Written By David Masters

8 Reasons Every Writer Should Write an Ebook.

Writing a book makes good business sense. As a published author, you’ll find it easier to pick up new clients. Read on to find out why.

Most aspiring writers I know would love to write a book. Yes, writing blog posts makes us happy, but books are closest to our hearts. Many writers think that to be a real writer, you must author a book.

While I believe there are all kinds of writers, I also believe that writers should pursue their dreams. If you long to write a book, then chase that rainbow!

Does that sound like you? If so, I think you’ll find this article interesting. I’m going to show you one route you can use to reach the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I’ve also got a question for you.

Why don’t you go ahead and just write your book?

Honestly, why not? Think about it for a moment, and see what comes up for you.

(And if you can’t find a single reason, then pick up a pen and paper right now and start writing. There’s nothing stopping you.)

There are all kinds of reasons writers fail to follow through on their dream of writing a book. Perhaps you find the idea of writing so many words daunting. After all, a typical paperback is 80,000 words. That’s no small task. Perhaps you’re afraid your writing skills aren’t good enough. Don’t you need years of experience to write a book? Or maybe you’re unsure about how you’ll find a publisher. We’ve all heard the nightmare stories of how even the most famous authors were rejected over and over again. And none of us likes the idea of rejection.

All these reasons can hold you back from starting your book. I’m not saying they’re good reasons. But they’re there.

Fortunately, there’s another way.

Why not write an ebook instead? Ebooks are great for aspiring writers because:

  1. Ebooks don’t have to be long. You’re not writing the modern version of War and Peace. In fact, they can be as short as 5,000 words or around 20 pages. You can write one or two pages a day – a goal that’s well within your reach, no matter what your circumstances – and you’ll have an ebook within a month.
  2. Ebooks don’t have to be masterpieces. The idea that you must create a world-changing piece of literature is enough to keep any writer blocked. When writing an ebook, you just use the writing skills you have to the best of your ability. That’s enough.
  3. Ebooks don’t need a publisher. You can publish ebooks yourself. This is called indie publishing, and it’s a growing trend. It’s actually remarkably easy to do, and there are plenty of guides online to help you with formatting your book correctly.
  4. So, writing an ebook rather than a “proper” book can help you overcome your blocks around writing. On top of that, ebooks are a great strategy to develop your writing career. Let’s take a look at how ebooks help you develop as a professional writer.
  5. Ebooks earn royalties. When you sell your ebook on Amazon, you’ll earn a royalty of up to 70% for each copy sold. That means if you sell your book for $5, you earn $3.50 for each copy sold. That’s a much higher royalty than you’d get by publishing your book through a traditional publisher.
  6. Ebooks keep earning for life. You only have to write an ebook once, and you’ve created a lifelong asset. Let’s say your ebook performs at middle or low level and only makes you $500 in royalties per year. Over 10 years, that’s $5,000 – a decent return for a month’s work.
  7. Ebooks establish you as an expert. Writing a book shows you’re a thought leader in your field. You’ve written the book on it, so you must know what you’re talking about. With a book to show prospects, you can attract more clients and command higher rates. Even if prospects don’t read your ebook, the fact that you’ve written it makes them sit up and take notice.
  8. Ebooks help you grow your tribe. Whether you want to build a fanbase of loyal readers, or an email list of potential clients, your ebook can help. You can offer your ebook as a free download to anyone who signs up for your email list.

How can you get started writing your ebook?

Choosing a topic is easier than you think.

If you plan to use your ebook as a marketing tool, then you’ll write a nonfiction book.

If you want your nonfiction ebook to sell, then you’re best to write a book that helps readers solve a specific problem. If you can draw on your personal experience to help them, that’s even better.

To decide the topic of your book, ask yourself:

What are some of the biggest problems and difficulties I’ve faced and overcome?

This could be moving to a new country. It could be potty training your child. It could be bringing back your marriage from the brink of divorce into a loving, flourishing relationship. It could be growing a beautiful garden in a hot climate. It could be acing all the tests you took in college.

Write down as many ideas as you can.

Next, for each idea, note how you did it. List the specific tools and strategies you used. Be as detailed as you can, and don’t leave anything out because you think it’s mundane. What’s obvious to you could be a revelation to other people.

You’ve already got outlines for several books! Now you’ve just got to choose which book to write, and get writing. It really is that easy.

What if you want to use your book to attract writing clients? Any book you write shows your expertise as a writer, especially if it gets good reviews. That said, if you plan to be a specialist writer in a particular niche, then it’s a good idea to write your book about a common problem in that niche.

You want to write a book. Now you know exactly how to get started. Happy writing!

I’d love to hear how you get on writing your book. You can email me at david@freedomwithwriting.com.


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