9 Publishers Seeking Pitches from Freelance Writers

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Here’s a list of nine publishers seeking pitches directly from freelance writers. We’ve researched payment rates for all of these publishers, and found their submission guidelines pages, to make it easier to connect with them. Pay varies from $50, up to $300+.

Topics include H.P Lovecraft, technology/communication, art, culture, news, and humor.

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Special thanks to Fatima Saif for her research on this article.

Contextual Alternate is “an independent initiative to archive, generate, and publish critical scholarship at the crossroads of communication, technology, and history.” They welcome submissions to their journal. They want journal articles of at least 5,000 words. They pay an honorarium of £200 per article. To learn more, visit this page.
The Arkham Gazette is “a fan-produced magazine focused on Lovecraft Country, as invented by H.P. Lovecraft and organized by the late Keith Herber in the book series of that name by Chaosium for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game.” They are looking for submissions (ranging from 150 to 15,000+ words) for a number of categories. They pay 4 cents per word. For details, refer to this page.
The Artist & The Viewer, Toronto Art Newspaper is an independent art publication that is making art accessible in Toronto and free at the TTC. They pay contributors for the following art writing segments: post-contemporary (300 to 400 words), the viewer (250 to 400 words), the constructivist (300 to 500 words), and dadada (300 to 400 words). They pay CAD 0.40 per word. Their upcoming deadline is November 22, 2019. To learn more, refer to this page.
SisterShip Magazine is “an Australian and international magazine written by women for women on the water and their families.” They cover sailing, kayaking, water sports, ocean based activities, and more. Writers can submit a story that they have already written, but it’s best to drop them a line. Their longest articles are technical and destination pieces, which are less than 2,000 words. Pay is $35 per page. To learn more, read their contributor guidelines.
theFold is an online magazine by Double Double store (an Australian store that offers curated streetwear and fashion from global designers). They publish “critical and exploratory writing on contemporary culture, broadly defined.” They “welcome writing about art, fashion, architecture, film, music, television, and more.” They are “particularly interested in personal essays that incorporate cultural criticism and critique.” They accept completed articles (1,200 to 1,700 words) and pitches. They pay $300 per article. For details, read their submission guidelines.
Daytripping is a magazine that promotes antique and craft shops, tearooms, stops, towns, events, and museums in Southwestern Ontario. They publish 5 times a year. They are particularly interested in “articles about traveling and discovering ‘small town’ Southern Ontario.” They prefer articles of 500 to 600 words. They pay $25 or $50 per article. Details here.
Rewire is a nonprofit publication that delivers thought-provoking content that inspires young adults to make their lives better. They cover love, relationships, work, money, culture, democracy, and more. Payment reports indicate that they pay up to $0.35 per word. To contact them, refer to this page.
Modern Drunkard Magazine is a humor magazine that is dedicated to the art and culture of drinking. They are looking for pieces about drinking. They publish fiction (1,000 to 4,000 words) and articles (1,000 to 4,000 words). They pay 10 cents per word. For details, read their submission guidelines.
Savage Dawn is “a free system-neutral, and community-driven fantasy setting/expansion that is easy to adapt into any fantasy roleplaying game.” They welcome contributions from all (aspiring) writers and other enthusiasts. They pay $0.05 per word. To learn more, refer to this page.


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