70 Christian Publishers that Pay Writers

The following is a list of Christian magazines, websites, blogs, and publications that accept pitches directly from freelance writers.

  • LIVE is a take-home story paper distributed to Christian adults in Sunday School classes. The paper seeks to “encourage Christians in living for God through stories which apply biblical principles to everyday problems.” They publish true stories, nonfiction, how-to articles, and fiction. However, they do not accept Bible fiction or sci-fi. Payment: 10 cents per word for first rights and 7 cents per word for reprint rights. Submission Guidelines
  • Christ and Pop Culture is a Christian digital magazine. They send out special calls for submission around once per month — and pay $75 per article. To learn more, visit their “pitches” page.
  • St. Anthony Messenger is a Catholic monthly magazine published by Franciscan Media. Editors look for inspiring uplifting material reflecting Catholic views and values. Editors do not accept simultaneous submissions and reprints from publications outside of Franciscan Media. Payment is $0.20 per word for features (about 2,000 words) and short stories (2,000-2,500 words). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines.
  • Prism Magazine “encourages a vision of relevant, compassionate Christian witnesses in our culture.” Topics of interest include social justice features, Christianity and how it relates to contemporary culture, holistic ministry profiles and spiritual challenges. No poetry or fiction. Length:  800-1,000 words. Pay: $50 for up to 800 words. Details here.
  • Guideposts is an inspiration-focused magazines about “people who have attained a goal, surmounted an obstacles, or learned a helpful lesson through their faith.” They typically publish first-person narratives. They pay $250 or more for stories. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Gather is the magazine for women members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (the ELCA). They publish “theological reflections, devotions, and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action.” They’re published 10 times a year. They do not list pay rates publicly, but writers have reported they pay $20 per 100 words. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Salvo: Writers interested in writing for this magazine should query the editor to see if their idea will be acceptable. Not only do querying writers need to explain their ideas, but they are also expected to give a little background information about their experience regarding the subject at hand. Salvo runs stories on sex, science, and society, and articles will ideally offer a “systematic deconstruction” of fallacious philosophies and ideologies. Payment is $0.20 per word and submission guidelines are posted here.
  • Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse is a Christian children’s magazine that publishes short stories and nonfiction. In addition to stories, they publish factoids, features of “ordinary kids doing extraordinary things, activities, humor, and interviews with noteworthy Christians. They pay $200 and up for short stories, and $150 and up for nonfiction. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • EFCA Today and EFCA Noware published by the Evangelical Free Church of America. They pay 23 cents a word. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Guide Magazineis a Christian story magazine for young people ages 10-14. They publish true stories, not fictional ones. They publish adventure stories, biography, Christian humor, nature stories, personal growth stories, and story series’. Each series has 2-12 chapters, with each chapter around 1200 words. They pay 7-10 cents a word. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • The War Cry is the magazine published by the Salvation Army. They’ve been around a whopping 135 years. They accept submissions from freelance writers. They pay $0.35 per word for original articles, and $0.15 a word for reprints. They’ve recently published articles around 1,000 words. So that would mean a payment of $350.  To learn more, and to submit, be sure to read their submission guidelines.
  • Power For Living is a weekly take-home publication for Christian adults. They accept feature article submissions on a variety of topics, but they must be inspiring stories that “show the power of Christ at work.” They pay up to $375 for longer articles (1400-1600 words) and $125 for shorter pieces (750-1000). To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Eureka Street is an online journal published by Australian Jesuits. They’re looking for articles that “provide humane, ethical analysis or commentary on politics, religion, popular culture or current events in Australia or the world.” They’re also open to short fiction and creative nonfiction. They pay $200 per article. (Bonus: They also pay for poems.) To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • The Lookout is a weekly magazine published to a Christian audience. Previously independent, it has “merged” with The Christian Standard. They are a general interest Christian magazine. The publish essays “dealing with topics of current concern.” According to our research, they pay up to 11 cents per word, with a maximum of 400 words. To contact them, read these submission guidelines.
