The Fountain Magazine has announced it’s annual essay contest. This year, the theme is “Revival.” The contest is open to writers from around the world, with “There is no age limit or a condition to fulfill for entry.”
According to the contest page:
“After a long dormancy in this Covid era, our lives seem to be taking off for a fresh start. Vaccination is speeding up, people are mostly cautious in their interactions with less handshakes and kisses, and despite ups and downs in new cases and deaths, signs for “revival” are getting more visible every passing day.
- What does revival mean to you? How do you revive?
- Is getting back to “normal” a revival when there is a new normal every day? What is your new normal?
- Having faced the reality of death grievously during the pandemic, what would “revival” mean to those who lost their lives and to their loved ones left behind?
- How has your perception of life changed as we have realized our fragility and could not prevent the loss of millions?
- Do you believe in revival after death, and how did you rely on these beliefs during the pandemic?
Writing is an important to heal ourselves. We are expecting your essays on “revival” to hear your story which can be a source of healing for you and others.”
The deadline to enter the contest is April 1st, 2022.
To learn more, and to participate, visit this page.