89 Canadian Magazines, Websites, Newspapers, and Blogs that Pay Freelance Writers

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Dear Canadian Writers,

There are many magazines, websites, newspapers, and blogs in Canada. Here is a selection of 89 such publications. All of them accept pitches directly from freelance writers. We’ve researched payment rates to give you an idea of how much each publication pays. Keep in mind that these numbers may not be accurate; they’re based on our best research, but it is best to think of them as a reference point than as a number set in stone.


Jacob Jans

National Post is a Canadian newspaper that covers politics, culture, travel, style, parenting, health, sports, and more. According to one payment report, they paid $0.33 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
SpiderWebShow is “Canada’s only online space that investigates the intersection of the theatrical and digital.” They pay an honorarium of $50 for an article of 750 to 1,000 words. To learn more, visit this page.
Adbusters is a Canada-based magazine that is “fighting back against the hostile takeover of our psychological, physical and cultural environments by commercial forces.” They publish 6 times a year. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.50 per word. To contact them, visit this page.
NOW is a source for alternative news, events, food, and entertainment in Toronto. It is a weekly publication. According to payment reports, they pay up to $0.28 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
Niagara Escarpment Views is a quarterly magazine about the Niagara Escarpment in Canada. They “want to explore the best of what’s located in Escarpment country” and need writers who are based all along it. They want writers to contact them first with their ideas. Their feature articles are of 1,000 words. They pay 40 cents per word and $10 per photo, up to 10 photos. For details, read their editorial guidelines.
WordWorks is a magazine about writing, for writers, produced by British Columbia’s community of writers. They accept articles of 600 to 2,000 words, and poetry of up to 60 lines. They pay $0.25 per word for articles. They pay an honorarium of $75 for creative submissions, $100 per cover art, and $25 per interior image. For details, visit this page.
The United Church Observer is a Canadian magazine published 11 times per year. The editors “seek to offer the United Church and Canadians generally a church magazine that exceeds people’s expectations of church magazines.” They look for stories on faith, social justice, ethics, and living. Issues are planned 6 months in advance. Editors buy First North American rights in English and French to articles, plus the right to archive these articles and post them on ucobserver.org. Fees are negotiated, and writers are paid for words assigned. To learn more, read the writer’s guidelines.
Women’s Gathering is a “place for Presbyterian women to gather”. They want to “find ways to encourage women (in Canada and around the world) to work towards justice for the marginalized, neglected, or forgotten.” They are looking for blog posts for their website. If they use a writer’s blog, they pay an honorarium of $50. To learn more, refer to this page.
FellowScript is a quarterly magazine published by InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship (a Canada-wide organization for Christians who write). They publish articles on writing and the writing life. They pay 3 cents per word (Canadian funds) for one-time rights, 1.5 cents per word for reprint rights, and an extra 0.5 cent per word for publication on their website for a period of no more than 3 months. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
AmongMen is a Canadian online lifestyle magazine for men. They cover fashion trends, fitness tips, tech reviews, recipes, entertainment, and relationships. Payment reports suggest that they pay up to $0.07 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
Canada-Asia Agenda is “an online public policy publication series of research-based analysis focused on contemporary issues and events in Asia created to inform discussion on Canada-Asia relations.” They publish articles of 2,000 to 2,500 words. They pay an honorarium of CA$750 for the submissions that they publish. For details, read their submission guidelines.
Luma is an online quarterly publication about independent film and media art. It is published by the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers and EMMEDIA Gallery & Production Society. They publish “critical essays, news, reviews, event previews, interviews, reflections, and photo/video essays about culturally relevant productions, events and ideas.” They pay successful contributors an honorarium of $200 per submission. To learn more, visit this page.
Learningandviolence.net is a Canadian website that seeks to “engage all people to recognize the impacts of violence on the joy of learning in formal and informal settings.” They want writers to submit dispatches of 500 to 750 words. They offer an honorarium of $50 Canadian for writing the dispatch, and $50 for demonstrated promotion on social media platforms, and/or through personal networks. For details, refer to this page.
Native Journal is the “best resource to find business related blogs on a wide range of topics from home improvement to shopping services.” They are always looking for writers in all parts of Canada. They accept stories (of up to 600 words) on a wide range of subjects. They encourage writers to send photos with their stories. They pay 15 cents per word and $15 per photo. For details, visit this page.
