Here’s how to get paid to write – even if you’re starting from scratch.

Does the thought of marketing your freelance writing business inspire anxiety attacks? Do you dream of grabbing certain gigs, only to pass them by because you’re not sure what to say, or who to reach out to? Do you spend more time looking for template letters so you know what “real writers” send to potential clients than you do actually contacting clients?

Then The Freelance Writer’s Success Formula – The Step-By-Step Guide to Freelance Writing is for you.

This book is designed primarily for beginners, people who are either just getting started in their freelance writing career or who are not getting the gigs they want. The idea is to give you a quick, easy way to find some great gigs and to do so on a regular basis. The goal is also to ensure that you don’t feel any fear or hesitation when you get ready to contact potential clients, even if they don’t have an existing freelancer’s job post floating around out there somewhere.

By the time you’re done reading this book you’re going to know exactly what to do. The process of getting a gig will be boiled down to a simple, easy formula that anyone can follow. And you’ll never, ever need to be afraid of looking foolish when you reach out to editors or potential clients, ever again.

You’ll be able to read this book in a short afternoon – and then be armed with the knowledge you need to get started right away. This book is not a full length course, such as The No B.S. Course on Freelance Writing, but it is enough to give you a solid foundation, so you can begin pursuing your freelance writing career.

Get Your Copy Here: The Freelance Writer’s Success Formula – The Step-By-Step Guide to Freelance Writing


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