  • devozine is a bimonthly magazine that helps young people mature in their Christian faith. Freelancers are welcome to submit either meditations or weekend feature articles, and they must follow the magazine’s theme list. They pay $25 for meditations and $100 for features. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Pocketsis a magazine that publishes “wholesome devotional readings that teach about God’s love and presence in life” to 8- to 12-year-olds. They accept stories and articles that can illustrate a real-life situation, describe children who actively spread God’s Word, or profile a noteworthy Christian individual. They pay $0.14 cents per word ($70 for a 500-word article). To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  •  The Christian Courier is a bi-weekly publication that speaks from a Reformed perspective (although writers do not need to be Reformed). They describe their content as “an eclectic boutique of styles, opinions and flavors,” and it falls under three categories: News, Opinion, and Features. They pay $40-$70, depending on length. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • The Quiet Hourpublishes devotionals on a quarterly basis. Each devotional features an anecdote that leads into a Scripture-based insight and closes with a prayer or quotation. Writers are assigned contracts for seven devotionals each quarter, and for each contract, they pay $115 and up, based on experience. For more information, read their submission guidelines.
  • Touchstoneis a Christian journal that publishes articles with a professional, polished voice that speak to Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox readers. They accept freelance submissions for their Features, Views, and Communiqués departments. They pay $125 per published page. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Bible Advocate Onlinepublishes articles on Christian living that follows the doctrine of the Church of God (Seventh Day). Their topics include personal experience, book studies, current social and religious issues, and more. They pay $25-$65 depending on length, and writers can submit to both the print and digital editions. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Today’s Christian Livingis a bimonthly magazine designed to encourage and engage Christians of all ages. It contains inspirational stories about how lives of people (famous and ordinary) have been touched in a unique way by the Lord. Editors look for story-based and testimonial freelance submissions. Editors purchase all rights to original articles. They do not consider reprints. Payment is $150 (1,200-1,800 words), $100 (801-1,199 words), and $75(650-800 words). To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: http://todayschristianliving.org/writers-guidelines/.
  • Providenceis “a journal of Christianity and American foreign policy.” They publish articles on the intersection of Christianity and national security, foreign policy, political theory, etc. They pay $100 for 500-1,000 word articles on their website. They pay up to $1,000 for print articles. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • The Catholic Digest is a lifestyle magazine that “encourages and supports Catholics in a variety of of stages and circumstances.” They pay $500 for many of their articles, including personal stories. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Liguorian Magazine a Catholic magazine, bills itself “a redemptorist pastoral publication.” They publish articles, personal essays, and fiction. They pay 12 to 17 cents per word. They offer a free sample copy –– just send them a stamped envelope. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Focus on the Family Magazine is a bimonthly publication that discusses marriage and parenting from a Christian point of view. Most of their articles are about the needs of families that have 4 to 12 year-olds in their homes. They also consider articles about parenting preschoolers and teens. The payment begins at $0.25 per word. Further details can be found on their writers’ guidelines page.
  • America Media provides “editorial content for thinking Catholics and those who want to know what Catholics are thinking”. They accept select unsolicited, unpublished pieces for their print, web and other digital formats. Payment reports suggest that they pay $0.25 to $0.38 per word. To find out more, visit this page.
  • Message is a bi-monthly religious journal. They love captivating comeback stories, inspirational profiles, well-crafted features and insightful Biblical analysis. They also consider financial, professional, health and relationship stories that have a strong Biblical foundation. They pay $75 to $300 per article. More information can be found on their submission guidelines page
  • Psychology for Living (PFL) is a Christian psychology magazine published by the Narramore Christian Foundation. They publish articles ranging from those that deal with psychological problems to those that discuss communication and family relationships. They pay $200 for articles of 1,200 to 1,700 words and $125 for articles of less than 1,200 words. For previously published articles, they pay $75. For more details, read their writers’ guidelines.
  • Light + Life (formerly The Free Methodist) is a monthly magazine published by the communications department of the Free Methodist Church – USA. Each issue of Light + Life is devoted to a specific theme with a consistent approach in which “the articles complement each other and flow in a progression that takes the reader from discovery through personal application.” Editors, looking for journalistic integrity and accuracy, welcome freelance writers. Payment is $100 for features (approximately 2,100 words) and $50 for action articles (1,000 words) and discipleship articles (800 words). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://fmcusa.org/lightandlifemag/writers/.