J-Source is a publication of Canadian Journalism Project. They are a source of news, research, commentary, advice, and discussion on Canadian journalism. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.19 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
LiveWire Calgary is a news media organization that is committed to delivering timely, relevant, and unique Calgary-area stories. They are looking for stories (350 to 1,500 words), photo essays, and opinion pieces. They pay a base rate of $0.30 per word. To learn more, read their freelance guidelines.
Studio Magazine offers “Canadian perspectives on craft and design within the global material culture.” They publish twice a year and have an ongoing web presence. They welcome article pitches from both new and experienced writers. They pay 20 cents per word for digital pieces and 30 cents per word for print pieces. For details, visit this page.
Purpose is a “periodical of MennoMedia, an agency of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada.” They want personal true stories (500 to 700 words) and poems (up to 15 lines). The submissions must meet their monthly themes. They pay $25 to $50 for articles and $10 to $20 for poetry. To learn more, read their writer guidelines.
C Magazine is a quarterly published contemporary art and criticism periodical based in Toronto, Canada. Each issue of the magazine has a theme. They welcome “writing on contemporary art and culture that is lively and rigorously engaged with current ideas and debates.” They accept pitches for reviews (800 to 1,000 words), columns (800 to 1,000 words), and feature essays, cultural analysis, and interviews (1,200 to 3,500 words). One payment report indicates that they pay $0.14 per word. To learn more, visit this page.
CANADALAND is a crowdfunded news site and podcast network. Their emphasis is on “media criticism and media reporting.” They are looking for scoops, stories about the Canadian media, and opinion pieces. According to one payment report, they pay $0.21 per word. To learn more, visit this page.
Our Times is an independent Canadian labour magazine that is committed to promoting workers’ rights and social justice. Their three main subject areas are features, poetry, and “Working for a Living” (an ongoing series of short stories). They pay up to $300 for features, $50 for poems, and $100 for “Working for a Living” stories. To read the submission guidelines of their three main subject areas, visit this page.
Spirit is a “weekly periodical for high school students used with Catholic religious education, confirmation and youth ministry groups in parishes throughout the US and Canada.” They are looking for stories and features of about 1,100 words. They pay $300 per article. For details, visit this page.
Broken Pencil is a magazine dedicated to zines, comics and underground print revolution. They publish four times a year and are based in Toronto, Canada. They feature “reviews of hundreds of zines and small press books, plus comics, excerpts from the best of the underground press, interviews, original fiction and commentary on all aspects of the indie arts.” They pay $30 to $300 per article. For details, refer to this page.
Canadian Student Review is a free digital magazine by The Fraser Institute which is “an independent, non-partisan research and educational organization based in Canada.” The magazine is written by students for students. They want articles (of 1,000 to 1,500 words) that are focused on an economic or public policy topic. They pay $200 per article. To learn more, refer to this page.
Self Advocate publishes 8 stories a month on the topic of self-advocacy — the ability to speak up for yourself. They only support stories from writers in British Columbia, Canada. Payment is $100 for stories 250 to 350 words. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
The Other Press is the student newspaper of Douglas College (a public college in British Columbia, Canada). They pay $50 for original articles of about 1,200 to 1,500 words that get published in their “features” section. To learn more, refer to this page.
GUTS is a Canadian magazine and blog covering Canadian politics and culture, including “long-form journalism, interviews, fiction, and new media that further feminist correspondence, criticism, and community in Canada.” They pay $100 for print pieces, $50 for blog posts. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Hakai Magazine is an online magazine that “explores science, society, and the environment from a coastal perspective.” They are based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The length of stories and commentary in their “news & views” section is 300 to 800 words. While, the length of narratives, essays, profiles, and investigative pieces in their “features” section is 1,000 to 5,000 words. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.60 per word. According to Hakai magazine’s website, they have a “modest travel budget and all expenses must be approved in advance.” To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
The Globe and Mail is a Canadian news media company. They cover news, politics, real estate, business, lifestyle and investing topics across multiple platforms. Their print and digital formats reach more than 6 million readers a week. According to payment reports, they pay up to $0.50 per word. To learn more, refer to this page.
Convivium is an online space that features news, research, and commentary on issues that affect the daily lives of Canadians of all faiths. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.19 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
Reformed Perspective is a print publication with a readership of 4-5,000. The majority of their readers live in Canada, while a sizable minority live in the United States, Australia, and the rest of the world. Their “readers are almost all from a conservative Reformed background and include members of the Canadian Reformed, United Reformed, and Australian Free Reformed churches as well as many others.” For articles of 800 to 2,000 words, they pay an honorarium of $30 to $55. For details, read their writer’s guidelines.
