to their post and this page.

Wired is Looking for Business-Related Pitches or News Tips

Wired is a magazine and website that covers the current and future trends in technology. Their editor is looking for business-related pitches (particularly scoops) or news tips. Rates are $500 for shorter, bloggier posts and $800 for 1,000 to 1,200-word reported stories. To learn more, refer to their editor’s post and their pitch guidelines.

IJNet is Accepting Pitches

International Journalists’ Network (IJNet) offers the latest tips, training opportunities, trends, and tools for professional and emerging journalists. They’re accepting pitches for tips and tricks that will help journalists globally. They pay $200 per article and accept work in English, Spanish, Portuguese or Russian. To learn more, refer to their post and this page.

MIT Technology Review is Seeking Pitches

MIT Technology Review is a media company that explains the commercial, political, and social impact of the newest technologies. They’re looking for pitches for the upcoming issue of their magazine. The theme is Breakthroughs. They’re seeking longer pieces: narrative features, investigations, profiles, and essays. They pay $1 to $2 per word. To learn more, refer to their commissioning editor’s post on X and post on LinkedIn.

Deadline: July 23rd, 2024

NSUN is Seeking Pitches on “Mental Healthcare in a Failing State”

The National Survivor User Network (NSUN) is “a membership organisation of people and grassroots groups with lived experience of mental ill-health, distress, and trauma.” They’re looking for pitches: “Pitch us: ‘Mental Healthcare in a Failing State.’ We’re interested in publishing blogs from people with lived experience of mental ill-health, distress and trauma.” Rate is £150 for blogs (500 to 1,000 words). For more information, refer to their post and this page.

Deadline: July 26th, 2024


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