Babble: Now Accepting Submissions

Babble is a website run by Disney, with a focus on parenting, pregnancy, and children. They accept submissions from freelance writers. According to our sources, they pay around $150 for a  1,200 word article.

Recent articles they’ve published have titles such as “5 Weird Things I Do Now That I’m a Parent,” and “The Untold Risks of Waiting to Name Your Baby.”

They post articles in a variety of categories, such as “child development,” “humor, “labor,” and “motherhood.”

Their submission guidelines offer very clear guidelines for how to submit. They include best practices that writers should follow with any submission. I highly suggest reading their guidelines, if only to learn a few things for your next submission to a publication. As an editor, I will tell you that the format they suggest is a very good one.

You can read their submission guidelines here.


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