$4,000 Flash Fiction Writing Contest – Quantum Shorts

The final Quantum Shorts Flash Fiction Competition is now open to submissions. The contest, hosted by the Centre for Quantum Technologies and the National University of Singapore, is open to stories up to 1,000 words that are inspired by quantum physics.

They’ve announced this is the final time they will be hosting this contest.

According to the call for entries:

The challenge for writers is this: craft a story no longer than 1000 words that takes inspiration from quantum physics. The story must also incorporate the phrase “nobody said this was going to be easy”. 

The phrase comes from a quantum researcher in “Helping Hands”, the last story to claim first prize in Quantum Shorts. In that story by Cora Valderas, the researcher was grappling with the unexpected outcomes of an experiment. Writers may empathise as they plot about the trials and tribulations of building quantum devices or the complexities and uncertainties that govern the quantum world.

Those who put the hard work in stand a chance to win prizes. On standby are a First Prize of USD 1500, a Runner Up prize of USD 1000 and a People’s Choice prize of USD 500. Up to ten shortlisted entries will also win a USD 100 shortlist prize and a one-year digital subscription to Scientific American.

The deadline to enter the contest is January 8th, 2024. Anyone 13 years or older is allowed to join the contest.

To learn more, visit the https://shorts.quantumlah.org/news/one-last-call-quantum-inspired-flash-fiction


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