7 Magazines that Pay Writers $250 Per Article

The following is a list of 7 magazines that accept queries and submissions from freelance writers. Included is a wide variety of magazines.

1. Bird Talk Magazine is for the owners of parrots, canaries, finches and doves. They want “informative articles on the care of birds; photo essays on historical and current events dealing with birds; how-to articles; and human-interest stories.” They pay $100 to $400 for articles, including photos. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

2. Recreation News is a regional magazine for the Washington D.C. area. They cover recreational activities, with a focus on leisure time for government employees. They cover “destinations and activities within a day or weekend drive of the Baltimore-Washington region.” They pay up to $300 per article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

3. Mississippi Magazine covers the people, places, food, history, events, and culture of the state. They pay $250 to $350 for featured articles, and $150 to $250 for most department articles. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

4.  FineWoodworking Magazine relies on skilled woodworkers “to share their practical experience and knowledge.” They cover nearly all aspects of woodworking. They pay $150 per page, plus expenses. They even pay an advance. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

5. Tricycle: The Buddhist Review presents the Buddhist perspective to the West. They are the leading magazine of Buddhism in the West and they have good distribution. They are not affiliated with any particular sect or lineage of Buddhism. They generally pay 30 cents per word for feature articles. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

6. Ceramics Monthly is dedicated to studio ceramics and clay-based art. Writers are welcome to submit to any of the magazine’s numerous departments, which cover everything from studio visits to craft tips. They pay $0.10 per word, while Techno File and Glaze articles are paid a flat fee of $250. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.

7. Hana Hou! is the magazine of Hawaiian Airlines. They “fresh, insightful views of the people, places and cultures that make our island home so special.” They pay 40 cents per word for features and department articles. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.


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