7 Publishers that Pay $100+ for Essays

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Here’s a list of seven publishers that pay $100 or more for essays. Topics including the creative process, the American South, Catholicm piglrimages, food and identity, and living with technology.

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Wild Lot Press is a publisher and residency program that focuses on “the curious gray areas between the natural world and civilization, and the influence of the wild on people, characters, and the creative process.” They are looking for pitches for essays, photo essays, book reviews, and interviews. They pay up to $250 for essays. They pay $150 for photo essays, $50 for book reviews, and $50 for interviews. To learn more, visit this page.
The New Southern Fugitives is a biweekly zine that “challenges our comfortable perspective of the South.” They encourage contributions from “indigenous, LGBTQIA+, disabled, current or previously incarcerated, and non-binary people, women, and people of color.” They pay $100 for book reviews (1,000 words or less), essays (1,200 words or less), or short stories (2,000 words or less). They pay $40 for poems (1.5 pages or less), flash/micro fiction (800 words or less), or a photograph/piece of visual art. Details here.
Tekton Ministries hosts Catholic pilgrimages which help people in experiencing God in their lives. They are looking for articles for their blog. They are specifically seeking articles on the topics of: true stories of pilgrimage experiences (500 to 1000 words), informational articles on pilgrimage destinations (300 to 800 words), articles on Catholic devotions that relate to a place of pilgrimage (300 to 800 words), and reflections that relate to pilgrimage (300 to 800 words). They pay $50 to $150 for an article. To learn more, read their article submission guidelines.
High Steaks Media is a multidisciplinary arts collective. They publish content on food and identity. They are “interested in the different ways food can be used to delve into a myriad of topics and broader cultural phenomena.” They welcome pitches for essays, reviews, and interviews (800 to 1,500 words). They pay $150 per piece. Details here.
Lady Science is a monthly magazine about “women and gender in the history and popular culture of science, technology, and medicine.” They publish well-researched and reviewed articles, personal essays, takes on news and politics, pop culture criticism, and more. They pay $100 per piece. Details here.

Longreads is a blog from the company behind WordPress, the software which powers over 25% of the internet. Base pay is $500 per essay. Payment is determined by the amount of work. They also pay for features, at a higher rate, competitive with large publications. To learn more, visit their submission guidelines page.

Real Life Magazine is a website funded by Snapchat. They publish “essays, arguments, and narratives about living with technology.” According to reports, the pay around 15 cents per word. To learn more, read their contributors page.

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