The Prism Prize for Climate Literature: $1000 and Publication

The Prism Prize for Climate Literature is open for submissions until January 8th, 2022.

Hosted by Homebound Publications, which seeks to promote and support fiction, literary nonfiction, and poetry in the genre of climate literature.

The contest is sponsored by The Wayfarer’s environmental editor Gail Collins Ranadive.

The total value of the prize is $1,000. The contest is open to writers in the U.S. and the U.K.

According to the contest page:

Our climate crisis is as multifaceted as a beam current sunlight passed through a prism: each refracted color reflects another dimension to be creatively examined: science, weather, politics, psychology, sociology, eco-justice, biodiversity, agriculture, ocean acidification, economics, ecology, environmentalism, energy, extinction events, spirituality, ethics, morality, infrastructure, sustainability, activism, solutions…

Potential climate writers need not be intimidated by a perceived need for extensive research. Just start where you stand, and write out of your experience and expertise.

How does climate change affect who you are, what you care about, where you live, why you do what you do, and how you view the future?

Through intuition, insight, integration and imagination, creative climate writing could help awaken a critical climate consciousness and inspire action equal to the greatest challenge humankind has ever had to face.

This will be the third annual prize.

To enter the contest, entrants will need to submit:

  • Cover Letter
  • Final and Complete Manuscript (Preferably no more than 75,000 words for nonfiction or fiction submissions and no more than 125, 8.5 x 11 pages for poetry.)
  • Market assessment and/or statement of marketing intentions.
  • Biographical statement and/or CV
  • 300 DPI Headshot Jpeg

To learn more, read the contest guidelines here.


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