29 Publishers that Pay for Parenting Articles, Essays, & Stories

The following is a huge list of magazines, websites, and blogs that pay for writing about parenting in one form or another.

As you can see, there are many opportunities for writing in this niche. This list, as big as it is, only starts to scratch the surface. You’ll notice that there are many regional magazines that publish parenting articles; If you’re interested in this niche, I would recommend looking for a local “family magazine” to contribute to, in addition to perusing the opportunities below.

Additionally, many general interest newspapers and magazines cover parenting, so that is another angle to look at.

If you’re new to freelance writing, and interested in some training to help you get started, I recommend that you watch this free  lecture.

  1. Mommyish focuses on the realities of parenting. They publish listicles, humor, and clickbait. They are accepting applications for regular bloggers. To apply, contact their editor here.
  2. MotherWell is a blog that features personal essays and “perspective pieces” about all sides of parenting. According to an interview with their editor, they pay $50 per post, though payment is not listed on their website. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  3. Lies About Parenting publishes thought-provoking articles on all aspects of parenting. They accept pitches for articles that share surprising advice, a personal story, or a revelation. They pay $50 per post. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  4. ADDitude Magazine – The leading destination for families and adults living with ADD and learning disabilities, ADDitude is mostly written by journalists and mental health professionals, but they also accept articles by parents who have personal experience with ADHD and learning disabilities. Check out ADDitude’s writing guidelines here. Bonus: ADDitude is looking for parent bloggers, so if you want to share your journey raising a little one who has ADHD, get your butt over to that link and scroll to the bottom for more info.
  5. Adoptive Family Magazine – An award-winning resource for adoptive parents and people navigating the adoption process, Adoptive Families provides information and support through expert articles, personal stories, and advice. If you’re an adoptive parent (or in the process of adopting), click on the writers’ guidelines here for info on submitting articles or personal essays.
  6. Working Mother – Working Mother is an insightful, dynamic website with fun, affirming posts, as well as pieces tackling serious issues working mothers deal with. Check out the writer’s guidelines here.
  7. Baby Corner is a website that provides all-encompassing information, advice, and support for anyone who has, is expecting, or hoping to have a baby. You can pitch your work or ideas to them, or you can apply to be added to their writing pool where you may receive assignments based on their main topics. The writer’s guidelines are here.
  8. Just Parents is an informative community website for new and expecting parents. The site features everything from cleaning tips to articles about coping with labor. The UK site pays £40 ($60 US). Learn more from their Write for Us here.
  9. Parents & Kids is “a resource for busy families, providing real-life solutions, sound advice, creative ideas, and practical information to make their lives easier.” Based in the Jackson area of Mississippi, it features informative articles, helpful tips, and topics that parents care about. Pay starts at $25 per article. Check out their writer’s guidelines here. Contact them here.
  10. Simply Family Magazine is a monthly magazine designed as a free resource for families in a localized region of Montana. Simply Family Magazine covers every parenting stage from newborns all the way through college freshmen. Although they like a local tie-in, there is still room for plenty of humorous stories and “how-to” articles from non-locals. You can contact the editors here.
  11. The Green Parent is a UK publication that assists parents in their pursuit of green living and other parenting goals. Check out their vastly detailed writing guidelines here. Pay is £75 (UK) per 1,000 words.
  12. On Parenting is a parenting blog of Washington Post. They are looking for pieces with an interesting angle to parenting. They welcome reported pieces and personal essays. They want the pieces to be no more than 1,200 words long. Payment reports suggest that they pay up to $2.50 per word. According to one of our readers, expect no more than $300 total. To learn more, refer to this page.
  13. A Fine Parent is an “online community for parents who believe that great parents are made, not born.” They provide resources that help the readers become better parents. They want articles that are 1,500 to 3,000 words long. They pay $75 for articles that are selected for publication. For further details, refer to this page.
  14. Parents and Parents.com help parents “raise happy, healthy kids” and have “a lot of fun along the way.” They are a national publication, so they are mainly interested in stories that appeal to a wide range of parents. They are always seeking captivating human-interest stories. They generally work only with authors who have some experience. Payment reports suggest that they pay up to $1.87 per word. For further information, refer to their writer’s guidelines.