Mold Busters is a Canadian mold removal company. They are looking for writers who have “good knowledge in environmental services, mold removal, asbestos testing, water damage restoration, air duct cleaning, pollution inspection or building inspections.” They pay $300 to $400 for Ultimate Guides (of 3,000 to 4,000 words), and $200 for informational articles (of over 2,000 words). To learn more, visit this page.
Snafu Designs is a greeting card company that sells humorous cards in most of the 50 states of USA and also in Canada. They have a full line of greeting cards including birthday, wedding, retirement, Halloween, Christmas and Thanksgiving cards. They want clever ideas that are aimed at their “smart adult audience.” They pay $100 for any idea that they use. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Offscreen is a monthly online film journal that features essays, interviews, reviews and festival reports. They frequently produce special thematic issues. They want reviews and festival reports of at least 1,000 words and essays of at least 2,000 words. They pay up to $150 (Canadian dollars). To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.
Canadian Outdoorsman Magazine is an interactive online magazine about hunting and fishing. They only feature Canadian content in their magazine. They want feature articles of 1,500 to 2,000 words and columns of 700 words. They want both the feature articles and the columns to be accompanied with high resolution photos. They pay $250 for a feature article (with at least 6 photos) and $150 for a column article (with at least 3 photos). To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.
Legion Magazine bills itself as Canada’s military history magazine. They cover military history, military and veterans affairs, policing issues, issues of concern to senior citizens, health, recreation, humour and current affairs of interest to a national audience. Payment ranges from $150 to $1,200, plus 10 percent if they post the article on their website. Query first. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Rabble.ca is the largest progressive news website of Canada. Their aim is to represent the views and actions of progressive activists across Canada. They accept pitches of up to 200 words. They pay $0.10 a word up to $100 for commissioned pieces. To learn more, refer to this page.
Visual Arts News is the only magazine that is dedicated to contemporary visual art in Atlantic Canada. Their main focus is on Nova Scotian art and artists but they also accept stories on Atlantic Canadian, national as well as international art events. The most popular stories that they accept are features (1,000 to 3,000 words), exhibition reviews (500 to 750 words) and artist profiles (500 to 1,500 words). They pay $100 to $150 for an article. To find out more, visit this page.
SAD Mag is a print and online magazine that covers Vancouver’s independent arts and culture from the point of view of local writers and artists. Most of their accepted pitches are from contributors based in the Lower Mainland or are submissions about the region. The contributors whose work has been selected for the print issue are paid an honorarium of $50 to $150. For further details, visit this page.
Today’s Parent is “Canada’s #1 source for parenting content that informs, inspires and builds a sense of community.” Their articles help parents of children from birth to 9+ tackle a range of parenting issues including discipline, health, behavior and education. Payment reports suggest that they pay up to $1.00 per word. To find out more, visit this page
Canadian Art is a print and online magazine about contemporary art in Canada. They publish smart and accessible prose. They seek “original thinking, under-told histories and marginalized voices that challenge the status quo.” They pay 75 cents per word for print pieces and 50 cents per word for online pieces. To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.
Flare is a Canadian fashion and beauty magazine for women. They cover fashion, beauty, art, décor, culture, film, food and literature. They welcome pitches from experienced writers who are familiar with their tone and content. Payment reports suggest that they pay up to $0.80 per word. To learn more, read their writers’ guidelines.
Geist is a Canadian magazine which “represents a convergence of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, art, reviews, little-known facts of interest, cartography and the legendary Geist crossword puzzle.” They require a Canadian connection for all non-contest submissions. However, for contest submissions, such a connection is not required. It is important to note that they do not accept online submissions. The manuscripts can be sent by mail to their editorial board. Our sources suggest that they pay their writers 22 cents per word. For more information, visit their submission guidelines.
Prairie Fire is a Canadian journal of innovative writing that is published four times a year. Each issue is a “mix of fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction.” For Prairie Fire magazine, the print rate for prose is $0.10 per word and for poetry it is $40 per poem. The online rate for interviews is $0.10 per word. Further details about their rates of payment can be found here. While their submission guidelines can be found here.
