$5,000 for Journalists Aged 22-38

In 2002, the journalist Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by terrorists in Pakistan, while working there as a journalist.

Shortly after his death, a foundation was formed in his memory, to promote “mutual respect and understanding among diverse cultures through journalism, music and dialogue.”

The foundation also supports a grant for journalists aged 22 to 38. In partnership with Moment magazine, they offer $5,000 to produce a story. The age cutoff mirrors Daniel Pearl’s age when he died.

According to the grant’s web page:

Each cycle, Moment—with the help of an advisory board of journalists—selects one DPIJI Fellow, who receives $5,000 ($2,500 upfront and $2,500 upon publication) to produce a story. Fellows work closely with Moment editors and selected mentors to publish their completed project in Moment as well as partner media outlets.

The deadline for applying to the current grant window is April 30th, 2019. If you are intereste and eligible, or know someone else who is eligible, be sure to apply right away, as the deadline is approaching very quickly.

Here’s the link for more information.


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