  • Sojourners is a magazine and an online publication that covers faith, politics, social justice, war, peace, community and art from a biblical perspective. According to their website, they pay $50 per poem. One payment report suggests that they paid $0.38 per word for a feature. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • Now What? is a monthly e-zine which contains “personal experience stories that show people’s struggles that either led them to faith in Christ or deepened their walk with God.” Some of their stories also include resources for addictions, mental illness, grief, etc. Their feature articles and personal experience stories are 1,000 to 1,500 words long. On publication, they pay an honorarium of $25 to $65. Further details can be found here.
  • Creation Illustrated is a quarterly published Christian nature magazine which focuses on worshiping the Creator. Many of their features have a seasonal focus. They pay $75 to $100 per piece. They may pay a 25% kill fee when an assigned or accepted piece is not published. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • Relevant Magazine covers the intersection of faith, culture and life. Their readership is mostly “Christian 20 and 30somethings who are looking for purpose, depth and spiritual truth.” Our sources suggest that they pay $0.20 per word for print magazine articles. They do not pay for web articles. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • Christianity Today is an evangelical magazine that helps its readers understand both the gospel of Jesus Christ and the world that they live in. Their readers are usually in some kind of leadership or ministry in churches and communities. They publish well researched articles that pertain to modern Christianity. Payment reports suggest that they pay up to $0.17 per word. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • Preaching is a website that provides resources for pastors and church leaders. Virtually all of their content is written by pastors and college or seminary faculty. For feature articles of 2,000 to 2,500 words, they pay an honorarium of $50. For sermon manuscripts of 1,500 to 2,000 words, they pay $35. For sermon briefs (abridged sermons) of about 600 words, they pay $30 and for past masters (biographical treatments of renowned preachers of the past), they pay $50. For further details, read their guidelines for writing submissions.
  • Elder’s Digest is a quarterly publication for local church leaders. They publish articles that are focused towards church elders. They prefer articles that are less than 1,500 words long. They accept sermons that are approximately 1,500 words long. They offer an honorarium of up to $75. For more details, read their writer’s guidelines.
  • DTS Magazine is Dallas Theological Seminary’s official publication. They “publish articles applying biblical truth to life as a ministry to friends of Dallas Theological Seminary.” They prefer articles written by their “alumni, faculty, students, staff, board members, donors and their families.” They prefer articles of 1,500 words. They pay $150 for reprints and up to $500 for original articles. For online content, they pay $50 to $100 per article. Details here.
  • Prayer Connect is a quarterly magazine of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. They publish articles, guides and ideas that equip the readers to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer. Each issue of the magazine has a theme. Their pay rates vary depending on the type of article. They typically pay 10 cents per word for non-themed articles. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • The Kids’ Ark is a Christian magazine for kids ages 6-12.  Each issue of the magazine has a theme, for example, love, obedience, faith, etc. They are looking for fiction or non-fiction stories that are no longer than 650 words. They pay $100 per story. To learn more, read their writer’s guidelines.
  • Church Health Reader is a print an digital Christian magazine that publishes “research, articles, and reflections on health and healing for lay leaders and clergy.” They pay $40 to $200 per article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Reformed Perspective is a print publication with a readership of 4-5,000. The majority of their readers live in Canada, while a sizable minority live in the United States, Australia, and the rest of the world. Their “readers are almost all from a conservative Reformed background and include members of the Canadian Reformed, United Reformed, and Australian Free Reformed churches as well as many others.” For articles of 800 to 2,000 words, they pay an honorarium of $30 to $55. For details, read their writer’s guidelines.
  • Children’s Ministry Magazine is for “those who serve children in the church.” The cover practical topics such as “working with volunteers; discipline; and communicating with children about faith, morals, money, friends, grades and choices.” Payment  ranges from $40 to 400. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
  • Indian Life is a bimonthly newspaper by Intertribal Christian Communications (an international, evangelical non-profit organization). The newspaper helps “the Native North American church speak to the social, cultural and spiritual needs of her people.” They give preference to native writers. The maximum length of their articles or stories is 2,000 words. They pay 15 cents per word, up to a maximum of $150. They pay $40 per photo, $40 for poetry, and $30 for fillers. To learn more, refer to their writer’s guidelines.
