$500 for Sci-Fi Writers

The Speculative Literature Associations is offering two new diversity-centered grants.

The two grants are “Diverse Writers” and “Diverse Worlds.”

According to their guidelines:

  1. The $500 Diverse Writers grant is intended to support new and emerging writers from underrepresented and underprivileged groups, such as writers of color, women, queer writers, disabled writers, working-class writers, etc. — those whose marginalized identities may present additional obstacles in the writing / publishing process.
  2. The $500 Diverse Worlds grant is intended for work that best presents a diverse world, regardless of the writer’s background.

They include concrete examples of the types of writers and worlds they are looking to support with the grant.

The grants are to support works in progress, and not published work. Publishing experience is not required. The grant is open worldwide, though English is the preferred language.

The grant is made possible by publicists at two major publishers –– Hachette and Little, Brown. Winning the grant could mean far more than just monetary awards, it may get your foot in the door at these major publishers.

Applications open on May 1st. The deadline is July 31st, 2019.

Learn more here.


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