Get Paid to Write Personal Essays for BuzzFeed

READER, the digital home for BuzzFeed News’s personal essays, cultural criticism, fiction, and poetry, accepts submissions from freelance writers.

This is not the typical “clickbait” BuzzFeed. They focus on longform articles, with thoughtful premises and quality writing. Not that they don’t have an element of that attention-grabbing style BuzzFeed is known for –– but it is more toned down.

They say they pay competitive rates. Reports indicate BuzzFeed pays an average of $0.25 a word, but it does vary.

According to the submission guidelines for READER:

“We’re thrilled to work with and publish celebrated authors, but that’s only part of the story. READER’s editors also eagerly welcome incisive, beautiful essays — both personal and critical — from freelance contributors.”

They accept pitches for personal essays, cultural criticism, and blends of both.

If your pitch is accepted, they’ll get back to you in two weeks.

They also have helpful examples of the type of article they’re looking for on their submission guidelines page, as well as instructions for sending them a pitch. Learn more here.


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