  • Regular Baptist Press produces “Sunday School and Vacation Bible School curriculum, Bible studies, and other church educational resources that are true to God’s Word and encourage maturity in Christ.” They are looking for articles for Horizons (a weekly publication for adults in like-minded churches). They want articles of 1,100 to 1,200 words. They also consider shorter articles of 700 to 1,000 words that are accompanied by sidebars which increase the word count up to 1,200 words. They generally pay $120 per article. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • St. Mary’s Messenger is a quarterly Catholic magazine for kids aged 7 to 12. The magazine features stories, poems, crafts, games, puzzles, feast day celebration ideas, and more. Though they are a Catholic magazine, they don’t want every piece to be explicitly religious. They pay $25 to $100 for articles or stories that appear in their print magazine. They don’t pay for work that appears online. For details, refer to their submission guidelines.
  • Adventist World is a worldwide monthly magazine by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They are looking for articles of international interest on topics that are important around the world and in the church. They pay $50 to $100 for unsolicited articles and $75 to $300 for solicited articles. They pay $15 per image if they use photos sent with articles. To learn more, visit this page.
  • Spirit is a “weekly periodical for high school students used with Catholic religious education, confirmation and youth ministry groups in parishes throughout the US and Canada.” They are looking for stories and features of about 1,100 words. They pay $300 per article. For details, visit this page.
  • VISION Vocation Guide is a print and online resource for people who are interested in entering religious life. They want articles that “provide insight into what it means to be a contemporary Catholic sister, priest, brother, missionary, or monk.” The best time of the year to pitch ideas to them is late summer or early fall. They pay $450 for articles of 1,000 to 1,500 words and $100 for reprints. To learn more, visit their guidelines for writers.
  • Connect Journal is a print and online publication by ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Youth Ministry Network. They “support adults working with children, youth and families in ELCA congregations by provoking thought, reflection and by providing resources.”  They pay $200 for full-length print features, and $50 for sidebar-length and full-length web articles. To learn more, visit this page.
  • Purpose is a “periodical of MennoMedia, an agency of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada.” They want personal true stories (500 to 700 words) and poems (up to 15 lines). The submissions must meet their monthly themes. They pay $25 to $50 for articles and $10 to $20 for poetry. To learn more, read their writer guidelines.
  • Young Salvationist is a Christian magazine for teens and young adults. The magazine is published by The Salvation Army. They are looking for written submissions of 500 words or less. They pay $0.35 a word for first rights, one-time use articles and $0.15 a word for reprints. For details, visit this page.
  • Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) provides “resources to churches, pastors, teachers, and individual Christians in areas of science, especially in matters relating to creation and evolution.” They want single articles to be kept below 4,000 words. They prefer articles of 1,200 words. They pay $0.04 a word for the first 1,000 words, and $0.02 a word thereafter, up to a maximum of $120 for an article. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • Christian Living in the Mature Years is a magazine by Abingdon Press, an imprint of the United Methodist Publishing House. It is a “leisure-reading magazine and a personal Bible study” for older adults. They publish articles about family, community involvement, wellness, and spiritual development. They pay 7 cents a word for articles, and $20 for photos that accompany the articles. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • The Messenger is a publication of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference. They want articles of up to 1,200 words. They prefer queries. They pay $135 for 1,200 words, and $15 for photos. For details, read their submission guidelines.
  • Women’s Gathering is a “place for Presbyterian women to gather”. They want to “find ways to encourage women (in Canada and around the world) to work towards justice for the marginalized, neglected, or forgotten.” They are looking for blog posts for their website. If they use a writer’s blog, they pay an honorarium of $50. To learn more, refer to this page.
  • This online publication presents articles that help and equip youth ministries’ workers. Editors are interested in short pieces on “successful youth ministry strategies” and other relevant topics (e.g., leadership skills, time management, and problem solving).  Payment is $80 per article. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines.
  • Cadet Quest is a magazine for boys ages 9-14 who are members of the Calvinist Cadet Corps (a Christian youth organization). It is published 7 times per year. The magazine assists the Cadet Corps in “helping boys to grow more Christlike in all areas of life.” Submissions should adhere to the editorial theme list. Editors buy all rights, first rights, and second rights. Payment is $0.05 per word and up (first rights with no major editing). To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines.