Kasma Science Fiction Magazine is a free online science fiction magazine based in Canada. They prefer short science fiction of 1000 to 5000 words, though they also consider longer stories and in some rare cases, the shorter ones. They do not publish poetry. They pay their writers a flat rate of $25 (Canadian dollars) per story. They do not pay for blog posts. To get more details, visit their submission guidelines
On Spec is a Canadian quarterly magazine of speculative fiction. They mainly feature work by Canadian writers in the genre they call “fantastic” literature. For poems of 4 to 100 lines, they pay $50. For short-short stories of under 1000 words, they also pay $50. They accept fiction of up to 6,000 words. The rates vary depending on the length of fiction. For example, the rate for 1,000 to 2,999 words is $125, for 3,000 to 4,999 words, it is $175 and for 5,000 to 6,000 words, it is $200. All these rates are in Canadian dollars. Further information can be found here.
The Walrus is a Canadian general interest magazine that “provokes new thinking and sparks conversation on matters vital to Canadians.” They publish short essays, long-form narrative journalism, features, essays, fiction and poetry. Reports suggest that they pay their writers an average of $0.48 per word. To find out more, visit their submission guidelines. If you have difficulty getting paid by this publisher, please contact us. (jacob@freedomwithwriting.com)
Verge Magazine is a magazine that explores opportunities to volunteer, study and work overseas. They prefer articles that inspire people to travel and explore. They pay first-time contributors a rate of $0.10 (Canadian dollar) per word. Regular contributors may be paid more. To learn more, refer to their contributor guidelines.
Wine Maker Magazine is for home wine makers in the U.S. and Canada. They aim to “capture the spirit and challenge of winemaking while helping our readers make the best wine they can.” They pay $50 to $250 per article. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Canadian Women in the Literary Arts wants writing by women, trans, genderqueer, and two-spirit Canadian writers on topics relating to literary arts. Apart from book reviews, possible genres include creative non-fiction, literary criticism, essays, and any innovative, alternative or hybrid genres. Submissions should explore topics related to women and other marginalized groups in literary arts. Submissions can be in English or French. They pay CAD200. Details here.
The Hamilton Review of Books publishes twice annually, in Spring and Fall, and accepts work by Canadian writers. They publish book reviews and long-form essays on works of Hamiltonian, Canadian and international fiction, nonfiction, poetry and graphic novels. Reviews are 500-750 words and pay CAD50. Essays are 1,500-5,000 words and pay CAD75, and focus on a literary subject; authors may, for example, engage with a book’s subject matter as a jumping-off point for a thematic, personal essay. Details here.
Westworld (WW) magazine (the largest-circulation publication in Western Canada) is primarily a travel publication: its editorial content includes local, regional, and international travel stories. WW buys First North American rights for the WW magazine network – all editions (WW may bank a story for one year or more). Payment includes $50 for use on the BCAA, AMA, CAA Saskatchewan and/or CAA Manitoba websites. WW writer fees start at 60 cents per word (85 cents a word in the B.C. edition). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: https://files.caask.ca/Writer%20Guidelines.pdf
Abilities is Canada’s foremost cross-disability lifestyle magazine. Topics include travel, health, sport, recreation, careers, education, transportation, housing, social policy, relationships, technology, family life, movie/book reviews, personality profiles, events and conferences. The magazine has a conversational tone. They’re not looking for personal essays, but encourage writers to draw on their experiences to illustrate a broader topic. They pay a kill fee if negotiated in advance. They pay $50 to $325. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Briarpatch is a Canadian magazine that covers ” current events, grassroots activism, electoral politics, economic justice, ecology, labour, food security, gender equity, indigenous struggles, international solidarity, and other issues of political importance.” They pay $225 for research based articles. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Transition Magazine, published by the Saskatchewan Division of Canadian Mental Health Association, covers mental health issues, including personal stories. They publish fiction, non-fiction, poetry, book reviews, and visual art. They pay $50 per page, up to 15 pages. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Mountain Life Media publishes several magazines that cover outdoor sports related to mountains. Mountain Life Coast Mountains covers British Columbia’s coastal mountain rage. Mountain Life Ontario covers the Georgian bay region of Ontario, particularly Blue Mountain. They pay 30 cents per word for published pieces. To learn more, read their submission guidelines
The Loop is a Canadian website that covers entertainment, fashion, beauty, humor, etc. They have a form on their website for pitches.
Alberta Views is a regional magazine covering the province of Alberta. They publish articles about the culture, politics, and economy of Alberta. Payment is up to 50 cents (CDN) per word for features, and $100 for book reviews. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Alternatives Journal is “Canada’s Environmental Voice.” They cover environmental issues with “ecological, social and economic dimensions.” They pay 10 cents a word, up to 4,000 words. To learn more, red their submission guidelines.
Canadian Newcomer: This magazine covers current events and business news that’s pertinent to a Canadian audience. You can contact their editors here.
