5 Christian Magazines that Pay for Essays

The Salve is “a progressive Christian lifestyle publication covering love, doubt, politics, and more.” They are looking for essays, reported guides, news analysis, and book, music, movie and TV reviews. Their rates start at $200 and go up depending on experience and complexity. For more information, visit this page.

The Christian Century is a Chicago-based Christian magazine that “explores what it means to believe and live out the Christian faith in our time.” They invite readers to contribute first-person narratives (of less than 1,000 words) on the topics of lapse and feet. They pay $100 per essay. For details, visit this page.

Bearings Online is Collegeville Institute’s bi-weekly online publication that “examines relationships between religion and culture, highlights unexplored facets of contemporary religious life, and suggests faithful responses to today’s problems and opportunities.” They are looking for regular contributors who can write an essay, article, or book review (800 to 1,200 words long) once every two months. They pay $50 per piece. For details, visit this page.

Liguorian Magazine a Catholic magazine, bills itself “a redemptorist pastoral publication.” They publish articles, personal essays, and fiction. They pay 12 to 17 cents per word. They offer a free sample copy –– just send them a stamped envelope. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

The Lookout is a weekly magazine published to a Christian audience. Previously independent, it has “merged” with The Christian Standard. They are a general interest Christian magazine. The publish essays “dealing with topics of current concern.” According to our research, they pay up to 11 cents per word, with a maximum of 400 words. To contact them, read these submission guidelines.


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