Fiction Markets Paying $50 to $220 for October 2019

These markets are open now for fiction submissions and they pay from $50 to $220. A few also accept other genres, like non-fiction and poetry. – S. Kalekar

Inklings Press
They are looking for fiction on pirates for their anthology. Their guidelines say, “Pirates is the theme this time – but pirates in all their richness. Give us regular pirates, ghost pirates, space pirates – more! Anything that fits the general theme of pirates is fair game.” Also, “For graphic content, probably best to think in terms of a PG-13 audience. We don’t tend towards erotica and rarely have characters swearing like sailors though an occasional swear word may be appropriate.”
Deadline: 18 October 2019
Length: Around 5,000 words; will accept stories a little longer or shorter
Pay: $50
Details here.

The Suburban Review
This Australian magazine accepts fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry from all over the world. They are now reading work for their  ‘Unfunded’ issue, which has an open theme. However, they do encourage submitters to think about, and maybe respond to, the changing nature of the Australian (and global) arts economy.
Deadline: 24 October 2019
Length: 500-2,500 words for prose, 1-3 poems, 2-4 pages of comics
Pay: AUD75-150 for prose and poetry, AUD100-200 for comics
Details here.

This is a magazine of speculative flash fiction. They also accept interactive fiction, translations, poetry, and reprint art.
Deadline: 31 October 2019
Length: Up to 1,000 words; up to two flash fiction pieces and five poems
Pay: $60 for fiction, $30 for poetry, $100 for reprint art
Details here.

Mud Season Review
This literary journal publishes fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and artwork. For fiction their guidelines say, “We are looking for fully realized stories that remind us of what it means to be human, that take risks, that show us something new, and that stand up over multiple reads, deepening with each encounter.” They may close a reading period early by genre if volume demands.
Deadline: 1 November 2019
Length: Up to 6,000 words for fiction and non-fiction, 3-5 poems (up to 10 pages)
Pay: $50
Details here.

After Dinner Conversation
They want short fiction in any genre, from any perspective, including stories for children and young adults. Their guidelines say, “The important thing is that it spurs discussions and requires the reader to expand their mind. If you need an example, read “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by the amazing Ursula K. Le Guin or the convenience store scene from Chuck Palahniuk’s “Fight Club.” The point is, the short story should be interesting as a short story, but also have a deeper point for a longer discussion. If you are hurting for deep ideas to write about, you might want to watch these Crash Course videos on Philosophy. Of course, the best thing to do is read other short stories on the website.” They publish only short stories – not poetry, novels, or artwork.
Deadline: Open now
Length: Up to 1,500 words for children’s stories; up to 5,000 words for young adult; 1,500-15,000 words for fiction for adults
Pay: $0.01/word, up to $50
Details here.

Italian America
This is a magazine for people of Italian heritage in the United States. It is a quarterly magazine and the official publication of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA). Apart from features and articles, they also publish fiction. The fiction is translated into Italian and appears on the magazine’s Pagina Italiana. The only requirement for fiction is that the story incorporates something Italian (setting, characters, plot, props, etc.).
Deadline: Ongoing
Length: 450-550 words for fiction
Pay: $50 for fiction, $150-400 for articles and features
Details here.

Short Édition
They want short stories which they can put in short story dispensers, and post on their website. Stories can be in any style or genre, except erotic. Sometimes the issues are themed. They also accept children’s stories and poems. Please note that the length guidelines for these stories specify the number of characters, not words.
Deadline: Ongoing
Length: Up to 8,000 characters for short stories and poems; up to 7,000 characters for children’s stories
Pay: $125 for short stories; $75 for poems
Details here.

Gumshoe Review
This magazine publishes short fiction mysteries, and essays on topics of interest to readers, writers and students of the mystery genre. Their guidelines say, “We’re looking for stories where the investigator is the protagonist, or at least a significant character, and the focus is on solving a solving a crime, or getting someone out of a jam, or seeking some sort of justice.”
Deadline: Ongoing
Length: Up to 1,000 words for both fiction and non-fiction
Pay: $0.05/word, up to $50
Details here.

Burbon Penn
They want highly imaginative stories with a healthy dose of the odd. They want genre/speculative stories and they are “quite partial to slipstream, cross-genre, magic realism, absurdist and the surreal.” Deadline: Ongoing
Length: 2,000-7,500 words
Pay: $0.01/word
Details here.

They want stories and features for children aged 8-13 years, the majority being in the 9-12-year range. Stories should not have not been published or made available in Great Britain. They do publish some two- part stories, but they must be especially exciting as they have to hold our readers’ interest over two issues. Each instalment should be a satisfying read in its own right, and the first instalment should end in way that leaves the reader wanting more.
Deadline: Ongoing
Length: 1,050-1,150 words per instalment for stories; 800 for features
Pay: £90 per short story; £180 (about $220) for a two-part story; £90 per feature
Details here and here.


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