Travelweek is Canadian publication that also has a French edition. For forty years, Travelweek has been covering everything from familiarization trips to airlines. They’re always looking for articles relevant to Canadian travel professionals. Website: www.travelweek.ca. Contact their editors here.
Canadian Travel Press is another popular Canadian travel trade publication. Canadian Travel Press is owned by Baxter Media, whose other publication is Travel Courier. In addition to a print edition, they also have a digital version of the magazine. Website: www.travelpress.com Submissions: Send a pitch to ctp@baxter.net, or visit their contact page.
This Magazine is a Canadian progressive magazine of politics, arts and culture. They publish “background and context to ongoing national issues.” To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Outdoor Canada is Canada’s leading magazine for fishing, hunting, and conservation. They cover “what’s happening in the Canadian outdoors from coast to coast to coast.” They pay $400 and up for features. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Senior Care Canada promotes excellence in senior care and facility management. Articles could be for their cover story, features, news or columns, which include The Lighter Side and Coming Events. They also welcome articles for their website. See their guidelines for details about various article lengths, lead times, deadlines for issues and style guide. Details here.
Saltscapes is for and about people on Canada’s East Coast. They focus on the regional’s traditional lifestyle, with bias towards rural life. Articles could be on people, places, history, natural world, food and art. They pay: CAD0.50 to 0.45/word, and CAD0.05/word for non-exclusive web rights. Details here.
Atlantic Business is a Canadian magazine that covers the four Atlantic provinces. They cover all areas of regional business “from technology and business leadership to natural resources and petroleum development.” They pay 40 cents per word. Cover stories are around 3,500 to 4,000 words. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
What’s On Queer BC covers events, news, and general interest articles for the queer community. They pay $50 per post. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
BCAA Magazine is the quarterly magazine published by the BCAA (British Columbia Automobile Association). It is the largest-circulation magazine in Western Canada. It was recently called <spanstyle=’font-weight:normal’>Westworld, </spanstyle=’font-weight:normal’>and this is just speculation, but it was probably renamed because of a certain popular TV show. They reach nearly half a million subscribers each issue. You can read their back-issues here. They are primarily a travel magazine for the region. Pay starts at 60 cents CAD per word. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Grain Magazine (A Journal of Eclectic Writing) is a quarterly Canadian literary journal. Its content includes “engaging, surprising, eclectic, and challenging writing and art” by Canadian and international writers. Editors consider only unpublished manuscripts (fiction and nonfiction) and do not accept simultaneous submissions.NOTE: Grain has a nine-month submissions period from September 1st to May 31st. Submissions received between June 1 and August 31 will be automatically rejected. Payment is $50 per page to a maximum of $250 for manuscripts up to 3,500 words. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://www.grainmagazine.ca/submissionguidelines/.
Boundary Waters Journal is a Canadian print magazine that features articles that “help readers enjoy their trips to canoe country.” What ‘country’ is that? The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), Quetico Provincial Park and Superior National Forest. They pay up to $500 for features. They also pay $50 to $150 for photos. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Faith Today is a bimonthly Canadian general interest magazine connecting Evangelical Christians. Its content includes feature articles, short essays, news, and profiles of Canadian individuals and ministries. Editors buy both first North American serial print rights and perpetual web rights. Payment for most features is $0.25/word (800-1,800 words), essay – $Cdn 0.15/word (650-1,500 words), and reprints – $0.15/word. To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://www.faithtoday.ca/writers.
Boulevard is a Canadian magazine that covers, among other subjects, the art scene in Vancouver Island. While they’re not strictly an art publication, they publish articles that discuss regional art. They pay 25 to 30 cents for features, which are generally 850 words. That length would earn $212 to $255. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Gripped Magazine is a bimonthly Canadian publication for climbing professionals and enthusiasts. Its features, mostly written in the third person and active voice (with Canadian grammar and spelling), “explore the issues, people and places of climbing today.” Departments include Area Profiles (descriptions of the world best climbing places) and Northern Faces (“profiles of the personalities at the heart of Canadian climbing”). Payment is $250 for 1,500-2,500-word features and $150 for 500-1,000-word Departments’ pieces. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: https://gripped.com/contact/editorial/.
OUR HOMES is a quarterly glossy Canadian magazine of premium homes, real estate, and décor. Editors look for “accurate and lively writing that demonstrates knowledge of home building and decoration.” Although articles must include interviews and be based on research, they also must be entertaining. Editors encourage writers to submit their quality photos.Payment is $0.25 per assigned word for freelance writing. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://www.ourhomes.ca/contributors-guidelines.