  15. Fatherly is a “digital media brand for dads.” They offer expert parenting advice, product recommendations and life tips for fathers. They want fun and insightful stories regarding the trials and tribulations of parenthood. According to one payment report, they paid $0.15 per word. To learn more, refer to this page.
  16. Zift provides “essential screen time parenting tools, insights and resources to families in a technology-driven world.” Their Parent Portal and Parenting Insights blog help parents become better at parenting in today’s technology-filled environment. They want evergreen articles that offer practical and actionable tips. Their most successful articles are 1,500 to 2,000 words long. They pay $100 per article. To learn more, refer to this page.
  17. Pregnant Chicken is an online resource and blog that offers tips, advice, and information that help in keeping pregnancy fun and funny for expectant and new parents. They want funny or emotionally relatable posts on pregnancy and being a new parent. They don’t have a minimum or maximum word count. They pay $50 per post. For details, visit this page.
  18. Kidspot is an Australian parenting website that covers pregnancy, birth, parenting, lifestyle, health, food, and more. According to payment reports, they pay up to $0.18 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
  19. Juno is an online community and a digital magazine focused on pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood. They are seeking stories about women’s experiences with urinary incontinence. They pay $100 per accepted piece. To learn more, visit this page. They also have a general writer’s guidelines page here.
  20. Your Teen Media is a resource for parenting teenagers. They want writers to send pitches of ideas for articles, essays, blogs, or expert advices to their editors. According to one payment report, they paid $0.10 per word. To learn more, visit this page.
  21. Pregnancy & Newborn is a monthly print magazine and an online community for new and expectant mothers. They feature birth stories, health tips, gear reviews, baby advice, and more. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.33 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
  22. Baby Chick is a digital media and lifestyle company that offers “pregnancy tips, birth information, postpartum support, parenting advice, product knowledge & more.” According to one payment report, they paid $0.04 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
  23. Traveling Dad is a family travel website. They pay for assigned posts that offer useful travel information through the point of view of a dad. They want writers who can help traveling dads and moms with every kind of travel including “family travel, business travel, solo travel, multi-generational travel, guy getaways and, a fan favorite, traveling without kids.” For details, visit this page.
  24. Romper is a website for millennial moms. They are “looking to a) explore facets of parenthood that may yet be unaddressed by the media, and b) ruminate deeply on The Great British Baking Show.” They accept pitches for essays and reported pieces of 800 to 2,000 words. According to one payment report, they paid $150 for a profile or interview of about 1,000 words. To learn more, refer to this page.
  25. Family Story is “a think tank founded in 2015 to recognize, validate, and protect the many ways individuals form and re-form families.” They are looking for personal essays and opinion pieces for their blog. They especially encourage submissions from people of color and/or LGBTQIA+ folks. The submissions should be of 600 to 1,200 words. Payment is $100 per post. To learn more, visit this page.
  26. Mommyhood101 is a website that offers baby product reviews, treatments for common ailments, news coverage of scientific advancements in pediatrics, and more. They participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. They are accepting blog submissions from writers. They want submissions of at least 2,000 words with at least 1 image. The submissions must be about pregnancy, childbirth, and/or parenting. Submissions about parenting must be relevant for children under the ages of about 5 to 7 years. They will pay 5 cents per word. For example, for an article of 3,000 words, they will pay $150. To contribute, refer to this page.
  27. Lisa Tanner Writing offers “tips and tricks for working from home with kids, growing a freelance business, running a blog as a busy mom, and balancing diapers and deadlines.” They are looking for guest posts from busy moms with a business. They want SEO optimized posts of 1,000 to 2,000 words. They will pay $50 per post. Details here.
  28. Baby and You offers affordable pregnancy and ovulation tests in New Zealand. They are seeking “general fertility and local New Zealand fertility articles.” They pay $20 for a 400-word article/blog post, $50 for a 750-word article/blog post, and $80-$100 for a 1,000+ word article/blog post. To find out more, refer to this page.
  29. What To Expect is a pregnancy and parenting brand. They offer preconception, pregnancy, and parenting advice. According to their managing editor, they pay $250 to $400 per piece. To contact them, refer to this page.

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