    Nature Friend Magazine is a children’s Christian magazine focusing on the wild nature world-wide. This conservative Christian publication wants to “partner with like-minded writers who help us fulfill our goal of educating and entertaining children in the realm of nature, for the glory of God.” A sample issue is available online. Editors prefer complete manuscripts (500-800 words); they buy original articles and reprints. Payment is $0.05 per edited word for first rights and $0.03 per edited word for reprint rights (plus a complimentary copy). To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines.
  • Primary Treasure and Our Little Friend are children Christian publications focused on Seventh-day Adventist kids. Editors like stories that “explain being a Seventh-day Adventist” and emphasize “developing a child’s relationship with Jesus through Bible.” Editors prefer complete manuscripts. They buy one-time magazine rights and electronic rights. They accept reprints that were published 4-5 years ago. Payment is $25-$50 per story. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines.
    Woman Alive is a UK monthly women’s magazine focused on Christian women. Its content includes material on faith, women’s ministry, relationships, and lifestyle. Editors seek practical articles written from a Christian perspective but without Christian or church-related terminology. Payment for articles (700-1,800 words) is by arrangement. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines. The United Church Observer is a Canadian magazine published 11 times per year. The editors “seek to offer the United Church and Canadians generally a church magazine that exceeds people’s expectations of church magazines.” They look for stories on faith, social justice, ethics, and living. Issues are planned 6 months in advance. Editors buy First North American rights in English and French to articles, plus the right to archive these articles and post them on ucobserver.org. Fees are negotiated, and writers are paid for words assigned. To learn more, read the writer’s guidelines.
  • Seton Magazine is the official magazine of Seton Home Study School (a Catholic private PreK-12 distance school). They give parents tools to make homeschooling successful. Their online articles are usually 800 to 1,000 words long. They pay stipends of $50 for published articles. To learn more, visit this page.
  • CatholicSingles is a dating site for Catholics. They love articles that are 1,500 to 2,000 words long. They pay $65 for blog posts on life as a single, $50 for blog posts on dating advice, and $35 for “general catholic-y and other articles.” For details, read their writer guidelines.
  • Bearings Online is Collegeville Institute’s bi-weekly online publication that “examines relationships between religion and culture, highlights unexplored facets of contemporary religious life, and suggests faithful responses to today’s problems and opportunities.” They are looking for regular contributors who can write an essay, article, or book review (800 to 1,200 words long) once every two months. They pay $50 per piece. For details, visit this page.
  • The Center for Prophetic Imagination offers “education, arts, and activist initiatives to help people turn from the false promises of empire and embrace God’s vision for the world.” They are looking for pieces of 500 to 1,000 words that make a connection between spirituality and social justice. They pay $50 per piece. Details here.
  • Tekton Ministries hosts Catholic pilgrimages which help people in experiencing God in their lives. They are looking for articles for their blog. They are specifically seeking articles on the topics of: true stories of pilgrimage experiences (500 to 1000 words), informational articles on pilgrimage destinations (300 to 800 words), articles on Catholic devotions that relate to a place of pilgrimage (300 to 800 words), and reflections that relate to pilgrimage (300 to 800 words). They pay $50 to $150 for an article. To learn more, read their article submission guidelines.
  • The Christian Century is a Chicago-based Christian magazine that “explores what it means to believe and live out the Christian faith in our time.” They invite readers to contribute first-person narratives (of less than 1,000 words) on the topics of lapse and feet. They pay $100 per essay. For details, visit this page.
  • The Word Among Us is a print and digital Catholic devotional magazine. They are looking for first-person testimony narratives of 1,200 words. They want “stories that focus on a significant experience of conversion, change, or spiritual insight in a simple, anecdotal style.” They pay $150 per story. Details here.
  • The Salve is “a progressive Christian lifestyle publication covering love, doubt, politics, and more.” They are looking for essays, reported guides, news analysis, and book, music, movie and TV reviews. Their rates start at $200 and go up depending on experience and complexity. For more information, visit this page.
  • Commonweal is “a journal at the intersection of faith and contemporary politics and culture, edited by lay Catholics.” They publish 20 times a year. They welcome “original manuscripts dealing with topical issues of the day on public affairs, religion, literature, and the arts.” Their articles fall into 3 categories: Upfronts (1,000 to 1,500 words), Longer articles (2,000 to 4,000 words), and Last Word (750 words). According to one payment report, they paid $150 per article. To learn more, visit this page.

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