Your Work Place is a bimonthly Canadian magazine including leading-edge information about trends, management, work/life balance and other similar issues. Editors seek helpful detailed articles written in an “uncorporate, fresh and edgy” voice. As editors stated in their guidelines, “Our content is valuable and not just filler, stimulating and not just idle reading.” Payment is $150-$250 for short articles (500-650 words) and $375-$450 for features (up to 2,500 words). To learn more, read the writers’ guidelines: https://yourworkplace.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Editorial-Guidelines.pdf.
subTerrain (Strong Words for a Polite Nation) is a literary magazine published 3 times per year. Its content includes fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, essays, and commentary. Editors look only for original material and are “happy to consider work from all corners of the identity spectrum.” Payment is $0.10 per word (to a maximum of $500) for fiction (up to 3,000 words), non-fiction (up to 4,000 words), and commentary ((up to 4,000 words). To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: http://subterrain.ca/about/35/sub-terrain-writer-s-guidelines/.
British Columbia Magazine is a regional magazine for the B.C. area. They aim to “entertain and enlighten its readership with realistic profiles of this endlessly fascinating province.” They pay 50 cents per word for features. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Chatelaine is a Canadian magazine that covers the topics of health, fashion, and beauty. They publish briefs, how-tos, and features. For seasonal articles there is a four to six month lead time. They pay $1 per word. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
The Aquarian is a Canadian publication that accepts articles about health and wellness, spirituality and the environment. They are looking for well-researched articles that enlighten, entertain, and inspire. The print version of the Aquarian pays $25 to $100 per 1000 words. http://www.aquarianonline.com/print-writers-guide/ Edit
Wild Northeast is a quarterly magazine that publishes articles on outdoors activities in the northeastern region of the United States and parts of Canada. They are interested in gear reviews and techniques, environmental issues, cultural stories with an outdoors connection, and articles about outdoors activities. Pay is dependent on length and runs from $25-$50 for brief articles (300-600 words) to $125-$150 for features (over 1,000 words). To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.
Western Woods & Waters Magazine covers angling and hunting news in Western Canada. They accept product reviews, outdoors advice, feature articles, and 700-word columns about select outdoors activities. The payment is $150 for a feature article and photo package, and $100 for a column which includes at least three images. To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.
Gripped is a Canadian climbing magazine that covers routes, events, and climbing gear, and profiles of prominent climbers. They pay $250 for features, plus $50 to $200 per photo. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
Northwest Fly-Fishing is a bimonthly magazine covering the Northwest regions of the US and Canada. A compelling publication with stunning photography, Northwest includes feature articles about angling destinations, as well as several other departments. They pay up to $500 for feature articles. For more info, check out the Writer’s Guidelines.
Herizons is a Canadian publication with a feminist readership. Articles about applying feminist principles in work, in relationships and organizations, and in social justice are welcome. They are interested in health, social and political, environmental, equality, justice and spiritual issues, as well as parenting issues and all issues informed by diverse racial and cultural experiences. They want personal experiences, journalism style articles, interviews, articles which bring in current research and a clear feminist perspective. They pay $250 to $550 for features, $175 to $210 for news, $75 for reviews. To learn more, read their submission guidelines.
WestJet Magazine. WestJet is one of Canada’s major airlines. They fly to more than 90 destinations, with a focus on Canada, the US, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Europe. Here are their submission guidelines.
Air Canada’s enRoute Magazine. Air Canada’s magazine reaches over 1 million readers a month. They have an international audience, and high expectations. They accept submissions in a variety of categories. They aim to respond to submissions within 30 days. According to our sources, they pay $1 CDN per word. Be sure to read their full submission guidelines.
Salt (Fine Living and Travel on Vancouver Island) is a semi-annual Canadian magazine published by Page One Publishing, Inc. Articles cover the following topics: “high-end adventures,” regional travel destinations, homes and home décor, local cuisine and beverages, real estate and development, art galleries and shopping. Editors buy only original articles and do not consider simultaneous submissions. Payment is 40 cents per word for features (1,200-3,000 words) and for shorter pieces. To learn more, read writers’ guidelines: https://www.pageonepublishing.ca/handsomehank/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Salt-Submission-Guidelines.pdf?x37414.
Celtic Life International is looking for articles on all aspects of Celtic living, including food, history/heritage, travel, books, and more. They want “writing that demonstrates insight, integrity, and humour.” They pay 20 cents per word (presumably Canadian). To learn more, read Celtic Life International’s submission guidelines.


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