7 Magazines & Sites that Pay Writers $200+ Per Article

Here is a list of seven magazines and websites that pay writers up to $200, or more, for the articles they publish.

Thank you for Fatima Saif for her research on this list.

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  1. Revive Social Blog provides top-level advice to social media marketers. They are looking for how-to posts that focus on a particular aspect of social media. If the quality of the article is up to par, writers can earn $100 to $200 per article. For details, visit this page.
  2. Edible Columbus is a quarterly print magazine devoted to local food, dining, and gardening in the greater Columbus, Ohio area. Their articles are 600 to 2,000 words long. They pay $100 to $200 per feature article, and $50 per article for non-feature departments. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  3. Tastings is the quarterly electronic member newsletter of Food and Culinary Professionals, a dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. They are accepting queries for CPEU (continuing professional education units) articles. They pay $500 for an article of 2,000 words. To learn more, visit this page.
  4. Climbing is a rock climbing magazine based in US. They cover bouldering, trad climbing, alpine climbing, and sport climbing. They publish feature stories (1,500 to 3,500 words) with strong photographic component. They also publish shorter department pieces. According to payment reports, they pay up to $0.35 per word. To learn more, read their writer contribution guidelines.
  5. Business Insurance is a source of news and information on risk management, commercial insurance, and workers compensation. They deliver “in-depth analysis on new and emerging risks, case studies of successful programs, market intelligence on trends, and guidance on how to capitalize on opportunities and overcome challenges.” One payment report indicates that they pay $0.85 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
  6. Antique DOLL Collector Magazine is a monthly magazine dedicated to antique, vintage and collectible dolls. They publish doll collectors’ stories and cover auctions. They prefer articles of 500 to 1,000 words. They pay $200 to $500 per article. For details, read their writers guidelines.
  7. Herizons is a Canadian publication with a feminist readership. Articles about applying feminist principles in work, in relationships and organizations, and in social justice are welcome. They are interested in health, social and political, environmental, equality, justice and spiritual issues, as well as parenting issues and all issues informed by diverse racial and cultural experiences. They want personal experiences, journalism style articles, interviews, articles which bring in current research and a clear feminist perspective. They pay $250 to $550 for features, $175 to $210 for news, $75 for reviews. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

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