So many writers don’t even know what a pitch is — and that’s OK!
In fact, that’s why I love working with people new to freelance writing. It is surprisingly easy to learn how to get published again and again…
…if you have the right knowledge, and a little bit of guidance.
The truth is: you don’t need much to get started.
Here’s a short list of what you DO NOT NEED before you get your first paid publication:
- You don’t need to be an expert.
- You don’t need a portfolio.
- You don’t need previous experience as a writer.
The one thing you do need is relatively simple….
You have to learn how to write a good pitch.
So, what is a pitch? In essence, it is a short proposal to an editor that says: “Here’s my idea — can I write it for you?”
It’s that simple. (And that hard.)
Of course — there are so many simple mistakes that are easy to prevent — with a little feedback from an expert.
For example:
- One writer’s pitch sounded just like an advertisement for a travel agency. This was so easy to fix. All it took was one little change.
- Another writer had a great idea for an article — but they killed their chances by offering too much of the right thing. (A very tempting mistake!) Again, a short revision made their pitch much better.
- Yet another writer wrote an amazing pitch, but it was way too long. They had to shorten it the right way. After a little bit of guidance, they got a positive response from the editor.
Once you learn the fundamentals of pitching, a little bit of feedback can make the difference between failure and success. Here’s what one of my students wrote:
You don’t have to spend 20 years learning to pitch!
Yes, it’s true that many writers are able to figure the process out on their own — and that many people do learn on their own.
However, why learn things the hard way, when there’s an easy alternative?
If you really want to make fast progress, then you may as well follow a proven path to success. (And have a coach guide you through the process.)
That’s why I’d love to work with you.
The best part:
You can learn the fundamentals in less than two weeks.
Even better:
You don’t have to pay a penny.
It’s probably not the smartest business plan on my end. (I can hear my accountant groaning.) However, I’m giving you free mentoring and free training for two weeks. Plenty of time to learn the fundamentals — so you can start pitching and getting paid.
To take advantage of this, you just need to join Writing Launch using the coupon code TWOWEEKS
Once you sign up, you can take our seven day crash course on pitching. You can then send me a pitch for feedback, which I’ll happily give you — for free.
If that sounds good, then please learn more about the pitching course right now.
I look forward to working with you!
— Jacob Jans
Writing Launch
PS: The two weeks of mentoring and training are completely free if you use the coupon code TWOWEEKS — click here to sign up with the coupon code prefilled.