Analog: $2,000 for Short Stories

Analog Magazine, the famous magazine of “science fiction and fact” recently raised their pay rates. They now pay up to $2,000 per story.

Their new rates are 8-10 cents per word, up to 20,000 words.

According to their website:

Analog’s Science Fiction and Fact magazine is an established market for science fiction stories. Analog pays 8-10 cents per word for short fiction (up to approximately 20,000 words), 6 cents per word for serials (40,000-80,000 words), 9 cents per word for fact articles, and $1 per line for poetry. We buy First English Language serial rights plus certain non-exclusive rights explained in our contract.


We publish science fiction stories in which some aspect of future science or technology is so integral to the plot that, if that aspect were removed, the story would collapse. Try to picture Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein without the science and you’ll see what I mean. No story!

They are currently open for submissions.

To learn more, read their submission guidelines.



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